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Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #2059771
#862335 added October 9, 2015 at 8:36am
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Assignment 8. Antagonist Profile. (A-typical)

Friday, Oct. 09
Required: Antagonist Profile ▼

Complete a character profile of your antagonist (your "bad guy" - the character creating conflict for your protagonist.) If your antagonist is a situation rather than a person, write about what it is and how it will create the narrative conflict. Add the profile to your character database (if applicable.)

Further clarification:
- Wikipedia's definition of Narrative Conflict
- Newsletter Article: "When The Bad Guy Isn't a Person"
- "ANTAGONIST (Re: A LOT of confusing things)"


[WRITER NOTE: I call this an a-typical antagonist you will have to read the story to figure out how I make that work.]

Laurie Clair Mans

Birthday: March 10, Pisces
Place of birth: Missoula, MT
Parents: Victor and Gloria Mans
What was important to the people who raised her: Music and Performing Arts
Siblings: Older brother plays trumpet in a jazz band. Ambrose Mans
Economic/social status growing up: middle class.
Ethnic background: Caucasian
Places lived: Went to school in Louisiana. Roomed with her brother.
Current address and phone number: 5700 Jagged Diversion, Pepeekeo, Montana, 59194-0036, US, (406) 199-5776
Education: couple years at a university in Louisiana
Favorite subject in school: Music
Special training: Knows how to do simple car repairs, has special talent with brakes.
Jobs: Manager of the Family’s music store. Gives lessons in voice and brass instruments.

Salary: Varies. Not hurting for money
Travel: Loves it. Only foreign country she has been to is Canada.

Friends: Mainly guys. Only one or two girlfriends.
How do people view this character: flirty, fun, party girl, talented, flighty.
Lives with: two female roommates in a house setting.
Fights with: boyfriend of the moment
Spends time with: Warren Thomas Miller
Wishes to spend time with: Mind does not run along those lines.
Who depends on her and why: No one. She is by far too flighty to be counted on.
What people does she most admire: Besides her parents and brother -- the boys in her brother’s Jazz band.
Enemies: Old boyfriends.
Dating, marriage: It would be nice, but does not seem likely.
Children: Maybe one day.
Relationship with God: Believes in God, goes to church with parents or on invitation

Overall outlook on life: Carefree. Underlying belief that things work out the way they are supposed to.
Does this character like herself: She has mood swings. She is usually happy and likes herself. There are times she wonders why she even bothers.
What, if anything, would he like to change about her life: Knee jerk reactions when the boyfriends irritate her.
What personal demons haunt her: She thinks she let her parents down when she did not finish school.
Is she lying to herself about something: Her presentation in public is that she has it all together and living life on her own terms. In truth, she does not know what she wants.
Optimistic/pessimistic: Usually optimistic
Real/feigned: puts on a good show
Morality level: free thinker.
Confidence level: still gets butterflies when performing
Typical day: running the family business. Enough time to perform in local plays and private engagements with a group of musicians. She is not in a band, she kind of floats and fills in where needed.

Physical appearance
Body type: She does not care. She is not ‘perfect’ and does not want to be.
Posture: Proud bearing.
Head shape: Heart
Eyes: oval
Nose: slightly turned up.
Mouth: generous, teeth are capped and straightened for that perfect smile.
Hair: Long dark curls.
Skin: Caucasian, no blemish.
Tattoos/piercings/scars: Not opposed to it, but does not have enough focus to come up with something that holds her interest for any length of time.
Voice: She is a singer.
What people notice first: Her dazzling smile.
Clothing: edgy bohemian
How would she describe herself: fun
Health/disabilities/handicaps: no issues

Personality type (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholy):
The Performer
The primary mode of living is focused externally, where you take things in via your five senses in a literal, concrete fashion. Your secondary mode is internal, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them, or how they fit with your personal value system.
She loves people and new experiences. She is lively and fun, and enjoy being the center of attention. She lives in the here-and-now, and relish excitement and drama in their lives.
She is usually quite generous and warm. She is definitely a spontaneous, optimistic individual, and loves to have fun. For Laurie, entire world is a stage. She loves to be the center of attention and perform for people. She entertains them to make them happy. Her greatest gifts is her general acceptance of everyone. Sheis upbeat and enthusiastic, and genuinely like almost everybody. Because she is warm and generous with everyone, she is able to do well in her job andinher hobbies.
Laurie gives everyone a chance, but if you cross her, she will hold a deep dislike in such a situation. The traits that draw people to her are also those that cause the most stress in the relationships.
She has a tremendous love for life, and knows how to have fun, and wants to bring everyone along for the ride.

Strongest/weakest character traits: fun/flighty
How can the flip side of her strong point be a weakness: Laurie is a fun person. Sometimes her gut reaction to gloss over a tense situation with a joke can really land wrong with the other person in the conversation or interaction
How much self-control and self-discipline does she have: When it is related to music or performing, she is very focused and gives 100%
What makes her irrationally angry: People stealing
What makes her cry: She cries easily when happy and when sad.
Fears: Being alone.
Talents: Music and performances. Also fixingcars.
What people like best about her: dazzling genuine smile

Interests and favorites
Political leaning: Doesn’t care enough about politics to have an opinion.
Collections: Music theme in home decorations (instruments, fabric, shower curtains, towels, etc.)
Food, drink: Italian and wine.
Music: jazz is her favorite to play. Blues is her favorite to sing.
Books: song books. Otherwise,she can’t be bothered.
Movies: Star Trek
Sports, recreation: soccer and Volleyball
Did she play in school: yes
Color: blue
Best way to spend a weekend: jamming with friends
A great gift for this person: anything with a music theme.
Pets: Not responsible enough for one. Away too much. One of the Roommates is allergic
Vehicles: 2003 Subaru SVX
What large possessions does he own (car, home, furnishings, boat, etc.)
and which does she like best: She owns a four different brass instruments, the French horn is the most expensive, but she loves her cornet the best because it is the first instrument and where she learned to hone her talent.

Typical expressions
When happy: giggle type laugh
When angry: pout
When frustrated: heavy sigh
When sad: cries

Laughs or jeers at: just about everything
Ways to cheer up this person: happy hour
Ways to annoy this person: Not compliment her performance
Hopes and dreams: Broadway
How does she see herself accomplishing these dreams: She is not acting on them. These are just dreams on the “it would be nice”level, but she is not interested in pursuing it.
What’s the worst thing she’s ever done to someone and why: She broke up with a boyfriend because he was tone deaf. He was a great guy and perfect in every other way.
Greatest success:
Biggest trauma:
Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him:
What does he care about most in the world:
Does she have a secret: She has an interest in astrology.
[writer note: Pisces and Cancer love compatibility
This is an affectionate, sensitive couple who will bolster each other's ego. Pisces is an imaginative dreamer but Cancer is an imaginative worker-and together they can make their dreams a reality. Pisces provides romance in Cancer's life, and Cancer is the all-protective lover Pisces needs. They are a good pair in the field of sex. They are both sympathetic and try to support each other. Probably the Cancer will be the leader, because of the the Pisces' inclination for some eccentricity in love affairs. The quarrels are usually short and quickly come to an end in bed. They are perfectly fit for each other. They can spend their time during day and during night with the same result and the sentimental combination of these two signs make for an ideal marriage. ]

If he could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be:
He is the kind of person who:
What do you love most about this character:
Why will the reader sympathize with this person right away:
How is the character ordinary or extraordinary:
How is his situation ordinary or extraordinary:

Core Need:
Corresponding psychological maneuver (delusions, obsessions,
compulsions, addictions, denials, hysterical ailments, hypochondria, illnesses,
behaviors harming the self, behavior harming others, manias, and phobias):
Anecdote (defining moment):

Bonus: Antagonist Voice ▼

Have your antagonist introduce themselves to us in first person using their own voice. Brainstorm ways to make their voice unique. If your antagonist is a situation rather than a person, attempt to personify it and give it an explanation for interfering with your protagonist. Add the introduction to your character database (if applicable.)

Hi, hi, hi! My name is Laurie. How are you? A little about me is that I was born and raised in Montana with my mom, dad and brother. Mom and dad were in a traveling band when the Bro and I were young. Oh, man, that was so much fun. They had to teach us on the road, but we never fell behind in school or anything like that.
The biggest kick I got from that is doing a walk on part in a couple Broadway shows. It only lasted a couple nights, but oh, was that a thrill. At first I did not want to go because I could not afford it. Dad said not to worry about it because he was using the SKI fund. I’m like, dad, now you want to go skiing? I thought you were talking about New York. He’s like, no, baby girl, Spend Kids Inheritance fund. I’m like, so you’re going to spend my inheritance whether I’m there or not. That’s right? Okay, dad, I got it. I’m in. You would like my mom and dad. They are hippie wanna-be’s. You would like my brother, too. He is hands down the best jazz trumpeter ever. I mean, like, EVER.
Whoops, thanks for catching that. I sometimes don’t pay attention when I throw my arms around when I talk. Warren – he’s my best friend – you should see his house. He calls is Laurie-proofed so that I don’t knock stuff over when I visit. And no, I don’t have that problem in my house. Funny how that happens, isn’t it?
Oh, look at the time. I need to get to work. Catch you later.

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