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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/855729-Still-in-Costa-Rica
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.
#855729 added August 11, 2015 at 4:37pm
Restrictions: None
Still in Costa Rica
meeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeee eeeeeeeeeeee:

27.julio.2015, San Vito to Buenos Aires:

Slept well. Took early bus to Sabalito and returned Marlena's key to the butcher shop where she'll pick it up in a couple days when she goes to town. (This cost me about $1.25)

Ate at Soda La Favorita (took Jeffrey's advice). Nice gallo pinto.

Called and met Roni. We went to the pastry shop and we talked quite a bit. She loves living in Costa Rica and keeps busy by teaching English and Birding. *Bird*

I, on the other hand, haven't made peace with this country.

Took 13:30 bus to Buenos Aires. Takes over an hour. I think I got some good pictures as day was fairly clear. Plus, I was better prepared for some of the sights, like the bridge.

Cabinas Mary? Not exactly in the center! A policeman gave me directions and when I got close a local woman took me up a short-cut. About 900 meters...

8.000 for a room with a fan, cold water. Not great. However, the owners were wonderful to talk to! And the guy across the street allowed me to connect ot his internet. When Ticos are nice they are very very nice.

Rural area with nothing. Nice and quiet.

28.julio.2015, Buenos Aires to Pérez Zeledón:

Ack... Ticos drive me nuts! Didn't sleep well and then I stayed in town anticipating a friend's arrival. He didn't come and didn't call.

So I left later than I wanted to.

Luckily I called the hostel I usually stay in. No bed. What to do? *Confused*

I decided to stay in Pérez and go to San José tomorrow after I check internet and find some alternatives.

So... got a room in the same hotel in front of the same noisy park. So far... not as bad, but still bad. Motorcycles and car alarms (set off by motorcycles?) *Angry*

Television is on but I muted it. Trying to listen to music on my computer. Debussy can't compete.

Miserable. Last four nights were much more peaceful.

Advantage of staying here is that it's a known pain-in-the-ass...

Ate at Soda El Molino again: pan de yuca (shredded yuca and cheese... sweet), canelon (pasta filled with meat served on tortillas), biscoho (cheese and corn 'pancake').

Didn't feel well afterwards... probably due to a long tiring day.

At least I got a few hours to walk around Buenos Aires this morning. Walking helps to understand a place. This small town sprawls in a mostly flat valley.

29.julio.2015, Pérez to San José:

I ate my morning pinto. I bought my bus ticket for 9:30. I left on the bus... boring...

But along the way there were pilgrims walking. It's a long cold walk uphill. Pérez is less than 1.000 m.n.s.m. The road reaches an elevation of over 3.000 m.

Some fog but it was clear enough to get some pictures of people, paisaje, blooming moss.

I spoke with a young Tico, Jonathan, who travels and wants to visit Norway some day. I gave him my contact info...

In San José I linked up with Brian. We went to one place but there wasn't any room. So, I went to another that costs $17. Last time it was $15. Prices inflate here in C.R. At least it includes breakfast. Shared a room with two Germans, one from Dortmundt.

Brian and I went to the Jade Museum. He had never been. And we ate dim sum later.

Later, a quiet night of talking with the prostitutes in the park. (No, I didn't contract for their services!) Meeting all types of people really helps me understand humanity.

30.julio.2015, San José:

At this moment I don't even remember... other than stressing over mathmatics and meeting women from Limón.

31.julio.2015, San José y Jardines Lankester:

Met Jonas, an American-German who will be on a project in Matapalo. Very nice chat.

Went with Brian to Jardines Botánicos Lankaster. He wanted a carnivorous plant... Instead we saw cactus, waterlilies, orchids and the Japanese Gardens. Took a few photos.

On the way back saw hundreds of pilgrims walking to Cartago.

1.agosto.2015, San José:

Met an interesting Norwegian-Tico. Mostly did nothing else. There were thousands of pilgrims walking through the city.

2.agosto.2015, San José:

Still waiting for a life.

Met more folks going to Matapalo. I tried to show one young Englishman around San José but I wasn't too successful.

But then... I was invited to sit and have coffee with a couple Mexicans... and that truly helped.

3.agosto.2015, San José to Turrialba.

Since Brian wasn't feeling well and wasn't up for visiting, I decided to go to Turrialba. Glad I did.

Lisette was home at Casa de Lis as were the two cats, Pepper and Toby. Some of the staff was the same as well.

Scored a lower bunk and shared room with a couple couples, one from Belgium.

I didn't do much. Just walked around the park and took pictures... and chatted with guests.. as always.

Washout some clothes. This has been an issue on and off.

4.agosto.2015, Turrialba.

Very rainy day. Walked to CATIE and back. Took photos of flowers and trees. Wrote. Got a tad wet.

Ate a rice-and-beans with fish and gravy at Betty's. Very nice. Watched a show on grooming dogs. I rarely watch television.

Met Jason from Grenoble, France.

5.agosto. Turrialba to San José.

Brian called early so I tried to get back to SJ by noon. 10 am bus was direct and no traffic problems. Took 1:40. Chatted with professor of music.

Saw Brian. He shaved his head. Quite happy to receive the small gifts I brought for him.

We ate, went shopping, but didn't do much.

Late evening in the park was fascinating. Talked to Nica from Managua. Park had areas cordoned off... who knows for what reason...

Ate some left over spaghetti with tomato-mushroom sauce.

Sharing same room with the Danes... as before.

6.agosto. San Rafael de Heredia...

Brian called me in the morning asking me to visit him in San Rafael. So I did. Wasted time by going to the train station first (last train is 8 am) but I finally got there. Quite a walk to his friends house.

Brian cooked lunch. Very nice but I forgot to take a picture. Typical lunch of beans, rice, pasta, maduros... with a soup made by Randall.

We chatted while Brian cleaned.

Walked around Heredia when I left. Ate a copo (shave ice) con dos leches and zarza (root beer). Took some pictures but not too many.

Took wrong bus to San José but I got back without any further problems.

Evening in the park... met Gregory who cuts hair and hopes to open his own salon. Quiet peaceful evening.

7.agosto. San José:

Met Brian after class. We went out to lunch. Bought gifts for my friends. 4 puzzle boxes. Decent price (thanks to Brian) and he helped choose which ones. I get indecisive.

Packed. Decided to stay at H. Van Gogh rather than change hotels. This meant being totally ready before setting the alarms and trying to sleep.

8.agosto. Off:

Up at 4:25. Showered. Out at 4:46. Walked through deserted areas; angled towards Avenida Segunda (taxis, buses, people); at Tuasa bus around 5:05. Slow bus but no traffic. At SJO airport about 5:30.

No line for exit stamp. No line for Delta boarding pass. No line to speak of going through security. Way to gates re-arranged. Gate 5 was very close. Sat as I was early.

Then Brian called. *Smile*

So I was off. 4 weeks were enough. A bit frustrating at times. But not as miserable as last year. Kept my expectations low and traveled very little. Came in a bit over budget. No disasters. Met up with many of my friends... one of my goals.

PS: Ran out entries so I had to delete one that was no longer important. 1,450 entries is the max here at WDC. This one was started in 2007. May have to go back again to old blog as it has more room for entries.

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