Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/857994-Chapter-18
Rated: 13+ · Book · Young Adult · #1920107
Jade's story continues in Jaded Warriors, the second novel of The Color of Jade.
#857994 added August 21, 2015 at 4:04pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 18
Chapter 18

The cold morning chilled me to the bone and I pulled my coat closer around me with little relief as I rode the endless perimeter of the winter pasture with Raύl. I glanced at him with concern as he went into another coughing spell, his red bandana handkerchief held up to his mouth. He insisted to Kane he was fine. But with his persistent cough lingering, I wasn’t convinced.

He said we needed to move the cows soon even if it meant him and Jorge had to camp out with them. I wasn’t happy with the idea but he wouldn’t hear what I had to say about it, we were almost out of hay and something needed to be done. The south pasture would be off limits due to the close proximity of the front line. But as soon as it warmed up some, the cows would be moved to the northern end. He seemed unusually quiet this morning, though that wasn't too out of the norm for him. He was a man that kept to his thoughts most of the time though I couldn't help but feel the distance between us.

"Are you mad at me, Raύl?"

"No, girl," he said, pulled from his reverie and gave me a strange look. "Why would you think so?"

"You're quiet."

He chuckled under his breath as a smile emerged. His dark brown eyes searched mine as if he could tell there was more to my apprehension. "Jade, men don't sit and stew over issues. If I had something to say, I'd say it."


Raύl made an effort to talk. I assumed more for me in an attempt to subdue the silence than actually needing to make conversation. Mostly, pointing out posts that needed replaced or wire that needed stretched as he took a mental inventory of what materials he needed for the repairs.

"Do you know how Hector died," I asked him. I surprised myself with the question. I'm not sure why I asked. The fact that I felt like I owed Raύl an explanation ate constantly at my stomach to the point it felt physically painful and I couldn't avoid it any longer. He wasn't going to ask, I knew that. He would have by now. 

Raύl sighed as he gave me a pensive glance. "No, not exactly," he finally replied, after much hesitation. "I don't need to know, Jade. I don't want you to relive it. Whatever happened, we are past that now, what's done is done. I don't need the details."

"Did you know I gave Morrison information that led to his capture?"

"Kane mentioned it," he paused, and pulled Dodger to a halt and studied me as if he wanted to choose his words carefully. I looked back at him as I stopped Fire then backed her up to meet his gaze. "But… That isn't entirely true, Jade. You see… you gave Morrison false information. You attempted to deter his efforts in reaching and stopping Kane. You couldn't possibly have known what would become of it."

"That isn't what Morrison led Hector to believe." I felt my throat tighten and I swallowed at the knot in an attempt to avoid the tears.

"Jade, listen to me, just like I told Kane, your family and ours go back four generations. We may not be of the same blood, but we are family. We look out for each other… We take care of each other. I felt like I lost one of my own sons when Trey died. Hector loved you as if you were one of his own daughters. Morrison could not have led Hector to believe anything. I know it's hard to lose someone close to you, I miss him, but I will never blame you for what happened, I hope you don't either. Hector wouldn't want that."

"Okay…" I hesitated.

"Times are tough. We've both lost a brother, we've all had to make sacrifices. You included… You, more than most," he paused, as he looked at me under a stern brow. The harsh planes of his face from the seriousness of our conversation smoothed into a smile and relief bubbled into my chest as he changed the subject.  "What do you say… we get these fences mended and get the cows ready to move?"

"Okay," I said, then added with a weak smile, thankful for his non-judgment, "and Raύl… thank you."


I placed my rifle by the door and took a moment to adjust my eyes to the darkness as I walked into the shed out of the bright sun. Actually, it was much bigger than a shed, more like an oversized shop built with a metal frame and sheeted aluminum walls. It was big enough to fit two tractors with the swathers and bailers that went along with them. Big stacks of hay consumed the length of the shed, one ton bales, and twelve by twelve deep and across, stacked all the way up to the thirty-foot ceiling.

Off in the corner were cabinets full of different tools and gadgets, which was where I looked for what I needed. It had to be around here somewhere, I thought as I looked for the tool. I shivered from the cold and pulled my coat closer around me. Even with the bright sun outside the cold remained still, cold enough to need gloves and to see my breath.

I looked around for what seemed like ages as I wondered how I would ever find anything in the cluttered mess that Raύl called organized. The funny thing about it, he knew where everything was even if nobody else did. If I were to clean it up for him, he would never be able to find anything. I turned to go back outside as I realized I would never find what I needed without Raύl’s help so I decided to make dinner and wait for him to return.

I startled suddenly as I saw a dark silhouette of a man that stood in the doorway. His not so tall, stocky figure blocked the sun from seeping in and prevented me from seeing his face. I wondered how long he’d been there and even more concerning I wondered who he was. He seemed oblivious to the fact that he scared me since I practically jumped out of my boots, either that or he didn’t care.

I took a deep breath and sighed then took a brave attempt to walk towards him. My knees felt unusually shaky and my legs, unusually weak, but I willed myself to move forward. “Can I help you with something?”

I wondered where Raύl was. He said he would return soon, how long was that? It had been long enough for me, I’d be happy to see him walk in right now, but he didn’t.

“I hope so.”

His thick Latino accent rolled off his tongue and blended well with his dark skin. His accent was slightly different from Chale and Elias’s and he didn’t quite fit the picture of the Hispanic’s I knew so I suspected he wasn’t from Mexico. The closer I got to him, the more uneasy I felt. I saw his eyes, or at least what wasn’t hidden behind his heavy eyelids that slanted at the corners. His eyes were so dark they looked black. Squinty, suspicious, and hid his thoughts well.

I stopped a few feet ahead of him on purpose. I didn’t want to get too close. He didn’t have a coat on, which I thought was strange since it was cold outside. From what I could see of his tattoo-sleeved arms, covered with crosses, fancy lettering, and a spider web that consumed one of his elbows. All of which contributed to the great intimidation his demeanor evoked.

“I’m looking for Kane.”

“Kane isn’t here.”

“I’ll wait for him.”   

Chills ran through me suddenly that caused the hair on my arms to stand on end under the sleeves of my jacket. I felt goose bumps prickle up my arms and found their way up my neck and into my hair. I wasn’t sure if they were there because of the cold or his uncomfortable presence.

“He won’t be back for a few days,” I said, then suddenly regretted my last comment as I realized that Kane being gone with this stranger here could end in trouble for me. I felt his shifty eyes move over me as an unpleasant grin surfaced at the corner of his lip. “But Raύl will be back any minute.”

“I only deal with Kane. Raύl won’t due. Things tend to go wrong when he sends someone else.” He took an intimidating step forward. At that moment, two other men walked in through the door and stood slightly behind him. One was about the same stature as him, the other at least six inches taller and fifty pounds heavier. My airway constricted as my chest tightened and I felt my heart race. I felt the tremble in the tips of my fingers.  “But I could make an exception for a pretty little blond.”

“I don’t think so.”

“No?  I haven’t told you what I wanted.”

I went to walk past him as he moved in front of me and blocked my way. I glanced towards the door, only three feet away with my rifle propped up next to it, right where I left it.

“You’re leaving. I haven’t got your name.”

“You first and while you’re at it, you can tell me what you want.”

“Mateo… And Kane and I have some business to take care of.”

“And your friends?”

“Santiago and Elias.”

“Okay, well Mateo… Kane isn’t here and you are standing in my way.”

Mateo stepped slowly to the side and I took that as my opportunity to leave as the other two moved in sync behind him. I felt uneasy as his eyes followed me while I moved past him. I felt him follow me. My heart hammered fierce out of my chest as I reacted without a thought of repercussions and grabbed my rifle suddenly. I spun around and pointed it at him as I engaged the gun. Instantly, Santiago and Elias, with swift stealth moves pulled out handguns and pointed them at me.

Mateo’s glare turned as ice cold as the weather and a hardened and calloused emptiness settled deep into the blackness of his eyes that sent a fear racing through my veins. A fear that I remembered Damian could evoke. I backed slowly out the doorway into the brightness of the sun as he slowly followed.

“You going to shoot me?” Mateo asked. His eyes narrowed to black slits as tension set tight in his jaw.

“Do you really want to find out?” I kept the barrel pinned at the center of his chest, as everyone seemed frozen in place.

“Bajen las armas!  Dejar!”

I wasn’t sure what he said but the guns went down as he did. I backed up and they followed me out of the door. I eyed them down the long barrel that I kept sighted as they moved around me to my left. Mateo stopped and the other two walked slowly down the gravel driveway that headed to the front of the house.

“You shouldn’t pull a gun on someone unless you’re prepared to use it.”

“And you and your friends shouldn’t corner me and not expect to get a gun in your face, Mateo. Don’t be so sure I wouldn’t use it. I can promise you, I know how.”

“Fair enough.”

With that, he gave a curt nod of his head as he turned and walked away and I watched him as he disappeared around to the front of the house. As he did, my knees buckled and I staggered to the ground as tears forced to the surface unable to find restraint. My breaths, well exaggerated due to the rapid beat of my heart that reached near dizzying speeds.

"Jade, are you okay?"

The sound of Raύl's voice sent me into a panic as I fought against my turmoil of emotions and shoved them deep inside as he reached my side. Concern etched deeply in the creases of his face, while he searched my eyes for an explanation of why I sat on the cold, frozen ground.

"I think I'm just tired, Raύl," I said, which wasn't entirely untrue.

"Then I’ll take you back to Megan’s and you can rest, we've got a lot done today, we can start again tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you."


With my arms rested against the side of the bassinet, I leaned forward from the couch. I watched the rise and fall of Rylie’s tiny chest as she slept while Megan took a much-needed nap of her own. I smiled softly as I inspected her tiny miniature features, her nose, her lips, her eyelashes that fanned out from her tiny closed eyelids.

She was already two weeks old and had changed drastically during that time. Every day that I saw Rylie, her skin looked softer, pink and creamy, as opposed to the ruddy red cheeks she had after she was born. She was beautiful at birth but grew increasingly beautiful as each day passed. I smiled adoringly at her attempt to suck on her bottom lip while she slept.

A little whimper caught my attention to a blanket on the floor where another baby slept. Olivia brought Grayson here during the day while Maya and Corby went to Deanna's as she attempted to organize the re-establishment of leadership in Little Creek and the surrounding towns.

I watched the little guy as he stirred with an attempt to decide if he was going to fall back asleep or wake up. He stretched and rolled from his belly to his back as he twisted in the blanket that covered him. His eyelids fluttered open briefly then closed as his lashes fanned out and covered his eyes. He was a good baby, adorable with his plump cheeks, larger than life smile and wide sapphire eyes, and developed quite a personality.

No one knew exactly how old he was or when his actual birthday was, but when I saw him in the compound, he couldn't have been more than a couple months old which would put him around seven months. He had two tiny sprouts of little whiteness that grew from the center of his bottom gums, visible when he smiled. He could sit and attempted venturing out to explore as he worked on his crawling so Deanna said, our guess of his age wasn't too far off.

Once I felt certain he would fall back to sleep, I pulled my gaze from him to the window. The snow had stopped and I wondered if Mother Nature had made up her mind yet whether or not she would send more snow. It had flurried on and off all morning and it looked as if it had finally stopped.

My mind wandered to the encounter I had yesterday with Mateo. I wondered what kind of business he could possibly have with my brother and I wondered where Kane had to go to meet him in the first place. He didn’t talk or act like he was from around here, didn’t dress like it either.

I wasn’t sure if it was because I felt so uneasy about him or if it was that Kane actually had business with this intimidating individual but I couldn’t get the worry and apprehension out of my mind.

I didn’t sleep very well last night even though I slept at Megan’s. I told her I wanted to help with Rylie and Grayson, which wasn’t untrue. Megan looked quite worn still and I knew she needed help as well as more sleep. I just failed to mention I was afraid to stay at Gage’s alone still for fear the guy would come kill me in my sleep. I doubt that would have happened but my overactive imagination led the rational reasoning side of my brain to think it could.

I did pull a gun on him, so I couldn’t totally discount a motive for him. But he snuck up on me and I couldn’t see how he could blame me.

“You seem distracted... Are you okay?” Megan asked. She spoke in a soft monotone voice as to not wake the babies and I reciprocated with the same gentle voice.

“Oh… Hey Megan, I didn’t hear you get up.”

“Yeah, thanks for the nap. I really needed it.”

“I could tell.”

“And I could tell you’ve been distracted. Are you going to tell me or are you going to keep pretending nothing’s wrong.”

I smiled warmly as my good friend sat next to me on the couch. I could tell she was concerned and worried that I would slip back to my past somnolence. I had promised her before that I wouldn’t, but I know she still worried.

“I just miss Gage… And I’m worried about all of them. I hope they have what they need to get the refinery. It just seems so dangerous to be battling by it, with all of the oil and things that could burn or explode.”

“It’s dangerous no matter how it’s done.”

“I know.”

It was true, I’d worried about that very thing since they went there and I did still, but this Mateo guy just added to my anxiety.

“I went over to our farm yesterday and…”

“Are you staying off the trail?” Megan asked, instant worry crept into her voice.

“Yes… why?”

“I overheard Olivia tell Deanna that she was having the guard tighten down on our neighborhood. They’re afraid that stranger was Damian and if he finds out you’re alone they think he’ll try to come after you.”

“Oh… wait, how did you, or for that matter, how did Olivia know about that?” I did see an increase in the number of guard patrols out.

"Casey told her,” she said.

“I don’t think its Damian,” I added.

“Then what’s wrong… I'm worried about you… you seem depressed."

"No, I'm fine," I paused, as I felt a little hand on my knee. I looked down to see Grayson in a wobbly attempt to climb onto his knees with my leg. His hand slipped and he rolled back onto his side. With a startled expression, his hands flared out. I smiled warmly at him and turned his almost tears into a big Cheshire grin while I picked him up. "How can I be with this little guy around to make me laugh," I said, more to the baby I held up in front me than to Megan. His hands went instantly to his drooling mouth as I tickled him and he let out a squeal. I kissed the top of his fuzzy blond head and pulled him into a hug. He squirmed and I set him back down to the floor with an army of toys to consume his attention and turned back to Megan.

As I was about to tell Megan about Mateo, I stopped. I wasn't sure if I wanted her to know about him yet. All that would do if I told her would be cause her to worry more. She didn't need that so I decided against it and forced a smile on my face.

"I'm fine, really," I said, then walked across the carpet and glanced down the street. A jeep with two men from the patrol sat at the corner, their images, darkened and obscured by the distance from the house, but I knew Kane hand-picked them himself and I felt myself relax by their presence. Others placed sporadically throughout the small town of Little Creek, also picked by Kane. I felt safe enough, as safe as possible, but there were no guarantees Damian or this stranger couldn’t get past them, but it wouldn’t be easy. 

"Okay," Megan said, with hesitation as she walked over to the bassinet and picked up a fussy Rylie then gave me a sideways glance. She stood pensive, deep in thought as her forehead crinkled. "Were you going to say something else?"

"No…" I said, as I knew, more than ever, I couldn’t tell her about Mateo.

"Okay, but promise me you will stay off the trail," she insisted.

"I promise."


I took long soft strokes as I softly brushed Fire's thick winter coat. She nudged me with her nose so I rubbed her forehead as I curled into the crook of her slender neck. I took a deep breath and sighed. I needed to get out of the stuffy quiet house. The babies were a nice distraction but I needed to think. A breath of cool winter air and time alone with Fire was exactly what I needed to clear my mind.

“Can I come in?” Startled and taken off guard, I whirled around, irritated. In spite of the courtesy knock, I still felt intruded upon despite my visitors' attempt at obtaining manners.

“Why are you hanging around here, Mateo, are you lost,” I asked, irritation leaked into my voice.

“No,” he said, as he shrugged his shoulders, then walked over to my tack room and looked inside.

“What do you want?” I asked, as I picked up a brush and ran it repeatedly through her thick, black tail.

“I told you, I have business with Kane,” he said, then glanced back at me and watched as I ripped through wiry tangled knots.

“How did you get past the patrol?”

“I’ve been running from police my whole life… it wasn’t too hard,” he said, his eyes narrowed as my insides bristled at his words.

“Kane’s not back yet,” I said with a sigh, a shudder moved through me and averted his stare as I moved near Fire’s shoulder and worked on her mane.

“I’m getting impatient, I’ve waited three days,” he said, I gave him a sidelong glance as he leaned against the wooden support beam. His eyes, dagger-like slits, dark and impatient with his tattooed arms folded across his chest. If he was cold, he didn’t show it as he stood before me, still without a coat.

“I know. I’ve seen you hanging around. You have everyone believing you are Damian.”

“That’s okay… let them believe that… they don’t need to know about me.”

I saw Mateo yesterday and the day before through the trees as I put Fire up for the evening and derived a conclusion. I knew Damian wouldn't make his presence known by secretively hiding in the trees. The stranger along the trail was Mateo all along. He lacked his entourage both times and I glanced around him apprehensively for them today.

“I didn’t want to corner you like before. I don’t really feel like getting shot… Especially by a girl.”

“I have a feeling your buddies wouldn’t allow it.”

“Do you see them?”

“No, but I’m sure their around here somewhere.”

He shook his head as he eyed me. “Trust… We have to have trust.”

“I have no reason to trust you… I have no idea who you are,” I said as I stopped brushing Fire and turned to him, waiting for him to respond.

“I told you, I’m Mateo and I still don’t know who you are, Kane’s friend, his girlfriend, what’s your name?”

I hesitated. Who was this guy? I had a feeling that I wasn’t going to be able to get rid of him any time soon so I decided to see what he wanted. “My name is Jade. I’m Kane’s sister.”

“Well, Jade, I'm sorry about the secrecy, but I can't speak to just anybody about this. Kane was supposed to send someone to meet me ten days ago. They didn’t show. I’m not too happy about him falling through on his end of the bargain. We had a deal and I don’t want to stick around here too much longer.”

“What kind of deal?”

“Meet me back at your farm.”

I hesitated to answer. “I don’t…”

“Before you say no, I’m not waiting another day and I’m pretty sure Kane wants what I have. Last chance, Jade. I’m losing my patience… See you in one hour… And no Raύl got it.”

“And if I don’t show?”

“Do you really want to test me?” He asked, his eyes narrowed further as he took a step closer. “That would be a mistake. One Kane cannot afford. You’ll be there.”

I had to do some convincing to get past the guards since Raύl hadn’t come to pick me up. The whole purpose of their increase in patrol was because of me. It was next to impossible to get through without an escort but I insisted Raύl waited for me and I would be fine. I wasn't a very good liar, but they seemed to buy it. My heart froze in my chest as flashbacks of my capture raced through my mind and I forced myself to calm down as I rode Fire farther from the men who wanted to protect me.

I had to question my own judgment. I was about to put myself in a situation that could turn out badly and this time, no one would know what happened to me.

I slowed Fire as I rode up to the front of the farm. Her hooves clattered loud against the gravel making it hard for me to surprise anyone as I went around to the back. Raύl and Jorge were still out on winter pasture with the cows. The only other person who lived this direction anymore was Mr. Taggart.

I drew a deep breath and shifted uncomfortably in the saddle with my hand near the heel of my rifle as I rounded the back of the house. It was deathly quiet, with no one around. Not even the bawling of cows could offer me comfort, as they were gone as well. I circled the yard to see if he was here.

Suddenly, I heard a door open behind me and I whirled Fire around quickly to see Mateo. He stood in the doorway of the shop where I’d first had the unfortunate opportunity of crossing paths with him. I chided myself for being so jumpy, the last thing I needed was to let him see my fear.

“I’m surprised you showed up.”

“You said Kane needs what you have… Why wouldn’t I show up?” I nudged Fire closer to the edge of the shop where he stood.

“I don’t know…” He paused, as he shrugged his shoulders. The deep undertones of cynical intimidation surfaced richly in his accent. I shuddered, but not due to the cold, more to the fact that as much as I wanted to trust him, I didn’t.  “I thought maybe you were scared.”

“Do you ever where a coat?” I asked, as I changed the subject, ignoring his last comment.

“Don’t need one where I come from.”

I opened the saddlebag draped across the horn of the saddle and pulled out an old grey hooded sweatshirt that I found in the back of the guestroom closet. “Well, you’ll need one here. I think that one will fit you,” I said, then tossed it to him.

I could tell I took him off guard and for a moment, I thought I briefly saw a sliver of gratitude in his dark skeptical eyes.

“What do you have for Kane?”

“Come inside and I’ll show you.”

“You have it in there?” I asked, as I referred to the shop.

“Yeah… well some of it. It’s on my truck that I have hidden inside. The rest is on three other trucks I have parked in a safe place.”

Instantly, all the memories of my parents and teachers at school warning me not to get into a car or go into an unfamiliar house with a stranger popped into my mind for some reason. I hesitated for a moment, and then inwardly scolded myself for not listening to their warnings as I went to step off Fire.

Suddenly, I heard a series of booms. They weren’t close and by the sound of them, it had to be a rather large explosion. Fire’s ears pricked back as she jumped in place and I stopped where I was, off-centered with one foot in the stirrup while I looked back in the direction they came from.

I looked towards Mateo. Baffled, unsure of what to do, what to think, when a jarring jolt shook the ground underneath me followed instantly by a thunderous blast. Fire, a bit nervous already from the first blasts squealed and jumped forward as I scrambled for the horn to hold on. Still wondering how I managed to stay on I collected my other stirrup and re-centered myself into the saddle. With her eyes wild and ears pinned, she snorted and danced as I tried to calm her.

I couldn’t see anything past the trees so I turned Fire back down to the road to see if I could see anything. I glanced back to see Mateo behind me as he followed obviously curious himself. I sat stunned and I gasped as Mateo came up next to me and we both stared at the thick billowing black as night smoke off in the distance. I couldn’t tell where it came from, I couldn’t see the base of the fire from where I was but it had to be huge to create such a cloud. It grew exponentially bigger by the minute. Suddenly, I heard the Firehouse sirens as they went off to warn everyone of an immediate threat.

“Mateo, don’t leave, I have to…”

“Go ahead, go...” He said, with a nod of his head, his Latino accent thick in his words once again.

“Promise me you’ll still be here.”

He gave me a strange glare as if he was surprised that I would trust him without the need of anything more than his word to back it up. Fire already danced in place, ready to run as she fed off my anxiety and I held her tight as I waited for his response.

“I’ll be here, go…”

I spun Fire in the direction of home and flanked her as she bolted down the gravel littered shoulder of the road.

© Copyright 2015 Mae Redding (UN: debmech at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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