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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/852338-Design-of-messtheory-History-of-Byztander-strories---NOWs
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#852338 added June 24, 2015 at 9:55am
Restrictions: None
Design of messtheory; History of Byztander strories - NOW's.
Life has a certain flavour to it.

We seem to notice some present moments more than others. Take for instance the time you kicked your shins. Or that extra hot chilli soup that was so tasty, but so painful. Those moments became amplified NOW'S. They became etched moments in memory.

NOW's were variable right from the beginning. But there was a time when each now, or each extra tasty munchment wasn't able to be shared unless via the club over the head method.

Of course, this was long before writing, paper, hammers or chisels, stone or even beads on string were invented.

Shadows of Dementia  (E)
Time between entries...2007-2013! Nothing will prepare you for this...NOTHING i tell you!!
#1310146 by Sparky

Yes, this was back before fire was invented, and when the sun rose in the NORTH. NOW is almost NORTH. That's because the growth and development of NOW's as we know them began in the NORTH. That's where it was coldest. That is where there was the most need for closeness, for loudest grunting, and for something to make life tolerable. These were the very ancient stirrings of NOVELISTS. NORTH. NOW. It all makes sense if you look at it from NOW, in our day.

They needed fire. They needed it NOW.

Ever noticed this shady era in history? Back in Gaulish times, when Asterix and Obelix weren't even thought of, and even long before Getafix stirred his first cauldron (as a sniffling nosed child while clutching at his cave parents' leather girdles), (eoorrrrrrxxx take a breath from the run on sentence!) there were groups of makers.

These makers began processes that four saw (depending on the number of dwellers in a cave but usually four because of quantum matricks mekanix); and thus - the flexible matter of the foreseeable universe became reality.

Mum lit the fire.

A very distant relative of mine was there. He saw it. He also felt it as Mum clubbed him over the head, for not lighting the fire and misunderstanding her grunts commanding him to do his single chore. However, she didn't give him too many hits with the club, firstly because spades hadn't yet come about in packs of cards, and secondly because he had gathered the sticks as she'd gruntedly *arksed him. (*It was arksed back then too by the way, just so you know. There was not yet a Grammar.)

The first fire was kindled. Seriously, who knows who went to gather those first sticks, and who came up with the idea of applying sparks (or Sparky 's) to dry flammable material? No. However it came about isn't important. What is important is that a warmth was created that drew cold feet together, reduced hand rubbing when folks tried to use friction to warm their frostbitten mitts; a medium was borne that we'd do well to remember.

I kid you not. Without the first fire being inventoried, there would be NO story telling, except a few frozen teeth chatters.

Some of those pre-byztander era grunt together sessions were called strories, (not yet defined exactly as the later "story").

The cambryzantine generation somehow labelled them, but that method is not yet known as they had not pens or pencil to scribble even a supermarket list.

These strories were early creations that grunted into existence the first dirt of mouth. Later these developed into a more recognisable "word of mouth" manifestation, a cleaner version chatter. Chatters were much later titled "Chapters".

There were much cleaner particularly if flea infestations were only physical demonstrations of itchy armpit aerobics, and not the fully fledged Paralytic Parasitic Pandemonium Age.



"Barbour’s Nows can be imagined as pages of a novel ripped from the book’s spine and tossed randomly onto the floor. Each page is a separate entity existing without time, existing outside of time. Arranging the pages in some special order and moving through them in a step-by-step fashion makes a story unfold."

Who'd like a fun writing exercise. In the following video you can have a go at writing some dialogue, conversations or personification from the different perspectives.

1. The pilot
2. The sightseer/paying customer
3. The windblown cat
4. The aircraft
5. The control tower
6. The cat's owner (if there is/was one)
7. Afterwards


You could also have a go at writing about the interaction between the two people who filmed the "reaction" video. What were each of them really thinking about:

A. The other
B. Themselves
C. The cat
D. The pilot
E. The sightseer
F. The plane
G. Bacon
G. Bacon
H. Um...bac...no, no, viewers from a passing jet liner full of business people and tourists.

We surely are surrounded by many many NOW's.

Because now, this blog entry is going to be complete. And not long after that now, I'll be hitting the sack. Then, another now will be falling asleep.

But, of course, my NOW's don't concern you because your NOW's are happening simultaneously.

I wonder how many flames are among the quantum physical worlds and that of Einstein's theory of relativity.

Time may be an element that is missing, (I can't help but strongly believe this because try getting somewhere such as work on time, or getting 5 minutes extra sleep- the time just disappears) but what about flames of creativeness?

What about that flamin' good idea in each of your novels?

Years ago they tried to put this theory to some sort of practical use. You know...burning all the books etc. The merging of flaming thoughts blended with pages of novels fluttering higher on the hot air currents, well, the effort was concerted. You can see that. History sometimes tries to teach stuff, but it's only when we sit in a drowsy monotone class room setting that you fully KNOW how long historical stuff has sat around, how may aeons people have left their bits and pieces fall over into other quantum universes and ziptillions of NOW's.

Even our very children, our progeny, are prodigies when it comes to flapping sectors of their lives overlapping the chaos theory of other regions, sub regions and continental shelf sized acreages of aligned architectural masses of their siblings works, their other theories of relative mess. And strange cat ladies.

Yes, the NOW's of today's teenagers hark back directly to the gene pool of bygone eras, byztander age, Pre-fire sale age, even Pre-book sale age.

Harrod's was not even a glimmer in someone's mum's eye.

But, we CAN try to get those moments, those NOW'S, the good ones at least, to stay with us.
We can but try.


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Disclaimer. Yes. Nothing is true unless NOW continues, and so far, nobody has been able to hold onto the moment.

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Sparky has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/852338-Design-of-messtheory-History-of-Byztander-strories---NOWs