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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/854806-Sunday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#854806 added July 19, 2015 at 3:36pm
Restrictions: None
Almost a week has passed since I've been in here; that's not allowed. Well, it shouldn't happen, not with the schedule I set up. But, unfortunately, there are too many influencing factors that are beyond my control. Not that it's all out of my hands, I have made choices as well, but they were based on a predicted future.

I could have logged in on Tuesday or Wednesday of last week, I had the days off. But, Tuesday was a busy day, fun busy, and I decided to enjoy some time with my wife in the evening when things had settled down. In fact, it was almost three in the morning by the time we finally turned in. Of course, this meant a later than planned rise on Wednesday, but it was worth it.

Wednesday I had to get a few things done, especially the yard work. Rhonda and I got a nice start on our tasks, then after finishing mowing, I had to run into town to let my brother's dogs out. He was out of town for the day, and wanted to make sure they got out, had fresh water, and got a little fresh air. Rhonda came with, as did our two dogs, and we spent almost a half an hour enjoying the four dogs playing together. Once we left there, we took our two to the lake.

We went to a local lake, and got the dogs in the water. Hyko goes in willingly and comes out reluctantly, but Hannah isn't sure about the water. She was rescued from the local animal shelter, at about two years old. She had gone out a few times, to various families, but was always returned within the three day limit. Cruel to do to her, I know. We had gone in to look and see her, after seeing her image on their webpage. We had decided to take her and give her a home, but knew she would be a handful at two years old and never worked with. It took some time, she did not know how to play or interact with us. But, in general, she was a good dog, learned fast, and was pretty well behaved. She just never knew a life outside of her little pen.

We tried last summer to get her to swim, but she would have none of it. She would get her feet wet, but that was all. this year it seemed the same, but I went out waist deep and tried calling and coaxing her to come out to me. She came out further, but not quite to her belly. She was doing better, but just did not want to go any further. So, I waded in closer, got hold of her and tried to coax her to go out further with me. the first couple of times she just pulled away and went up on shore.

But, the third try, she let me lead her out deep enough she couldn't touch. Of course, as soon as she lost contact with the bottom, she returned swiftly to shore. But, she had swam just a little. I again called her, and with a little coaxing she returned to me, out waist deep again. We came in together, and I figured that was plenty for the first day. She had overcome her fear of the water, and was now frolicking around me.

That's when I noticed a not so pleasant smell. The wind had picked up a bit, and the water was now getting some wave action, and it stunk like dead fish. I dried myself and the dogs off best I could, but the smell persisted. I knew I could easily shower once I was back home, but the poor dogs couldn't, and it would be a big job to bath them both. I didn't want them wet with that stinky water, and the easiest solution was to drive to another lake, close by. It was much cleaner and cooler than the previous lake, so in we went, again.

This time, Hannah had no worries about going swimming, and was enjoying the task of bringing her water toy in for me to toss back out. Then, we both went out together; I rubbed her down good, and then Hyko, finally myself. We enjoyed a shaded area here we could all dry off some, and then returned home. This burned up the rest of the afternoon, and by the time we ate dinner, it was getting close to bed time. I again put off my journal, since it had gotten so late, but planned on spending a good deal of time in WdC over the next few days.

But, Thursday I ended up doing a bunch of paperwork, getting everything caught up so I could take a nice five day break this week. Friday came and went, besides working the closing shift, I had more paperwork to do. I still had Saturday, until three, and today, but Saturday morning the opening guard did not show up at work. He sent me a text, about twenty minutes after he should have been there saying he was sick. From there the day went downhill, lots of unpleasant work to do. So, today had to be the day to get in here. I still have to work on a schedule, but can't talk to the other person who is reluctant to change his hours until later, when I'm at work.

I should get time next week, however, with five days off. But, with the mess on Saturday, I know my boss will be calling tomorrow, and wanting a full report on things. Also, with the loss of the guard, and yes, I phoned him and told him not to bother coming back, I have to work Friday. So much for my five days off. Looks like I'll work more next week than what I'm normally scheduled for.

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