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Rated: 13+ · Book · Young Adult · #1920107
Jade's story continues in Jaded Warriors, the second novel of The Color of Jade.
#857981 added August 21, 2015 at 5:06pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 30
Chapter 30

The bright sun burned through my eyelids as I tried to steal a few more minutes. I rubbed the sleep from droopy eyes to glance at the clock. The old spring wound clock read eleven forty-five, which wakened me instantly as my eyelids sprang open.

The weight of the wrap and the throbbing in my hand reminded me of yesterday. I tried to swathe my mind around the notion that I hit Dr. Walstrom. Only after my labile emotions from yesterday waned, did I feel a sense of pleasure and justice in the act even though I probably shouldn’t. Gage sought after a completely different level of justice, but as for me, to see the stunned fury in his eyes, was all I needed to feel good about it. 

A sudden knock at the door pulled me from my thoughts and I walked out of my room as Raύl opened the front door.  A tall, silver-haired man acknowledged him briefly with a snide downwards glance and a brusque handshake then glanced at me. Raύl's actions deluded any knowledge of it if he recognized the demeaning glare, but I saw it.

“Miss Kennington, just the person I want to see,” Commander Prescott said, the last person I expected as he stood in his army green jacket with four brass buttons down the center and numerous gold pins and awards decorating the front. I assumed I would be welcoming Marge or Megan in, and I wished I hadn't been so hasty to see who knocked at the door. “Do you mind if we have a word?”

“Uhh, I guess, what do you need?”

I assumed he took my hesitation as yes and without an invitation, he walked in with bold confidence and closed the door behind him. I staggered back as my heart pounded with warning.

“Hey, wait a minute,” Raύl, almost a head shorter, scoffed with annoyance and put a hand up to block his intrusion as Prescott stopped short and sent a glare with equal  aggravation.

“It’s okay, Raύl,” I said, not completely convinced it was.

I scowled as he gave a condescending smile to him as he spoke. “Now will you excuse us, please?”

“Raύl will be staying,” I said, as I interrupted him and motioned into the front room to sit. He extended his hand and I offered mine hesitantly. With a gentle grasp he clasped my hand with a light handshake.

His unreadable expression caused me to shift under my skin as I tried to fathom what he could possibly want with me. Then sympathy filtered into his eyes as he scanned me quickly from my bruised cheek down to my injured hand.

“First, I wanted to personally offer my sincere apologies on behalf of Dr. Walstrom's actions. When I heard what happened, I felt I needed to reassure you that his accusations are not supported by the leaders of this movement and disciplinary measures have been taken.”

“They have?” I asked, with a raise of my eyebrows, surprised and somewhat apprehensive, curling a leg underneath me as I sat in the recliner. The warmth of the fire heated the left side of my leg.

“Yes… Mike Thornton and I got back late last night, he’s taking care of the issue right now,” he said, then leaned back into the cushions of the couch as he crossed an ankle over his knee.

“Thank you,” I said. I glanced at Raύl, but he locked his steely glare on Prescott, ready with the slightest inclination to throw him out. I could tell, he didn’t trust him, as he stood alert with his arms folded across his chest and I wondered if it was because of Prescott’s evident prejudices towards others of a smaller stature or if there was another reason Raύl didn’t trust him.

“I've wanted to come by in the past, but Kane would never allow it. I know we’ve never met personally, but I know your brother very well, and I know Gage. I have complete confidence that you are not the traitor… It’s ridiculous really,” he paused briefly, with a shake of his head as he stared at the hardwood floor. Sunlight sparkled through the lace curtains and lanced across the tip of his black leather shoe and stretched onto the floral print rug, dancing with each movement he made with his foot. He glanced back at me as he clasped his hands behind his head as he tried to appear comfortable but with the way his foot twitched in the air, I knew he was far from relaxed. “The information you gave Kane about Morrison was invaluable, gives us a better idea of what we’re dealing with. Also, it pleased me to hear about you helping with the injured. I spoke with Dr. Ashton, he speaks highly of you and your willingness to help… I was disappointed to hear you left but under the circumstances, it’s probably for the best that you aren’t there right now.”

“I won’t be going back any time soon,” I said. He watched me for a moment as he absently rubbed at his smoothed, shaven cheek with his hand. His musky scented aftershave wafted through the air, stronger than I noticed before as if he disturbed it and mingled with the smoke from the fire that burned in the fireplace.

“Well, that leads to the second reason why I’m here,” he said, “you can’t come back even if you wanted to at this time… and we need to get you to a safe house.”

“What?” I launched forward, my eyes widened with surprise as I sat nervously upright and gripped the arm rests. “Why?”

“A lot has happened over the last thirty six hours since… Jackson was killed,” he said, his last three words, slow and precise as he leaned forward with a seriousness in his eyes that sent a shudder through me. He glanced at Raύl as I followed suit to see his arms more relaxed and the look on his face changed from mistrust to interest and concern, then they both looked at me as Prescott continued. “I won’t go into all the details… Morrison has attempted to retaliate quite heavily along the front line but has fallen short every time and we’ve advanced undercover deeper into the city. It’s not safe right now for you to be in camp… we do still have a traitor that has yet to be discovered and Kane has gone back out.”

“Well, Gage should be back soon. I’ll talk to you about it then… but I’m not-”

“Gage won’t be coming back,” he said with a sense of melancholy in his voice, then reached into his jacket and pulled out a sealed envelope. My name written across the seal in Gage’s handwriting and my heart sank. I gasped as panic surged in my chest. I saw an envelope like it before inside the tent, in a wooden box with a latch and a lock on it that kept a few of his personal belongings. A letter to be given to me if something happened to him, a letter that said his goodbyes. My heart pounded viciously in my tightened chest as I stared at the letter and waited with silent impatience as he held it in his hands.

“What? Where’s Gage?” I asked, my voice wavered and I coughed as I tried to choke down the knot in my throat. My breath stilled in my chest as thoughts of him injured, flooded my mind. “Is he hurt?”

“No,” he said, then the intensity relaxed in his eyes as he realized my fear and handed me the letter as he gave me a smile. “No… Gage is fine… I’ve put him and Casey on a special task force.”

An audible sigh escaped me, more so than I intended as the weight of his words caused my heart to swirl with relief as he put my fears to rest. “What will he be doing?”

“Well, like I said, a lot has happened since Jackson… Kane’s contact said Damian left Colorado, I expect that he got word that his dad is dead, he’ll be coming back, I’m almost positive… I’ve got information from an inside source that says he’ll go to one of three houses, we’ve seen Rubin at each of them, but he’s been sticking around one in particular,” he said, then paused to let me absorb the information.

“You found Rubin?”

“Yes… but we are just watching him for now… if anyone can lead us to Morrison, or Damian it’s him, so I’ve instructed my men to leave him alone.”

“Where is Gage?” I asked again.

“He’s inside the city as of,” he said, as he glanced at his watch then looked at me, “oh, two thirty this morning. They are watching the house we think Damian will go to.”

“When you say… inside the city… what does that mean exactly?”

“Inside enemy lines,” he said, he didn’t hesitate, he didn’t try to sugarcoat it, just flat out, inside enemy lines. “The far south end, with the highest concentration of Militia and Morrison supporters.”

“Why would you ask Gage to go?” I asked, my reaction to the news dumbfounded as my palms grew moist, probably sucking the moisture from my suddenly dry mouth.

“I didn’t… he volunteered.”

My heart dropped like a brick into the pit of my stomach as I grew silently frustrated and upset in my whirling mind. I couldn’t respond as I stared at him with disbelief. He sat unmoved and indifferent by the news he told me. A man of his stature probably delivered much more ominous news to military wives on a regular basis and I wasn’t Gage’s wife, so of course his insensitivity should be expected.

“So,” he said, I could see his impatience grow. “About the safe house…”

“I don’t think that will be necessary,” Raύl said. I forgot he was in the room and turned quickly to see him, a leery expression on his face then looked back to Prescott.

Do I have to go?”

He sighed deeply, as if put out and bored with me. “I think it would be in your best interests… we don’t know what Morrison will do or what exactly he knows about how Jackson died.”

“Why would that matter?” Raύl asked.

“Because Jade shot him,” he said, with a slight raise of his eyebrows as a smile crept across his face as he gave me a nod. “I would never encourage a young girl like yourself to become so involved and do something like that… but off the record and under the circumstances… good job.”

I glanced at Raύl, his face crumpled into a stunned expression, and I couldn’t tell if he was disappointed or shocked.

“It wasn’t like we all sat around and drew straws, Raύl,” I said, in my defense. Prescott burst into laughter as his face softened. “It happened so quickly and there was no time to do anything else, he had Kane and he was going to kill him. I did what had to be done.”   

“Okay,” he said. He gave me a weak smile, then I looked down and stared at the letter.

“Do you mind?” I asked, as I held up the letter.

“No, go ahead,” he said, then reclined back into the plush cushions of the couch.

I opened it and unfolded a piece of paper then smiled briefly at a smudge of his thumb print in the upper corner as I started to read.

Hey beautiful…

I stopped and looked at Prescott. “I won’t be long,” I said, then walked into my room to read the letter.


I noticed the fire had died down to molten colored embers as I walked into the front room and sat back in the chair. I stared for a moment as a small flicker of a flame struggled to stay lit, then turned to Prescott as it disappeared with a curl of smoke. “Gage says nothing in that letter about wanting me to go to a safe house… Did he know you wanted to send me to one?”


“I want to stay here… can I think about it?”

“I suppose… but if you decide not to, it will be against my advice,” he said, then stood quickly as I dropped against the back of the chair. “I will increase the patrol and you need to have someone with you at all times. The offer will always stand… so if you change your mind, get ahold of Olivia. She will know where to find me.”

He walked with Raύl to the front door and they stepped outside and closed the door. I crouched next to the fire and threw a log on as I tuned their muffled voices out of my mind. I leaned forward and blew on the coals until a flame took hold then pulled the envelope from my back pocket to read it again.

Hey beautiful,

I’m missing you already. I know I said I’d be back, and I will, God willing, but I don’t know when yet. Don’t worry about me. As long as I breathe there’s nothing that will keep me from you for long but I need to do this. When Damian gets here, I’ll be waiting.

I love you… damn, I love you so much, that probably sounds corny, but I do. I want you to know I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you’re safe, even if it means I need to be away from you for a while, even if it means, I may not come back. We both know, there’s always that risk, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take to keep you safe, that’s what I fight for. I need to see with my own eyes, for my own peace of mind as well as yours, that he’s been taken care of, I hope you understand. 

How’s your hand? I guarantee it, Walstrom is feeling it too, and more. You broke his nose and he looks like he got hit in the face with a baseball bat. I let him have it, then Kane and Mike had a few words with him as well, he won’t be bothering you again.

Morrison is on quite a rampage and things are getting ugly around here. I’m glad you aren’t here. Stay close to Raύl and don’t be surprised if you see an increase in the patrol. They will be coming by a lot more. Be careful who you trust and be safe, remember what we practiced. Hope you’re ready to spar with me when I get back. I’m looking forward to it and I’m smiling just thinking about it.

I think about you all the time, beautiful, probably too much. It won’t be long and I’ll have you in my arms again, but until then, I’ll keep my memory of you last night fresh in my mind along with my other favorites, the list keeps growing. I know I should apologize, but I can’t be sorry for barging into your room and finding you, well, let’s just say, I’m smiling again. You keep me going and you’ve given me a bit of heaven to hold onto in this dump until I can see you and your beautiful green eyes again.

I continue to be amazed by your strength and the fire you have in your heart. It’s incredible to watch. You give me strength and the conformation that what we’re fighting for is real, and worth it as hard as it is.

I can’t wait to touch you babe, to kiss you. I need you more than the air I breathe and I love you, more than life its self.


I pressed the letter to my chest and let my eyes drift closed then curled myself into a ball as I lay on the floor. Each breath I took, painful and constricting in my chest as my heart ached with worry.

I heard the front door open. “Jade,” Olivia called, as she knocked, then walked in without waiting for me to answer.

“I’m right here,” I said, then pulled myself off the floor and sat with my back to the couch. I pulled my knees up to my chest then curled my arms around them and sighed as I stared blankly into the fire.

“Were you sleeping on the floor?” She asked, as she stood over me.

“Not really,” I said, as I looked up at her and gave her a forged smile.

“I’ve come to pick you up,” she said, as she eyed me with stern faced determination that reminded me of how my dad did when he was serious. “You can’t stay here by yourself, you need to go to the safe house.”

“Why?” I turned back to face the fire, its heat radiating and warmed my face.

“Because you are a target and Morrison is furious,” she said, then crouched down in front of me and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear so she could see my face. “It won’t be permanent.”

“What about Megan and the others... aren’t they at risk too?”

“Morrison won’t be sending an army to find you. He knows he can’t get through,” she said, her eyes sympathetic and understanding. “But three or four men with a specific job is a different story… we have conformation that you are a target… he doesn’t know anything about Megan, and you’re putting her and the kids at risk by being here so close to them… trust me, it’s for the best.”

“Okay,” I said, and closed my eyes. “I’ll go.”

© Copyright 2015 Mae Redding (UN: debmech at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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