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Prep for Nanowrimo 2015 - I completed my 50,000 words by November 14, 2015.
#862485 added October 18, 2015 at 11:53pm
Restrictions: None
Day 14 - Minor Character Profile & Voice
Wednesday, Oct. 14
*Required: Minor #1 Profile â–¼
Complete a character profile of any additional protagonist, antagonist, or minor character, whom we will call Minor #1. Add the profile to your character database (if applicable.)


Name: Alexander (Alex) Robert Donovan

Background: English, Irish, Scottish descent; Canadian born.
Place of birth:
What was important to the people who raised him:
Siblings: younger sister and brother
Economic/social status growing up: middle class; mother was a elementary school teacher; father a university professor.
Ethnic background: White Anglo-saxon
Places lived:
Current address and phone number: Renting a room from friends who have bought a house in the old Historic District by Victoria Park in Kitchener
Education: Bachelor of Arts; Teaching Certificate - Primary/Junior/Intermediate qualifications
Favorite subject in school: liked school, science, math and English
Special training: Teaching certificate, computer literate
Jobs: has a full time contract teaching grade 5/6 at ???

Friends: the owners of the house he is living with who are also teachers - Myra and Devon Thomas
How do people view this character:
Lives with: Rents a room in an older home so he lives with the owner and Taryn.
Fights with:
Spends time with: Taryn whenever he can... as friends.
Wishes to spend time with: Taryn as more than a friend, but he is willing to wait for her to be ready.
Who depends on him and why: He co-coaches a little league boys baseball team; he also plays recreational baseball so his teammates count on him
What people does he most admire: his parents
Enemies: none
Dating, marriage: never been married, has not dated anyone since Taryn moves in; before that he dated off and on - nobody serious for awhile
Children: none, but likes them
Relationship with God: believes in God, but may not neccessarily go regularly

Overall outlook on life: positive
Does this character like himself: yes, he has a healthy self confidence
What, if anything, would he like to change about his life: he would like to find a life mate - he really likes Taryn
What personal demons haunt him:
Is he lying to himself about something:
Optimistic/pessimistic: Optimistic
Real/feigned: Real
Morality level:
Confidence level: healthy strong confidence in his abilities
Typical day: he has a full time contract teaching position in a grade 5/6 class. Weekdays he would get up around 5:30 am and be out jogging by 6 am for an hour. When he returns he takes a shower, dresses and then heads down to make a quick breakfast. He heads off to work - driving. He usually has 30 to 45 minutes in class before the bell rings for students to come in.
After school he often stays to help coach the school's sports teams
He usually gets home around 5:30 or 6 pm.
He fixes his own dinner - often barbecuing (Taryn often gets him to BBQ stuff for her in bulk - when she does burgers she will let him have one.)
After cleaning up, he usually does a little planning at the dinning room table - across from Taryn
He will often take a walk with Taryn in the evening - with the pretense that she not walk alone.

Physical appearance
Body type: tall, athletic build like a tennis player - toned and muscular
Posture: lithe and standing straight.
Head shape:
Eyes: grey blue
Hair: light to dark brown with a gentle wave, it curls down onto his forehead in a boyish way
Skin: clean cut
Tattoos/piercings/scars: none
Voice: tenor
What people notice first:
Clothing: wears dress shirt and pants to work, sometimes a tie
How would he describe himself:

Personality type (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholy):
Strongest/weakest character traits:
How can the flip side of his strong point be a weakness:
How much self-control and self-discipline does he have:
What makes him irrationally angry:
What makes him cry:
What people like best about him:

Interests and favorites
Political leaning:
Food, drink:
Sports, recreation:
Did he play in school:
Best way to spend a weekend:
A great gift for this person:
What large possessions does he own (car, home, furnishings, boat, etc.)
and which does he like best:

Typical expressions
When happy:
When angry:
When frustrated:
When sad:

Laughs or jeers at:
Ways to cheer up this person:
Ways to annoy this person:
Hopes and dreams:
How does he see himself accomplishing these dreams:
What’s the worst thing he’s ever done to someone and why:
Greatest success:
Biggest trauma:
Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him:
What does he care about most in the world:
Does he have a secret:
If he could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be:
He is the kind of person who:
What do you love most about this character:
Why will the reader sympathize with this person right away:
How is the character ordinary or extraordinary:
How is his situation ordinary or extraordinary:

Core Need:
Corresponding psychological maneuver (delusions, obsessions,
compulsions, addictions, denials, hysterical ailments, hypochondria, illnesses,
behaviors harming the self, behavior harming others, manias, and phobias):
Anecdote (defining moment):

*Bonus: Minor #1 Voice â–¼
Have your character introduce themselves to us in first person using their own voice. Brainstorm ways to make their voice unique. Add the introduction to your character database (if applicable.)

Hey. I'm Alex. Alex Donovan. I rent a room here. I've known Thomas since university... I even introduced him to his wife, Myra. When they decided to buy this great older home I joking suggested they rent out a few of their rooms. It took them a beat before they told me that wasn't a bad idea... and was I interested in being their roommate. When I realized they were serious, I jumped at the chance. I love these old homes and my own living arrangement wasn't working out...
I have been told I am not a typical guy... or so Taryn keeps telling me. It makes me smile when she looks so shocked when I say I'd love to go with her when she goes to things like the Eden Mills Writer's Festival. She wasn't sure what to expect... said she has always gone by herself, but I think she really enjoyed herself this year. We all went. It was an amazing day. I bought a lot of books, mostly young adult ones I think my students will enjoy. I got them signed and enjoyed chatting with the authors. Taryn kept looking at me and shaking her head like I was nuts. But I could tell from her smile she was impressed, though I have a feeling she wasn't sure if she believed me about liking these kind of things.
I really like her. It means a lot to me that she believes me, but her ex did a number on her... so I gotta take it slow and easy. I want her to know I am happy with who she is, as much as I want her to be happy with who I am. I find I often do my planning with her at the dining room table and we take walks in the park after dark... Myra and I convinced her not to go out alone after dark. The park does get a few unsavory characters... we are close to the bus station and the downtown area.
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