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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/852548-Heres-to-you-Winnie-Kay-My-favourite-Editor--Paracetamol
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#852548 added June 26, 2015 at 10:45am
Restrictions: None
Here's to you, Winnie Kay. My favourite Editor & Paracetamol
Do you ever get a song stuck in your head, even though you aren't that fussed on the band or singer/s. It just keeps coming back and the melody clangs around in your skull until you do a little protest - ever so gently.


(My wife said this recently, or said she disliked it intensely anyway. Same thing)

Some things in life are like that; a headache. Every time you think on whatever, on the task, you want to run from it.

(I very much like Twenty One Pilots, in case you didn't know by now. Tyler's poetic singing and Joshua's intense drumming; they fit so well together- seamlessly)

Migraines seem to come at unwelcome times: when you want to go on holiday and there's lots to organise, arrange, remember and forget. You should be de stressing, not be distressed. Nothing worse than being out in public and finding your head is pounding, you feel sick and sweating, and you can't even walk straight or drive back home.

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With writing, one headache I have is dates and ages. I started with a framework. You know, the first page or two with a narrative hook snagging your oblivious reader, and then you cog into the first meaty bits of a decent plot. The ideas have to be realistic, yet different enough to be interesting, captivating, capturing, compelling, commanding, cementing.

But getting them in my head is a juggle and trying to keep a handle on research; making sure if the events you based some stuff on did happen on whatever date. Some things you can twist and force to comply to your ideas, in the story.

People's ages and the laws of the land are set and forget. You cannot change this stuff.

My head aches thinking about people reading my novels only to send letters or emails telling me that someone was the wrong age or couldn't have done that then because it didn't happen for another 10 years in reality.

I'm not being sarcastic when I say I value a good editor. I'm not one.

I'll leave any sarcasm to the writer of the letter in the following link. Or is it sincere? That's the thing with using translators and guessing what the meaning of text really entails.


According to google translate it goes something like this:

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! Along with all the Russians, with deep emotion and hope, I am following your transition into a new age category.

More recently, we all thought it was your own business - you fifty, sixty, or ninety-eight. But you convinced us. Now this - the burning question for the whole of Russia. Otherwise, probably already do. With balanced feelings gaze into the life line of their benefactors citizens of Belarus, Uzbekistan, Nigeria, Cuba and other progressive countries with a life term happiness.

The citizens of Egypt and Libya, its natural orphanhood did not wait, we decided to speed up; Syrian citizens in the process of clarifying the terms ... Home, Vladimir Vladimirovich. I think: do not give up living. Not for what it is. You're not Clinton to lecture in retirement, leaving his wife on the farm. Well you know its range - do I expect souls to the light looked to a single bright spot! Classmate Bastrykin first you wanted and announce. So - no compromises, only sole power!

Let's look at things positively: so far things are going pretty well. Russia is aging and deteriorating. A couple of decades, under your leadership - and hence leave back home last inhabitants of the Sakharov Avenue, and the rest will die happily. Nothing will stop to enjoy life. Sakharov Avenue by the time we rename the prospectus Suslov because pretending to be not in front of anyone.

The Lord will not leave Russia, and send it the correct price per barrel to enough and you on the list of "Forbes", and the service staff at the hacienda, and yap shut ... to state to state - being unpretentious, he will be glad of any indexation, as if straight out of your hands so this is happiness! A couple of meetings with the kids, kissed Bellies - and your mother. The ninetieth birthday of Victory in the Great Patriotic War will be possible to dramatically increase the payments to war veterans.

In general, all nishtyak. Yes, and figs with it at all, with Russia - is also a reason to be distracted me from succeeding fate! I think: it is necessary to fall on another spirituality plus the protection of nature. It is necessary to something to occupy the rest of days. Your Celestial Curle set the bar high, but something else came up with. Closer to the eightieth can try to swim, surrounded by cameramen of the First Channel, something like the Yangtze - in primitive societies is highly appreciated masculinity leader. Pereplytie river, climbing to the top of the wedding a young beautiful ... In which case you can just take Viagra and undress at the rally on Poklonnaya Hill - ranking jump, too. We are people of some simple, we like simple ways of persuasion. "

The Lord will not leave Russia, and send it the correct price per barrel to enough and you on the list of "Forbes", and the service staff at the hacienda, and to state yap shut ... " In general, you do not hesitate to contact us. The simpler, more reliable. The main thing - take care of yourself.

We do not have anywhere you can see for yourself. And who are we to allow it. Be sensitive to others - others may have plans for your life.
Healers, astrologers, psychics, clairvoyants ... - all this should keep you out of an unfortunate accident, sometimes occurring with those who decided to stay in power for ever. They must also safeguard you against a certain number of ghosts that could spoil your more sensitive old dream - and you stand in the queue and the sailors of "Kursk", and the children of Beslan, and the whole Chechen people ...

Some people say that they saw in the queue Anatolia Sobchak, but the details are verified. In general, those who live to isolation, waiting for a lot of interesting things. And yet - just stay healthy, Vladimir Vladimirovich.!

Now, if I have basic stuff wrong in my stories people will get headaches of confusion.

We don't want that.

I recommend Winnie Kay as a thorough Editor and a lovely person. But that's me. You won't know that unless you too get your stuff edited by her professional service. All the bases are covered, and you too can be at peace with your comma, punctuation and grammar nightmares.

That's how I feel about trusting however many years it has been of my time and tears, shrieks and fears; trusting all this to a person I've never met. Crazy but true. Do it.

Today's blog is a bit hashed together because I've been out cutting firewood. Yes, some manual labour for once. Driving tractors, forklifts, sorting potatoes, using chainsaws and walking around in high viz, steel capped work boots trying not to slip over in the mud.

For this reason, being tired and all that jazz, I've just copied a bunch of links from my notepad that I've been saving up for a while and throwing them out there like thought confetti. Perhaps you'll get something from them. perhaps they'll be like lumps, cords of firewood jammed into your heads, stoked up with a red hot poker, so that your head heats up with accelerated THINKING. You'll suddenly be flying through a space filled with shiny coals and millions of potential dollars, all screaming past so fast that you won't know how to record them all.

Yes. You'll have a headache and know that it was my fault. I've become a headache. People can do that, eh? The person who comes into your work place brimming with cheerfulness and new ideas. A know it all perhaps, but maybe just passionate about what they are doing. You just want to do tha job n go 'ome. You're tired. You're sick of all this beep.

You, dear reader, have a migraine. Well, get yourself an editor. A good editor. Make the changes needed because that's why you bought advice in the first place, right?

Someone can generate ideas where no obvious source existed. Someone else can still drink the water that drove that generation, still enjoy what comes after. There was power lost but something gained, your brain inflamed by that insane pain of original thought.

Does thought hurt some people? Does thinking take such effort, such concentration, such focus, that it becomes a physical repulsion?

Electricity generation comes about by attraction and repulsion. Our brains and nervous system (one and the same- recently proven that the nerves and brain are directly connected - oh Einstein has done it again)


I must have been impressed by the fastcoexist website with a second entry stuffed into the notepad bag.


This idea should be tried in every city and town. Except the flies would all come in in Queensland and NSW.
Plus no body would sit on the outside seat even if you paid them. You'd look like a tool, plus desperate for a girlfriend / boyfriend or just any friend.

Originally I searched for alternative energy generation, not idea generation, and definitely not headaches or migraines. But when someone calls their YouTube channel Angry Ram, you feel compelled to look further. You get curious about their other stuff.

There was this gem.

Rams, goats, writers, promissory notes. All potential headaches. All need some version of EDITING.

For the calming of some people's nerves, there is the electronic cigarette. High tech generation so that you can feed your habit precisely. Let's hope this takes the headache away. Personally, I'd prefer a good editor any day.

18+ years old for this link, sorry younger folks.


What is eLiquid?

eLiquid is the fluid that fuels the Electronic Cigarette. It is what provides the nicotine solution and the flavoring to your Electronic Cigarette. It creates the vapor in which you exhale that mimics the traditional smoke from analogue cigarettes.

Then there is E liquid. PRIUS E liquid for fruit tasting smokes. Sometimes I wonder what planet I've been on to not have heard of a lot of this stuff before today. It gives me a headache thinking about fruit tasting cigarettes though.

Smokers. Do yourself a flavour and eat some real fruit. Go do some proper stuff to calm your nerves. Tobacco is just an illusion, the same as going to a Casino to win money.

You are having yourself on. Self deluded mate.

Refresh your brain cells and memory, with fresh JUICE. Not this stuff. Bleah.


More solutions for the headaches of $ or lack of. Bill$. Who needs that migraine starter?

This, I learned, is what a Pelton wheel is:


Different types of turbine. Francis. Kaplan. Pelton.




Matt Damon certainly tells it how it is. Do we write and have a lot of headaches but get over them quickly with a good editor, because we worry about being unemployed? Do we do this stuff as a form of fleeing destitution? Do we want to be novelists for the JOB SECURITY?



Sometimes humour gives me a headache. I think I need a packet of Edits. Sounds like a paracetamol brand. I might copyright that name.

Edits. For the metallic, red-eye, career lagging MIGRAINE. You KNOW you need relief.

Edits. The medicine of Easiness.

Just occurred to me, ok? Is it the Edits or the Editor that brings relief? I know I'll lie awake in the dark, brow furrowed from...Anyway.

Maybe it's like having a mum. And I respect Matt for defending his mum. If that's what he was doing. Perhaps he was just being real.

Headaches can't be bent to our will. We can't invent a novel idea for a novel and then alter facts to fit our nifty idea. As I said at the beginning of this mixed up blog entry.

I hope you got something from this. If not, take a run around the block, or a Herron. I won't be responsibilty


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