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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/854740-Costa-Rica-July-18th---25th
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.
#854740 added July 26, 2015 at 1:00am
Restrictions: None
Costa Rica: July 18th - 25th

Trying not to be bored by keeping busy and reminding myself that my body needs a break. So far, I'm doing okay with that.

Saturday, July 18th:

Rainy day in Pérez Zeledón. Rained in the morning and afternoon. This means it stayed cool. I didn't get wet so I'm all good with that.

Went to the market twice to eat at my favorite place, Soda El Molino. Had my gallo pinto (rice and beans) early with coffee and later returned for un gallo de barbudos (green beans and egg on a tortilla) and more coffee. Saw Leo and Thony.

Took pictures of the market and flowers in the park. In the park there were still droplets and wet surfaces glistening. Hope I got a couple good photos.

Spent some time stirring up the discussions on facebook. I try to be intelligent and respectful. Hopefully I succeed.

Photos of art today. Comments on my plethora of penises (phallic artifacts) I posted yesterday. *Smile*

Sunday, July 19th:

Sundays are slow. I wanted to go to the beach. But a friend wanted to meet up with me.

Didn't happen. Welcome to Costa Rica.

Ate my daily rice and beans with two eggs and two coffees today because I was hungry and the market closes early.

Watched 'Once Upon A Time' and am now watching fútbol Costa Rica vs México. Posted pictures and a rant on facebook.

Bored. Friends want to see me Tuesday and maybe later this week. I won't hold my breath.

Monday, July 20th:

Decided to say 'f*** it' and went to beach.

Dominical was at high tide = stony. Waves were quite high = it's July surf season. It was muggy = duh.

So I did nothing. Walked along the river and beach and took photos. No shells. Didn't get wet. No cocazo either = no coconut fell on my head.

Puzzled: why would someone be looking for a sushi restaurant in Costa Rica. These waters are tropical and I can't imagine what they'd use. Squid? Shrimp? Octopus? Sea urchin? Possibly...

Slow ride getting there but bus back drove like it was on fire. Left quite late but cruised in almost on time.

Cheese on pan de natilla (sour cream bread = it's soft) for supper.

Tuesday, July 21st:

Costa Ricans are definitely chaotic. It has annoyed me to no end. There is no great need to consider my friends feelings here as they definately don't consider mine. Tired of this neverending shit.

So... met with one friend... finally. Now I'm waiting for another. Been waiting for hours. That's how it goes. A third has changed his plans which shouldn't affect me... but they do. I no longer know what to say... Have a good life? Ciao?

Rained. Ate. Edited some picutres. Ate. Bought mouthwash.

When what I eat matters more than the people I see there's a problem.

Did have some great masamorra though. *Smile*

Wednesday, July 22nd:

Further chat with Fabian. Nice talk with Brian... he's going through some changes.

Alberth left for home? Johnny called but left park early.

Saw Mary... it's evident that I struggle emotionally when I'm here. The culture and I clash big time.

Time to move on?

Requested shrimp with my rice and beans... and fried cheese. Cost more but I wanted a change. Cheese was a tad overdone. The gallo pinto was really good though.

No other news. Rained a couple times. I got up late... a late coffee... staying up late... tired in the morning.

Fútbol is big here, so everybody is watching the match between Panamá and México. Jamaica won 2-1 over the U.S.

Thursday, July 23rd:

Loud motorcycles till midnight...

Up at 8.

Went to farmers' market. Coffee and lasagna. Took photo of Fabian (later used Picasa to make it 'neon'.)

Decided to spend one last night.

Friday, July 24th:

Drank a mosote for breakfast at the soda. Caught the 11-ish Tracopa bus. Ate ceviche for lunch.

Arrived in San Vito 2:30-ish. Place I stayed in way-back-when is no longer. Struggle to find another place. Ended up at the Rino... disappointed.

Went to Sabalito but Marlena didn't answer her phone. Chatted with Jeffrey and the crippled kitten instead.

No internet. Roni didn't call.

Saturday, July 25th;

Can't find my library book. Check bus from yesterday... serendipidy... but no book. Check room and luggage. *Frown*

Decide to stay in Las Mirlas. Same price but hoping I like it better... so far so good.

Walked to Fincas Cántaros. Wrote this on facebook:

"I went to Finca Cántaros today, Roni S Cher​. Walked up the hill until a young man stopped to give me a ride. Lovely place. Flowers, trees, water... and mosquitos. I've been a few times. The first time I visited I remember meeting Gerald who was 14 or 15. He spoke fluent English and was very capable of running the office. I asked about him today. His family is no longer there but the young woman said that he was in San José and that his father worked at the Chinese restaurant (there is only one). When I walked back to town I looked for it. Asked a man at the corner where it was. He pointed across the street. I went in but had very little money on me so decided that it would be better to come back at another time. When I left I told the man that I had found the place but that the prices were a little high. Then I mentioned that he looked like someone I had met before. Was his name Mynor? I think he was quite surprised. He didn't remember me... but yes, he's Gerald's father. *Smile* Gerald is now 19, studies political science at U Latina, spent a year in the U.S. at school. This put a smile on my face. Then I went to the grocery store bought some cheap bread, three slices of mortadela and milk. I just got done eating."

Got response from Roni and Gerald too! *Smile*

Spoke to Marlena. Spoke to Brian N.

53.299 views as of July 18.

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