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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/853959-Friday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#853959 added July 10, 2015 at 5:30pm
Restrictions: None
Not getting much logged in here again. It sure seems like a constant battle between my time and work time. I have reduced my hours and changed my shift to try and get a foothold in this time management battle, but so far it's still got me pinned down. I even hired an extra person for the summer, to reduce my hours and have someone on hand if the other problem employee doesn't show up. Well, it looked good on paper.

He trained and tested the Monday before the Fourth, then worked some on the job training on Friday the third. He was also schedule to work some on the job training on Monday the sixth, but had to take the day off at the last minute for a doctor appointment that he found out about at the last minute. He was then scheduled to start his regular shift on yesterday. Rhonda went in to go through an opening with him, and he never showed up. Both Rhonda and I tried calling him all through the day, but didn't get any answer.

Finally, last evening, Rhonda called his mother, listed as an emergency contact. We thought he must have been in an accident or something, since we had not been able to reach him and had not heard anything from him. Shortly after she talked to his mom, who stated she had talked to him Wednesday night, he sent me a text. Before I finished reading it, he called Rhonda, claiming he had been in Iowa for a funeral and just got back yesterday; he had also just found his cell phone.

To me, it all sounded like a lot of B-S, but it was possible he did have to go out of town for a medical appointment on Monday, and he could have been at a funeral, as he claimed. But, he claimed he sent a text; one that I did not receive. He also claimed to be in Iowa until Thursday, but his mother had talked to him on Wednesday and didn't have any idea why we couldn't reach him. Also, he has stated a few things that just set off my B-S indicator.

So, this messed up my last day off. I was up at five over the ordeal, and spent a great part of my day trying to get some answers. It also messed up Rhonda who ended up not assisting him for a half hour doing an opening, but instead ended up working for him. She had not anticipated being at work for very long, so she had not brought anything along in with her. Nothing to drink, eat, and none of her equipment. Luckily, we have extra equipment at work, and I try and keep a few bottles of water on hand, just in case someone needs a drink and can't get a break to go get something.

Today was a repeat on doing an opening with him. Again, since I work this evening, Rhonda went in. This time she was prepared, just in case. It was a good thing she was, he didn't show again. He had not sent any text or called, but claimed he had been there at five and no one unlocked the door. Rhonda called him and he ended up clocking in a half hour late. She gave him the riot act, and reviewed protocol procedure of calling in, making sure any call or text is verified, and what happens if the morning guard is late. Luckily there was not any bill-back to our company since Rhonda was there to fill in right away.

This is a clean cut young man, very polite and who seems to be very responsible. It really doesn't make sense, but the proof is in the pudding, or what ever the saying is; I've always liked pudding, still do, but have never seen any proof in it.Anyway, he just doesn't seem like the kind of person who would screw up like this. If he's telling the truth, he's been through basic military training and had to take a leave of absence due to a death in the family and hardships for his mother. In talking with him, he's very respectful and seems to have a good sense of self discipline.

But, actions do speak louder than words, and he has screwed up twice already, and is just getting started with our company. So, I ended up going in this morning and laying it on the line for him. I simply told him the way it is; if the morning guard is not there by five o'clock, the store manager goes out and opens the guardhouse and the gates. this results in our company being billed for the time a guard is not on site. Since the store manager has other things he should be doing, he then calls me, and tells me there is not a guard on duty.

This starts a chain reaction. First, I close at night now, so any calls at five in the morning are going to wake me up. I have had this happen, and it does not go over well with me at all. I have to scramble to get my stuff ready for work, get a thermos of coffee, and then race in to cover the shift. It means I have to rush all the way, in the dark, with critters and deer all over the highway, and put myself in danger to get there as quickly as I can. Someone will answer for it!

When the bill back reaches the corporate office, it also upsets the president, who takes it out on my boss, the Director of Operations, who then calls me and as we all know, it increases in velocity as it flows downhill. I would already have the corrective action written up and have gone over it with the guard who messed up, but he would still inform me that this person can not be allowed to open again until they have proven them-self dependable.

I already know this, and all this is what I explained today, to the guy who has already messed up twice. I added that there are no other openings, and that I would again have to assume the opening shift, both of which would not be good for him. I added, since there is no other shift available, if he is removed from opening, he is out of a job. No corrective action, since he is still temporary, just turn in your gear, your finished.

I hope the message got through to him. He opens again tomorrow, and so far he's at strike two, tomorrow is number three and the end of the line if he messes it up.

All of this has resulted in making more work for me, not more time. But, on a positive note, the other guy who I thought would be losing his job any day, is doing pretty good now. Of course, he knows that the new hire is there to take his position if he messes up again, and if we lose the new hire, he may just go back to pulling his crap again, too.

All I know for sure is, the summer is half over, and so far it's been the same thing as the last few years, nothing but a headache at work and little time for Rhonda and me to enjoy our time off, what little we actually get. I'm losing patients real fast, and if things don't straighten out fast, someone is going to be out a job. After all, if I have to continue to put in all these hours, I may as well get paid for them again.

But, it also means less time to do what I want to do most, and that is write. I need to work at my grammar and learn to edit my work, and that is difficult when work is constantly interrupting me. That's the part that brings me down the most, I just have no time to write, and my mind is constantly overwhelmed with work problems. Something has to give, and if I can't juggle work and writing, then it's work... I like my job, but I like writing more. If I can work part-time and write part-time, I'll be very happy. Once my writing takes off, and there is income from it, I already know that I will end my current job and take up writing full time. But, if my job prevents me from writing, I may just have to quit and focus everything on writing.

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."

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