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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/854142-Sunday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#854142 added July 12, 2015 at 1:30pm
Restrictions: None
Life is full of surprises, that's known by everyone. Even a young child, fed by it's mother learns this when instead of apple cobbler it's given a spoonful of peas. Some of life's surprises are wonderful, and enjoyed, even savored for as long as possible. Others are unpleasant and we wish we could forget them as fast as soon as they arrive. Some we understand, others make no sense at all.

With my job and position, I often encounter unpleasant surprises, but as life goes as a whole, I would have to say there is a balance to the pleasant and the unpleasant. The problem, as I see it, is that we may have just had a wonderful surprise, but even as we enjoy it, some unpleasant surprise comes along and we find our minds dropping the pleasant and being consumed with the unpleasant. I am working hard at reversing this; to hold fast to the pleasant surprises, and drop the unpleasant ones as fast as possible.

Why the topic on surprises? Maybe surprise isn't the best choice of words, but it seems to fit the situation, when something unexpected happens. This was the case yesterday. I was at work, getting close to the time when I should be closing up the doors and securing the guardhouse for the night. At the last minute, two guests arrive to pick up items, which happens often, but is always kind of a pain. Not that it matters, I stay in the store until every person has left, the daily tasks are done, and the managers leave. They set the alarm, I open the door and ensure they all leave, then the door shuts and I'm off duty. It's no different to wait at the gate for late arrivals than in the store, and the pay is the same.

Last night, as I finished up, running a bit behind as a result of the late arrivals, I hustled along my perimeter check, entered the side door and locked it behind me. As I enjoyed the cool air-conditioning of the store, my work phone went off. I ignored it, giving quick thought to who worked in the morning, afternoon, and next evening. I knew Rhonda was opening, I was closing, and one of the guards who tends to miss a lot was working the afternoon, providing our double coverage. I figured it was him, calling to say he couldn't work the next day.

I resumed my watch of the store, ensuring there wasn't anyone hanging around someplace, and would check into more once I was done work. By the time I reached the front of the store, my phone was going off, again. I ignored it, again, and continued my duties until everything was complete. Now, I had some time, since all that was left was to wait for the managers to finish up. I took out my work phone and looked to see who had called. The number was familiar, one that has called before, numerous times but never leaves a message. I checked my voice mail and it was the same this time, no message.

Shortly after I put it away, the managers were done so I clocked out and we exited together. Once the door was shut I said goodnight and went to my vehicle. Rhonda had come in to pick me up, but was on the passenger side, so I slid in behind the wheel and asked her to take out my phone. As I drove out of the parking lot I asked her to check the number and see if it was the same one. Even as she checked, the phone rang, the same person calling again.

This was the first time either of us had gotten a call from this number when we were able to answer it, so Rhonda did. All the guards know she often answers my work phone, since she assists me quite a bit. The conversation was short, and it sounded like it was difficult for Rhonda to hear, so I stopped and shut off the engine, but by this time the call had ended. The person calling was female, gave no name, and asked to talk to me. Rhonda asked, "Who's calling?"

From my position, all I could hear was Rhonda, and she commented after her question, "His wife? I'm his wife."

there was another pause as the caller replied, then Rhonda asked who she was trying to reach. She listened to the reply, then stated, "Yes this is his work phone. Who are you?"

Another reply, then Rhonda's, "I am his wife, what is your name?" Another pause, "Hello? Are you there?"

That was it. I asked Rhonda to fill me in. It was pretty simple, the caller had asked for me by name, claiming ot be my wife. She didn't really say anything else, she just wanted to speak to me and claimed to be my wife.

This was definitely a surprise for both of us. There is no other "wife" or any other woman in my life. I am happily married to my best friend and have no interest in any other relationships or flings. So who was this calling and claiming to be my wife. A wrong number perhaps, I do have a popular first name. But, she also confirmed the relationship with my last name. I do have a lot of distant family around this area, there are many with the same family name, so it's possible but very unlikely she had a wrong number and her husband holds the same name.

No, I doubt that very much. the other possibility is someone who is being vindictive and trying to stir things up. I have had enough people upset with me as a result of my job, and have know a few women who would pull something like this. Ex-employees who lost their jobs would furnish a few possibilities alone, and they would also have a vendetta with Rhonda, since she started working shortly before the bottom fell out from under them.

AS it turns out, this is no looking very plausible now either. Rhonda called the number back today, and there was no answer. The voice mail service picked up, and wouldn't you just know it, the caller left her first and last name on the service. Neither of us know the person, and in looking online, I only confirm this. I have a name, address, and the basic information available but nothing that would indicate why she's calling my work phone and why she's claiming to be my wife.

For now, the surprise has turned into a puzzle. It would be nice to have some answers, but I have my doubts whether or not we will. If there was a simple explanation, she would have likely given it when Rhonda was talking to her on the phone. Since she didn't, I doubt she will reveal any answers now as to why she would claim to be my wife.

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