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Rated: 13+ · Book · Writing · #2059791
Prep for Nanowrimo 2015 - I completed my 50,000 words by November 14, 2015.
#862484 added October 15, 2015 at 11:23am
Restrictions: None
Day 13 - Outline Revision & Chronological Timeline
Tuesday, Oct. 13
*Bullet* Required: Outline Revision #2 â–¼

The second draft of your outline.
*Bullet* Using traditional outline format (Traditional Outline ): write your climax and several key conflicts/disasters.
*Bullet* The Snowflake Method : Expand your sentence to a paragraph. Include the beginning, conflicts/disasters, climax, and end.

*** NEED DISASTERS? See the Plot Twists generator at the bottom of the calendar. *Down*

This is what I have from Outline #1:
Beginning: the downfall of their relationship as I want to start in the action - maybe with Carson telling her he wants to start doing things on his own... as he doesn't want to be with her - he has another woman who is interesting in doing these more active things (zip lining, white water rafting, camping in Algonquin Park)
Climax: Taryn finds out he has been unfaithful.
End: Carson tries to get her back, but she refuses to go back to an unfaithful man who was so disrespectful to her... especially when she has met someone who is so interested in her and has been kind... she is a little nervous about new love but is thinking she may chance it.

Beginning: starts in a conflict: [Complication or inciting incident: This is the complication that provides the occasion for the story. Every story must have an inciting incident to kick-start it. Something must happen that changes the protagonist's world and by doing so, creates a problem/goal.]
He has shut her down when she had tried to talk to him a few days before... needs to be on his terms.
It blows up when Taryn accepts and starts an LTO that starts after March Break (a 6 week position) - the week he was to have holidays. (In December they didn't go away because he decided that they wouldn't, but in March when she makes the decision he is not as compliant) She did ask if he was okay with her applying and accepting this job before she applied. He was not overly communicative - a grump, so she decided to go for it and see if she would get it.
The argument takes place when she is working... so that she is at her most vulnerable - probably 2 weeks into the job. Carson has a way of making her feel bad and guilty for doing things the does not sanction. He adds in that he is frustrated that she neglects the house and other responsibilites (making his lunches) in favour of not working summers... and devoting time to writing.
At this point in their conversation he has not been unfaithful and he tells her we would never be because women cost him too much money.

Development: (This is the second part of the outline. The development steps that lead to the resolution. Act II)
Over the next months Carson becomes more and more uncommunicative and puts up walls to keep Taryn in the dark. Part of this tactic is to make himself feel okay with hanging with new 'friends' - one of which is a woman from work who lives in London. He goes to London to initially play pool and starts to stay with her. He spends his time going places with this woman instead of Taryn.
Taryn suspects something - because their have been phone calls where no one says anything and if he answers he will often take the phone out of her hearing range... outside or another part of the house. This tapers off as he gets the woman to text him. Taryn notices that he has added a texting component to his phone (she sees a copy of his services laid out in plain sight), he also has a private code on his phone that she does not know - he claims to have done it because he forgot his phone at work one time and thought it safer to put a code in so no one will steal it - uncoded phones are easier to steal and use.
He goes to the States during his first week off - he tells Taryn he is going and that he will be going alone - he takes the other woman; returning to London to hang with her and do the zip lines in London. He does not tell her he is back in Canada until he is ready to come home. He won't use his phone when he is in the States.
During Shut Down he goes camping to Algonquin park with friends - the other woman is part of this group.
For both those trips, Carson tells Taryn where he is going... and also says no cell phone service in those situations so she can't contact him.
It is when he is away that she finds out that she has gotten a half time morning position at Suddaby - she finds she does not bother to tell him. As he is so disinterested in her at that point. She also gets a part time position at a bookshop - this she tells him, but he is not excited for her - he just nods and walks away.
She does celebrate with her mother and Gwyn - her best friend.
In August when they normally take their holidays together he tells he nothing until the last minute - saying he is going camping in Algonquin Park again - he actually goes White Water rafting down the Ottawa River with the other woman and others. Taryn asks if he will be home for their anniveresary - he grudgingly says yes. He comes home on the tenth for a dentist appointment and stays home until noon of the 12th which the day after their anniversary = they do nothing special. Taryn doesn't even give him the card she bought him as he is so stand offish and cold. during this time, the bookshop is very accommodating to her availability - she is not sure if she will be away so she asks for only hours at the beginning and end of the time and limited shifts.... when she finds out she will be alone she asks for more hours and is granted several other shifts.
Things deteriorate from there. Returning home from his vacation he is even more uncommunicative and will often leave without even saying where he's going or when he'll be back - she asks and get bare answers. Enough to know not to bother cooking. A few times he leaves when she is cooking and doesn't stay for the meal.
Taryn decides to be proactive and has been looking into possible living arrangements - she has also been moving her books and extra school supplies into a storage facility. A teacher at her new school tells her about a friend who is renting rooms in an old house... she says they may have a room available for September. Taryn goes to meet Myra and Thomas. She hits it off immediately.
She does not take the room until.... the other woman calls her? or she just decides it is time to make a decision and go? I think it is when Carson announces he is fed up with the kids in the area and he is putting the house on the market to be sold... this way he thinks he has made the 'decision'.

Also over this are conversations and thought moments where Taryn is able to share the good, the bad and the ugly with her mother and best friend.

Resolution: (This is the third and final step. Act III.)
Carson is sniffing around thinking of taking her back... but she has discovered he has been unfaithful over the summer and in the duration has gotten to know Alex... whether anything has happened with him or not she knows she cannot go back to Carson. - she is attracted to Alex and no longer to Carson and she has been around Alex, as well as Myra and Thomas, long enough to see how good things can really be in a healthy relationship and she wants that for herself. Love is possible.

here is a possible scene:
"I'm putting the house on the market." Carson told her giving her one of his blank, disconnected looks.
Taryn felt a tremor of fear roll over her. It nearly took her to the floor. She dragged in a deep breath hoping to calm her racing heart. "You've decided this..." she said as calmly as she could.
"I am sick of this area." he went on in his monotone blandness, "those little buggers are driving me nuts. Running all around; across our driveway, between the houses. They are never quiet. Their parents never watch them... they are a f***ing nuisance. I am sick of it."
Taking another deep breath to settle herself she forced herself to ask, "so what does this mean for us?"
He gave a heartless, dry laugh, "Us? There is no us, Taryn. You can do what you want."
It was like a stab to her heart and it nearly doubled her over, but she pulled in more breaths and pushed down the overwhelming tide of emotion as she pressed her hands into the counter before her.
He glanced at her blank of any emotion. "We'll split the money we get for the house and then... go our separate ways. I am tired of giving a shit where you go. I just want out." With that said she walked away.
When she was able to breath though her panic she picked up the phone and called Myra. "You still have that room available for September?' When Myra said she did, she said, "I'll take it."

*Bonus: Literary Device: Chronology â–¼
Brainstorm the best chronology for your story and work it into your outline.
1. Linear Narrative - the story is told in the order the events occurred.
2. Non-Linear Narrative - the story is told out of order.
3. Reverse Chronology - the story is told backwards.
4. In medias res - the story starts in the middle, goes back to explain how it got there, catches up, and then resolves.
5. Flashback/forward - individual scene(s) that take place prior to or after the current action.

I did this a few days ago but I wrote it in a book. I need to get it down here:

Taryn finishes university and since she had been volunteering and supplying on the EA supply list during the school year she was able to her officially added to the supply list in mid-April.
She is writing a lot that summer. Still living with university roommates? Or has she moved back in with her parents? Or has she found a new place?
She meets Carson that summer. He is working as a mechanic at a dealership.
She gets an EA full time position in a developmental education class in a K to 8 school for the fall. This job gives her opportunities to volunteer with the regular teachers as well - once their students have left for the day.
It is not until the spring that they officially move in together - March? April?
She works in this position for 2 years before applying for leave to attend Teacher's College - she applies during her 2nd year working as an EA.
I think she starts with the writing group in the fall? when she begins EA job? or later? It does not bother Carson right away... but over time, he feels her writing taking on a life of its own... and swallowing a lot of her time.
In December she applies to Teacher's College - in February she is accepted.
It is in February that Carson is hired to work on line at Toyota.
Before she starts TC, Carson proposes on their dating Anniversary - Aug. 11 and she accepts (hesitantly?) - there are things she worries he doesn't accept about her.... her writing being the biggest.
She attends TC and plans her wedding for the following Summer - Carson is involved in most aspects.
She gets on the supply list for the Waterloo Board in June after TC - she is known as Ms. Campbell - Carson wants her to change this when they marry, but she holds to it and continues to have her students call her Ms. Campbell - she is Ms. Campbell - Keller to the principals, but around Carson she goes by Mrs. Keller.
August 11 - they marry - they have been together 4 years by then.
Over the next 3 years she holds many LTOs but Carson is increasingly frustrated that she hasn't gotten anything. He is also frustrated that she doesn't work summers - she writes and that interfers with her focus on home. Carson thinks it should be spotless.
She works enough in her supply and LTO work to collect UI in the summer so she devotes her time to her writing.
Summer he decides to call it quits - is she on UI? or does she just miss the limit of hours for this region?
** the story starts at this point.... In medias res...

I am thinking her thoughts take heer back to when it was working and when it wasn't.

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