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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/855998-Friday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#855998 added July 31, 2015 at 4:30pm
Restrictions: None
Still trying to figure out Windows 10, but making progress. I'm seeing some bugs that will need to get fixed, but I suppose that will take them awhile yet. The biggest drawback so far is there is no easy way to organize favorites. You can drag and drop, but they don't always go where they are supposed to. It did import my favorites from Chrome, but it kind of just dumped them in no particular order.

But, it seems my older laptop runs faster now, and it's kind of nice having the same apps as my netbook. Also, I couldn't sync the two machines with one running Windows 7 and the other Windows 8.1. Hopefully soon, I'll have 10 on my netbook, too.

Enough on my main distraction for the day and back to other pertinent stuff. While we were out camping, a young fellow came past pulling a little grill and carrying a deflated water container. We where just sitting in our site, enjoying the morning when he past us, on his way to the garbage dumpster. He said as he got close, "My dad wants to know if you are interested in a portable grill? It's hardly been used."

Rhonda replied, "No, but thank you."

I had not heard him very well, so she filled me in, and we both assumed he was looking to sell the item. Being short on funds, I never inquired anymore about it. But, as we watched, he stopped at the dumpster and deposited the water container and left the grill alongside. Then, he turned and returned the way he had come. His group was camping just a few sites away from us, but in a cabin instead of a tent site, and we assumed they must be packing up to leave.

Not much more than a few minutes past, and the boy, riding with his dad, drove past toward the showers and restrooms. I noticed that his dad did not stop or even slow as he passed the dumpster with the grill still beside it. I decided that I would go look at it and Rhonda accompanied me. Yep, it was a small, portable, gas grill. It looked to be brand new, but slightly used and in need of a good cleaning. It was a Coleman grill that worked off the smaller propane bottles; very handy.

We discussed it a bit and decided to take it over to our campsite, but to leave it close the road so they would see we had taken it, and could stop and discuss the terms. After about a half hour they drove past, heading out of the park, and with a wave, went right on past. We knew they had seen the grill, so the terms must be free. They were in a car, packed full, and didn't really have any room for anything more. Also, the grill had been used a bit, and the bottom and grease trap where pretty full, with grease dripping when it was stood up.

When we left, we put a tarp under it to catch any drippings, and folded it down flat. We also were kind of short on space, but decided to put a big tub on the roof rack instead of in back, so we had enough room to take it. Once home, it was put up for the time being, with intents to clean it up and check it out later.

Well, yesterday we put it up on the kitchen table, it's that small, and I proceeded to take it apart. It tears down pretty quickly and easily, and soon enough we had it washed up. It really did clean up pretty nice, and it's designed for easy cleaning, too. It folds down, and collapses for easy storage, and seems very handy.

With it all cleaned up, I had Rhonda set it out on the patio, since I cannot lift much at this time. I took a couple of quick photographs of it, and then tried it out. We had a couple of hamburgers to cook, and I figured with the small burner and just a small propane tank, it would take quite a while to cook them. Boy was I wrong.

I started the grill on high, as it directs, and then put the burgers on to cook. Within a few minutes, smoke was beginning to come out the back vents, so I opened it up and looked to see how the burgers where doing. They were ready to flip over already, cooking a bit too fast for them to cook through without burning. I set the control to Medium and closed the lid.

Again, just a few minutes passed and again smoke was venting out, so I opened and checked them again. Yep, they needed to be flipped. Once I had them turned over, I turned the dial down to Low, and closed it up, again. This slowed it down quite a bit, but soon enough I was flipping them over and enjoying the smell of burgers cooked on the grill. They cooked up great with the heat on low, and they cooked quite fast. Rhonda was making a macaroni hot-dish, and I was done with the burgers just before she had the pasta cooked.

We kept them hot for the few minutes she needed to finish the hot-dish and then we tried them out. Delicious. For a little grill, it works great. And, the bottle of propane I used was the leftover from camping and cooking in our Coleman Camp-Stove. It had to be less than half full, and it did not run out. I seriously thought I would have to change bottles. It's looking like it not only works great, is handy as all get-out, but uses very little fuel, too.

Tonight I will be cooking up some sausage on it, still using the same bottle of fuel. I know now that the best setting will be Low, or possibly Med after they are heated through. What a wonderful gift, and souvenir this little grill makes. I don't know who the person was, and just wished I had talked to his boy and thanked him.

Oh, and for a little thing, I would say that it would cook four to six quarter pound burgers, no problem. We put aluminum foil in the bottom, for easier cleaning, and after the burgers were done, I let it heat on high for a little while, to burn off the grate. That's all it took to clean it up, and of course, to dump the drip tray that sits underneath it.

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