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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/855477-Sunday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#855477 added July 26, 2015 at 3:33pm
Restrictions: None
Another week has passed, and no entries... That's not right. I did have an entry in here on Friday. Not that it magically vanished, although things like that do happen online. No, I have never lost anything in WdC except as my own negligence. I have lost items because of not saving often, something I know better than to skip. I have also lost items by improper linking, although that was when I first joined. this last lost item I am not sure of. I did save, and it should be here. My only explanation is having a slow Internet connection and a slow, older computer that requires quite a bit of time to process things. I do remember dinner being ready, being hungry and rushing to get done. I suppose I clicked on save, but did not give my computer and Internet connection enough time to respond before closing the page and enjoying supper.

I could summarize my entry from memory, I had written about not posting anything since Sunday. I explained that for the first time in a long time, I had a viable reason for not logging in or posting anything. I was out camping, having a great time, and had no access to the Internet at all. I also mentioned that this was the first vacation I had had in years that was not interrupted or better yet, invaded, by work. It was my wife, Rhonda, and my anniversary. Nine years married, and able to enjoy it doing something we both love. Yes, it was quite a wonderful time.

In the process of enjoying a very beautiful state park in South Dakota, The Palisades, we did some hiking along some pretty difficult trails. it was along one of these that we happened upon a group of girls sunbathing. Now, this was an actual trail going in, but it ended before we had reached this point. We had come to a slight curve and the trail stopped. It was turn back, go up the side on kind of a game trail, or push on. Since the footing was good ahead, we pushed on, me in the lead and there they were, just passed the curve, hidden from view.

Three young ladies in bikinis, sunning themselves on a large flat chunk of Sioux Quart-site. They had found a wonderful place, full sun, gurgling rapids, and well hidden. Hidden until we showed up. As young ladies often do when sunning in a secluded spot, they had their tops untied and and were quite surprised by our arrival. Not wanting to disrupt the tranquility of their spot, or to interrupt their enjoyment of the sun and area, we turned and went back the way we came just as they were grasping for the untied tops. It was a quick enough response to save them any embarrassment, and they stayed for quite some time before returning to their campsite. We know this because they had to pass our site later that afternoon to return to theirs. I would have to say that they did look a little uncomfortable as they passed, but when nothing was said or done to indicate we even recognized them, they relaxed and resumed talking.

Everything turned out well, chivalry does live on. But, instead of going all the way back to the start of the trail, I decided to take the game trail that would come out right close to our camp, or so I thought. It was a steep and difficult climb, and I was feeling pretty good about myself when I reached the top. Not as out of shape as I had thought I was. Rhonda and the dogs were also able to make the grade, and we all needed a break by the end. Luckily I was correct in my directions, we came out right at our camp.

We collapsed in our chairs and enjoyed a cold bottle of beer as we discussed our next activity. Would we take the dogs to the water for a swim or try another hiking trail. We decided to try another trail, and after finishing our beverages, we set out down the road to the other side of the picnic area, to try another trail. It was another beautiful walk, not real difficult except at the end. Here again the trail ended, but others before us had pushed on, working their way along the edge of the water. This would have been a very difficult hike, and very likely too much for us as well as the dogs. So, we turned to go back, but instead of traversing the trail all the way back out, we took the climb up the wall.

There was a crevice between the cliffs and the park had built stairs up this steep rise. This would not be anything like our last climb, just some narrow and steep steps up the side of the rock. Again, the view was magnificent and we enjoyed the climb. We came out quite a bit further down the road, but it was easy walking once we reached the top. We had a pack along with our first aid kit, just in case, and some water for us and the dogs. We stopped at a shaded area and fell to the grass with our four footed friends.

We were hot, sweaty, and out of breath, they were stretched out on the cool grass huffing a panting. We shared our water, letting them drink their fill before we finished off the rest. Then, it was just a nice walk back to our campsite for more water for everyone.

It was along this second hike that I first noticed the pain in my lower abdomen. It had been hurting since I took a fall quite some time back, at least a month now. But, it was nothing too severe, and I continued to think I was slowly healing. I had a mesh inserted to repair an abdominal hernia thirteen years ago, and when I fell, I must have torn part of the patching lose. At least, that's what it felt like. During the second hike, it was again feeling about the same as it did from time to time, since the mishap.

But, as the afternoon went on, it became more and more intense. By the next day, it was painful to even walk to the showers, but I managed through, still trying to convince myself that it wasn't anything serious. I thought I had just irritated this injury and it would soon be feeling better. I was able to help pack up and we came home, unloaded, and relaxed the rest of the day. Friday was our last day off, the last day of our vacation, so we went to the lake with the dogs, since they love to go out for a swim, and it was beastly hot and humid.

I noticed right away on Friday that it wasn't getting better, it was getting worse. Over the counter pain medication takes the edge off, but it still is causing a lot of discomfort to do much of anything. I ended up switching some hours around so I could have an easy and short shift on Saturday, but it only aggravated the injury more. So, today I'm out sick, and on Wednesday I go in to see my doctor.

I'm still convinced it's the same injury, but instead of healing it was slowly getting worse the entire time. the patch must have torn free in my lower abdominal area, and the hiking and workout just tore it a bit more. Now, it's looking like I may need to go in and have another surgery to correct things. Of course, I should have gone in right away and had everything checked out after the mishap.

Not that I blame any of it on our fantastic adventure, it only progressed what was already damaged. I'm not even upset over this, it does give me more time to write and reflect on where everything is going. I didn't go in right away because we were short on help at work, and it was just getting into the busy time of year. As supervisor, that's my job, to make sure everything is covered. Now, we finally have a full crew, and there is time for me to go in and get this fixed.

The writing will be in a 52 week challenge, and the reflecting should help me get things back into perspective. Yes, I'm responsible to keep things running smoothly at work. But, at what cost? Except for a few vacation days each year, there are no benefits, the pay is way too low for the job in general, and I only get a small amount more than everyone else for all the headaches and stress. And, I have not seen an actual raise since I started. Over three years with the company, and three years as supervisor. The only wage increase was a cost of living increase given to all employees, nothing based on merit or job performance.

I'll find out soon what's actually wrong, and hopefully will know if surgery is needed. I'll also find out if I can work or not until this is all over. While I'm out for this week, I have a lot to think on. Not just what the job requires and pays, but what the cost is, too. It's all time consuming, and I have been having a difficult time to find the means to do much more than work. Much of my life has been put on hold, or paused as a result of the problems that continue to haunt this job, and the greatest cost to me has been my writing.

Who would have ever guessed just how much I would get out of five days off and a fun filled expedition to a beautiful campground? Yes, even this injury gives more insight and will help me determine what direction I need to go.

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