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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#853174 added August 5, 2015 at 9:49am
Restrictions: None
Jibble Jabble Mick and Muck.... a little of Everything...
Today's blogs.... and yesterdays... cause I forgot to post it.

Welcome To My Reality – Week Eighty!

1. Check out the One Spark Foundation at www.1spark.net or visit their FB Page. They are about igniting sparks in individuals to complete a random act of kindness. Lots of inspiration there if you choose to read. My challenge to WTMR Members is to complete one Random Act of Kindness each week for the month of July. You don't have to tell us what you did or for who but rather write about your personal experience and how it made you feel. Is it something you will do again? why or why not? You may also choose to share your spark with the spark foundation in order to inspire others to do the same. There is no spark too small and they do not have to involve money, another great use of your creativity here!

I absolutely love this idea. Doing something for someone else regardless the size of the kindness feels good... whether it's giving a few cents to the person in front of you who is a little short, helping someone get a bag of milk out of one of those awkward buckets when they are in a wheelchair or simply saying hi to some kids just chilling on the sidewalk (who are greeting everyone going by) - it all adds up to smiles and love. Sparks set off other sparks as we pay it forward. I am so up for this challenge.

2. Tell us what your favourite part of summer is and why.

Summer is supposed to be carefree and open to possibility... and it was at one time for me. But now... I may not have to worry about supply calls at random hours or working with unruly kids for a day, but I do have to wait and watch for Long Term Teaching Positions to be posted and apply. Oh the joy of looking for work and interviewing stress! Ahhhh!

Summer is less income for me... and I often find that even though I have the 'time off' I feel I am always waiting for what my husband wants to do because he has holidays. Because of this I don't look for summer work... and though I manage to keep myself busy I find I get bored.

This year things are not going so well with my husband and I. I am full of worry and anxiety. Not sure if I should try to find another job - something with flexibility to give me time to supply teach or whether I should give up that dream and aim for something outside of the teaching profession. Getting something would mean not being able to take a vacation... but right now my husband is not too thrilled with doing anything with me anyway... so what do I do?

Summer is really not my favourite season.

4. List your top 10 reasons for writing.

1. Learning what I really want in life. Putting words and feelings down on paper makes you think and evaluate what is really important. It forces me to face issues that keep coming up.
2. An outlet for creative expression
3. A way to connect with others by writing about things that resonate with others
4. I love to tell stories
5. I love to create characters and put them into situations and see how things work out
6. An outlet for my feelings - letting the words find themselves
7. A way to listen to my inner wisdom - find the answers I seek
8. To write my memories of my experience down - people, place and things that matter to me.
9. A way to build my confidence in myself and my abilities as a writer but in other areas as well
10. Because it is fun.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 482

Prompt: In the Washington Post today: β€œNew research suggests nature walks are good for your brain.” What do you think about this finding, and do you take nature walks at all?

I like this prompt so I am going to write to it... even though it was from several days ago. I am also going to go on a bit of my own tangent... because I need to today.

I love taking nature walks. The rhythmic motion is soothing... walking meditation, so to speak.... Also soothing is the scenery and the bird song. Enclosed in a world both within and outside of the chaos of the regular world. Walking in nature puts you back in touch with what is important... God and his creation... within each and every little thing; all made for a purpose and for beauty. God is an artist, a creator.
I love how Julia Cameron writes about how we serve God in honouring and using our gifts to create.

These are the Creative Affirmations Julia Cameron proposes (on page 36-7 in The Artist's Way):

1. I am a channel for God's creativity, ad my work comes to good.
2. My dreams come from God and God has the power to accomplish them.
3. As I create and listen, I will be lead.
4. Creativity is the creator's will for me.
5. My creativity heals myself and others.
6. I am allowed to nurture my artist.
7. Through the use o fa few simple tools, my creativity will flourish.
8. Through the use of my creativity, I serve God.
9. My creativity always leads me t truth ad love.
10. My creativity leads me to forgiveness and self-forgiveness.
11. There is a divine plan of goodness for me.
12. There is a divine plan of goodness for my work.
13. As I listen to the creator within, I am led.
14. As listen to my creativity I am led to my creator.
15. I am willing to create.
16. I am willing to learn to let myself create.
17. I am wiling to let God create through me.
18. I a willing to be of service through my creativity.
19. I am willing to experience my creative energy.
20. I am willing to use my creative talents.

I needed to write these out today. Julia Cameron also clarifies that God, for those who are not believers, can be viewed as Good Orderly Direction. God is creator... but for whatever your faith, it is that spiritual part of you that is creative and connected to all humanity.

I may just need to revisit The Artist's Way to pull myself out of my latest funk. It is also important to note that our creativity does not just have to be a painting or a poem... it can be creating a wonderful meal for your family or figuring out a problem in a new way. Our creative gifts are too numerous to list... the thing is to do them mindfully and give thanks for the ability to do so.

For me, nature walks allow communion with God. They allow me to think without the distractions of the chaotic world and that allows me to figure out who I am and what my purpose is here in this place.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 484

Prompt: What are the most memorable things you have ever got in the mail?

As a child I always wanted to get something in the mail that was addressed to me. The first memorable thing that I remember was a magazine subscription to the Highlights magazine. I managed to talk my father into getting it for me through the book sheets you get each month at school. Each month I got something of my very own in the mail and I read it from cover to cover. I think I was about eight or nine... the year after my parents separated.

© Copyright 2015 πŸ’™ Carly - aka Joan Watson (UN: carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
πŸ’™ Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/853174-Jibble-Jabble-Mick-and-Muck-a-little-of-Everything