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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/861883-Being-Hard-On-Myself-Music--Books
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#861883 added October 5, 2015 at 6:53pm
Restrictions: None
Being Hard On Myself, Music & Books
Welcome To My Reality - October Prompts

8. What music have you been listening to lately? What influences your choices of music?I

really enjoy Christian popular music... a great message of love and hope and upbeat music that never fails to move me. I can listen to get a lift or to get a sense of perspective. I love to sing along... usually alone in my house or car... I sing like nobody's listening.... and God help them if they hear me!

I also like regular popular music as well.... my tastes are pretty eclectic. From classical on up.

I was in a choir in high school so I am able to sing along to many of the classical pieces... if I work to classical music I have to pick a piece with out words or I will get distracted my the words and start singing along... even in Latin!

A sampling...
The last two artists were on American Idol.

9. Tell us about a book you read recently. Was it good? Bad? Tell us YOUR reaction to it.

I just finished Jill Shelvis's newest book All I Want. It is another book in her animal magnetism series that take place in Sunshine, Idaho. Jill Shelves is one of my favourite authors. She writes contemporary romance that has authentic characters who handle lives ups and downs as they experience life and love. As with all her books.... and I have read everything that is currently on the bookshelf at Chapters, have me laughing out loud, regardless of where I am.
Like the author herself, her characters experience 'I love Lucy' moments that have me in stitches.

I wasn't sure about Zoe's story... in the other two books she is featured, she is the big, bossy older sister. I liked her okay, but was not sure... reading her story, I came to find she is another dear character for me. She and Parker James suit just fine and are definitely hot together.... and the animals make for funny moments as well. You can't help liking a character who takes in rescue animals - even a female kitten Parker loving calls 'Destructo'!

This book was due to come out today I think but I managed to find it last Thursday... by the time I walked out of Chapters I had already read the first three chapters. I managed to savour it and finished it this morning.

I keep all my Shalvis novels.... I will definitely reread them... revisiting characters, but also revisiting her style and approach. Since I enjoy writing romances myself... I find Shalvis and her style and approach are very worthy of studying and emulating. I am already looking forward to her next book.... I keep watching her author website and reading her blog.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City - Day 579

Prompt: Being hard on yourself: Write about the ways you are hard on yourself and the ways you aren’t. Were you always the same with this approach or did it change over the years?

As a child I was a horrible perfectionist... I would get very angry with myself if I was not able to master something. My mother used to tell me to just leave it and take a break for a bit, but that only seemed to make me angrier. I have since learned that taking a break is a wise chose. Instead of pushing my blood pressure through the roof, I stop and walk away. Take a walk, listen to music, go clean a bathroom... anything to change gears for awhile and then when I am ready and able I revisit the problem... I often find a cooler head and the break let me work things through subconsciously and I am able to deal with things much better.

I have also learned to shake the bonds of perfectionism. I am human. Perfection is not attainable.... I can get as close as humanly possible, but I need to realize not everything is going to be mastered... and certainly not on the first couple of tries. Time, patience and practice helps to edge you closer to your goal... but the goal is now more realistic. There are steps and each is celebrated.

I have learned to shake things off... but I do have a tendency in times of high stress to hide and bury my head... denial is not just a river in Egypt. I know I need to work on this.... facing things instead of running is ruining my marriage....
I am a work in progress. God is not finished with my yet.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/861883-Being-Hard-On-Myself-Music--Books