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by Sparky Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#853886 added July 10, 2015 at 3:35am
Restrictions: None
One problem I see with the world we live in is the love of money, and the entrenched attitude that without it, or without the machine of today's society, we cannot survive.

Is that idea rubbish?


Money is just a way of trading where we can isolate ourselves from having to be involved in a less than favourable activity. That sounds right.

The currency of money is different in most countries. The currency of money in the broader sense can be many things also.



noun, plural currencies.
something that is used as a medium of exchange; money.
general acceptance; prevalence; vogue.
a time or period during which something is widely accepted and circulated.
the fact or quality of being widely accepted and circulated from person to person.
circulation, as of coin.

There is the restriction of the trade of currency, and restriction of the ability to get whatever it is in the first place.

Note that the Australian dollar value has plummeted in reaction the Greece's "no" answer to a monetary bailout. Money tied to attitude like a slaves chain.

There can be the money of appearances. Do we trade in the commodity of how we look to others? Are we a slave to THIS currency?
Do we want to always appear to be in control, to be hip, to be up with the latest, to be an object of admiration to our peers and public?

Are we in a chain gang, prisoners of the currency of superiority?

Perhaps many people, particularly in the more "affluent" societies, are jailed in lands of standards of living expectations, standards of safety, standards of whatever. These standards are set by people who are highly educated. Perhaps they are also insulated by their comforts of home, job and appearance before others. Insulation, or prison, all this can add up to a treadmill where everyone is forced to run with the status quo.

If someone goes against the tide, like a spawning fish in its unerring journey up an icy waterfall of some mountain stream, they become instant fodder for the bear (market?).

They become targets because everyone would like to remain comfortable with the currency they know. They love their money too much.




Yes, it is an allusion to the biblical reference; "The love of money is the root of all evil."

Let's point at the "love of safety" and "zero deaths = happiness" ideas.

Where has the fun and self paced learning of our children disappeared? Why are we slaves to this idea that nobody is to die, at any price. Perhaps this currency sets the "price" way to high to the point of miserable populace who have no recourse to protest, and so just shuffle along with the rest of the boring, bored, mediocre crowd of suburban "nice" people.

I noticed the spectre of these fun police when favourite steam locomotives disappeared from our parks across Australia, to be replaced by, at first, treated pine and wire rope contraptions, and then replaced again by plastic and stainless steel designs with soft landing landscaping where no child will every be injured or even feel any sensation except happiness, again.

The currency of cotton wool. The currency of "little johnny". The currency of squeaky clean perfect lives where rigid standards and ideas hold captive families in lives planned down to the last squirt of suntan lotion.
Can't have any melanomas, can we? Oooops, no vitamin D. Tablets! Shovel 'em in. And wash your hands again!


Folks across the globe. Wake up to ourselves! Take a long look at what we are thinking, then what we are doing, who we are controlling, and where our accusing fingers are curled, pointing back at ourselves!

Let's laugh at the old ways, such as seen in Russia. Seems like a living museum we can poke fun at. Yes. It DOES look like fun!

If you've ever doubted the seriousness of the consequences of bipolar episodes and depression, then take a read of what happened here. There's always the "if-only's" but how could this be foreseen?
No one laughing at this park. Our hearts cry out, sharing the grief for the boy, for the mum and for the day, for the grandma. Blame doesn't cut it here.


The currency of sorrow shouldn't be shared with the currency of blame.

The currency of prevention cannot imprison humans in rigid webs, and rob them of the currency of fun, the currency of loving kindness, the currency of second chances, the currency of compassion, the currency of allowance, the currency of recognition of the family unit.

King Human works the currency of trying to help people, especially sick kids, using the currency of honesty, which I tend to believe, having read various positive comments on other YouTube channels completely independent of his.
His money making ideas may not all work or none of them work but there's no big deal in trying them.

Also, try a bit of the currency of humour. Loosen up a little. Yep. Be seriously entertained, even if his head is a bit hairless and in your face baldish. I've tried but I'm blowed if I can see even a bit of fuzz on his head. He must shave it super regularly. Either that or bathe daily in loose change that keeps the hair worn completely off his brain cover.

Language warning.

The currency of paranoid conspiracy theories and outer space vampiric alien demons caught by dogs in a Texas wheat field (or whatever-who cares!)


Speaking of King Human and fiction and the love of money (not that money isn't necessary and useful in its place) what is this super money list I keep hearing about?

I'm looking at it and wondering if its just a well publicised scam, and what would happen if I tried it myself?

I mean, 2 cups of coffee and a lammington (coconut and chocolate covered cube of sponge cake) or $9 AUD doesn't seem much for learning a way to make butt loads of cash.

Or is it like another get rich quick scam that I tried and found it sucked big time, with one after the other pop up ads demanding another fee to access the next screen?

You know, the love of money is one thing, as is the indignant, sometimes self righteous, postulating that we shouldn't love it.

Being able to pay the bills is quite another, and something I don't think anyone should feel guilty or ashamed of wanting to do. As a breadwinner for your own folks, whether guys or gals, we all know how good it feels to be able to pay our way, do it ourselves etc.

I'm tempted to give this a go, record it step by step here, and see if it works for me.


Nah. I spent the $9 on a couple of cups of coffee instead. And the investment paid off straight away. A caffeine buzz!

In the Old Testament there was a law something along the lines that debts be forgiven after 7 years. Imagine if that was the case these days? The Loaner would make sure the borrower could pay it off before the money was lent.

The currency of brotherly love = forgiving someone a debt, or lending them something without expecting any repayment ever.

It would be better for all of us if that at least applied to how we live.
Money is required to make sure people pull their weight. But foreseeing the full repayment of debt causes the lender to assess capability.

Therein would be no excuses either way. Except coffee.

The currency of confusion is free; that's why my blogs contain lots of it.
Also, there is no green pills.


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