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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/854859-Veggie-plots-amnesia-and-zombie-musicians
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#854859 added July 20, 2015 at 9:10am
Restrictions: None
Veggie plots, amnesia, and zombie musicians
Uncomfortable videos abound. Zombie blockages.

Discussion with daughter just now relating to this video. Everything about it and what is said is somehow, accidental or no, uncomfortable and. yeah.

The word clog for starters. We agreed on something.

Clog. This word is a soft, but somehow firm, log-shaped lumpy word with a clingy wetness and / or squashy consistency.

Block. This word is square; it's more solid, with sharp edges and, used in context of toilets, is less repulsive and shudder-ish than CLOG. Arrrrrrgghhh!

Therefore, unblock a toilet is less invasive than unclog a toilet. There were more cringe stuff.

Zombies = people who design stuff around towns without trying what they unload, for the want of a better word, on the other zombies- Joe and Josephine Public.

Recently, I was reminded by someone to do something so very routine that I wondered why the reminder had to be said at all.
But I did need the reminder.
This reminder experience had a second function, in turn reminding me that humans have such short memories.
We do need reminding. History repeated means we haven't learned lessons from before doesn't it?

I suppose when a new generation is born, the birth dates sprinkled randomly through the weeks and decades, meaning that the lessons that were so stark and of vital importance, to one era of people, don't seem to matter now. They dilute with each passing year, with each person passing away until there is no urgency to remember them any more.

And these lessons, the reminders we as a human race should dredge up from our civilisation amnesia, are the ones about where good feelings come from, how to sort the profitable good feelings from the poisonous good feelings, and grow the patience to help others less discerning of how to choose wisely.

I came to a sad conclusion one day, while sitting zombie like between coffee sips.

The zombie era is now.

There is no need to wait until some day when a government laboratory somewhere accidentally releases (on purpose) a contagion spread through an unstoppable symptomless human virus. No need to wait until doomsday. We cannot look forward to when TSHTF day. (The s**t hits the fan) There will be no chk chk boom shotgun free for all shooting of zombies in our streets.
We won't have to hole up in some cobwebby barn where there will grandpa's tarp covered vintage collectable corvette convertible that only needs the battery connected and grease wiping off a spanner before it fires up, and we can scoop up the other half of the hero/heroine movie optimal combination of actress actor ratio = megabux killing at the box office. (If it still had a projectionist and kiosk Tix collector)

None of that is in the future because its here now. Just in a different form.

Zombies described by Josh and Tyler. Who has died or become a zombie, from a bad decision we've made?

Are you awake yet? This is reality. Zombies are here already. They move slowly through their mapped out lives, controlled, guided dictatorially along the sameness of conformity.

Don't misunderstand me. I have no particular problem with society as it stands for me. I am not a protesting anti government peace-love, reach for the bong and pack it brigade. With due respect. That's not me.(I'm not yet sure if we should sell up and run for the hills this year, or wait for next)

However. The zombies are here. They surround us. They are against lateral thinking. They dislike the freedom where people are allowed to think for themselves, are allowed to do stuff with their own hands, are allowed to live for free, are allowed to be house and mortgage free, are allowed to have almost nothing and yet be happy.

I think I might even be infected. That's the scary part, because even right now I struggle to untangle and make sense of my thoughts on this subject. It seemed so clear the other day as I gazed around me at the folks crossing the street.

People just go along with the status flow. Get on Facebook. Look at all the auto post stuff now. Not so long ago you saw actual personal status posts that were PEOPLE talking about stuff. Even if it was what they ate for their last meal.

Do we really want to know what Sue and Joe Smith ate at the restaurant tonight? Like, once is ok, twice maybe if its a really fantastic smorgasbord. But...

There is a disease this year. This month. This week, today. People seem to have amnesia. We all need reminding to be KIND. For crying out loud. KIND!? We are prisoners to this thinking of BUY CHEAPER.

Be proud that you got something at a much less price than the seller really wanted for it, and much less than it was really worth in value of hours spent doing whatever it was that made that object etc.

Are we feeling GREAT! about how cheap we got something, even relationships? Is dominance a currency that converts to satisfied contentment? I don't believe so. Perhaps I'm not the boss of people, enough people, that I would understand what it's like to DOMINATE.

Also, this currency of using people as a commodity. Entire countries' leaders are doing this. But hey. Look who listened, read, and watched all the media candy that tells us who did what, suposedly, and who we should vote for, so as to get our dang RIGHTS!

People are zombies because they are now a commodity. People are fed like pigs in an intense farming sty.

Front veggie plots and councils...

Today I did some work in our back yard with the chook run nearby. I had to clean a few items out of a shed, and noticed an old piece of a huge flat screen TV set that I'd dismantled to scavenge it's fresnel lens.
The item I'd noticed is a mirror made of flexible fabric on a very light plastic frame.
Having a mostly uninfected zombie brain, I put the mirror IN the chicken pen. I secured it to one end of the chicken coop.

Well, I was amused, and surprised by their reaction. They were wary at first. They crowded to the other end of the run, even though they know me and usually hang around when we let them free range around the veggie yard (and further even though they know they shouldn't).

The ladies, our 6 or 7? hens of various sizes and breeds and colours and personalities, slowly approached the mirror and later, when I was working nearby again, I suddenly noticed there was one or two hens still furtively hanging around the mirror. These two girls seemed to have been waiting for someone, a human zombie, to realise that chickens also need a bathroom. Girls like to see their feathers and check out their beak and combs. They too have feet and toes. Wings too if you really must know all a girl's detail!

The white chickie baby was a hen we'd been given that had been attacked by a dog or whatever. It had a gaping hole in its back, so deep you could see bone. We kept it clean and applied old fashioned Man & Beast ointment to it every day. After a few weeks it healed, but her damaged psyche took a lot longer. Now she's fully recovered and finally accepted by the others. They treated her badly for so long, but now she runs around with them as a tight knit group.

And I caught her checking out her appearance, sideways, profile, rear end, front view and what have you. Yes, she's lovely. And she was a little bit less lonely now that she has a friend- coincidentally- just like her.

Invalid Photo #1040863

Modern buildings; damaged streets...

Zombies are cool 'til they stop playin'

Food for thought or to fatten our brains for zombies to enjoy some time in the future. If I'm wrong about the zombie era being here right now: politicians, drug lords, financially independent people who have forgotten what its like to not be, disconnected hermit-like gamers, bannana paddle pop theives who eat the last one and don't say there are no more LEFT. And people who trash businesses. https://www.facebook.com/theberrypatch.com.au?pnref=story

So, on with more thought nourishing food, as promised...

https://twitter.com/BrainsOverLooks of bigthink


And finally, if you've sat through all that, there is this.

Misha Collins and the manufacture of do-good zombies...


Not that I have a problem with this most excellent idea.

I'd love to be able to contact Misha about an idea for a game that we had, right here in this lounge room. The idea is so outrageously fantasmical that I have no idea who to tell or who to trust. Do you ever have an idea hit you right between the eyes like that?

But you dare not do anything about it because...because you too are a zombie.


...because I too am a zombie.


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/854859-Veggie-plots-amnesia-and-zombie-musicians