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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/863205-Assignment-15-setting-description
Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #2059771
#863205 added October 17, 2015 at 4:16pm
Restrictions: None
Assignment 15: setting description

Warren walked in the dark and dismal bar. Wrangler’s Tavern. This is where Kate was supposed to be. She was one crazy woman. Always around when she wants something, but can’t be found when you need to get in touch with her. And this dump was where she liked to hang out.
Warren let his eyes adjust to the low light and scanned the room for the flighty little twit named Kathryn Jo Young. Catching the eye of the bartender, he hooked a boot heel on the bar runner and leaned in to be heard over the sound of the heavy bass beat on the jukebox. “You seen a lady called Kate Young? She hangs around here a lot!”
“Not yet. She’s a hefty piece of woman. Rose over there will probably do you, and she’s easier on the eyes.”
“No, thanks. Got family business with Kate. “
The bartender shrugged, “Suit yourself.”
Warren couldn’t be angry with the barkeep. He knew Kate was the local lush. Warren wandered over to see what songs were on the jukebox. There had to be something more than the same dated 80s hits, 90s crap and old school country. But there wasn’t. He put the dollar back in his pocket.
Warren walked cautiously past the tables nearest the door. They looked sticky and filthy. The people in the booths were the same kind you find in every bar: the regulars who drink away the loneliness and ordinary in their lives; the barfly shank looking for a regular or newbie to salve his needs; the groupie that's past her prime, but still wants to be told how sexy she is; the homeless guy that used his panhandling money for a beer, and bathroom, and then hit the streets for more free money; the know-it-all who thinks he's better than everyone else. Yes, this place had it all.
Through the dim lighting, Warren thought he saw a mop of dark curls on the other side of the room. He skimmed the wall to stay out of eyesight. He needed to get closer to see if that was Kate. He did not know why there were so many people here. It reeked of stale beer and vomit. Warren remembered when smoking was allowed in bars. That smell would have been preferable to this onslaught on the nasal senses. And, of course, there had to be someone with digestive issues. The men’s bathroom was not usable. It smelled like something died in there.
As he approached the lady he had targeted, he inadvertently stepped into the game room. Warren shook his head and pushed past the shill, “Care for a game of pool? Not my game, I just play for fun, but we can bet if that’s your thing? Come on! One little game. What’s the harm?”
Warren tugged on the arms around his neck. “No, ma’am. Not dancing tonight. Trying to find Kate Young. You seen her?”
“No. Lucky her.”
Warren extricated himself from the game room quickly. He would need a shower after this. There she was. It was Kate. “Mom. We have to leave. Dad is sick and might not make it. He asked for you.”
“Yes. Let’s go.”
“Dad? My dad? What’s wrong?”
“He’s sick. Let’s go.”
“Let me finish this first.”
Warren did not consciously slap the drink out of her hand. But he was prepared for anything. Even her enraged, talons bared attack. With one swift move, he had her over his shoulder and striding out the bar to the nearest exit. He could still hear the male patrons rooting him on and the female ones telling him that he could do better.
Once outside and the door clicked shut, and the coolness of the night air hit him, allowing the adrenalin to ebb, he unceremoniously dumped his hefty mother on the curb. “Geez, mom, lose some weight, would you?”
“I like myself this way. And so don’t a lot of my friends.”
Warren was done. He grabbed Kate by the upper arm and dragged her to the car, unaware that their strides matched the throbbing beat they could hear outside the bar. “You’re going to Montana to see dad if I have to drag you by your hair.”
“Can we at least stop by my place and get some necessities?”
“No.” Warren stopped at a yellow Chevrolet Colorado with black trim and used a keyless entry to turn off the alarm and unlock the doors.
“You did well for yourself.” Kate admired the truck as she crawled inside. “Is this fully loaded?”
“It’s a 2006, it just looks brand new because I take care of my things.”
“Is that remark meant for me? Are you implying that I don’t take care of my things?”
“Or people. Buckle up.”
“I’ll have you know –“ Warren could hear her ranting as he walked around the back of the vehicle to get in the driver’s side.
“Are you finished?”
“You will shut up or I will tie you up and gag you! What’s your pleasure? Mother.” The disdain in Warren’s voice had the desired effect of getting Kate to sit on her side of the King cab with her hands folded primly in her lap.
“May I please stop by my place and pick up some clothing?”
The sweetness in the woman’s tone softened his resolve somewhat. “I’ll give you 15 minutes of supervised packing.”
“How long will I be packing for?”
“I don’t know. Could be two days, could be two weeks.”
“I’ll lose my job over this. You better be prepared to make sure I am taken care of until I get another one.”
“I already talked to your boss. You are on family leave.”
“Does my mom know you are bringing me? She threw me out when you were just a baby. Brought me back two more times and threw me out each time. I don’t have a surprise pregnancy as an excuse for her to help me this time.”
“She heard dad. She doesn’t like it, but she will deal with it. Because it’s what dad wants.”
“I wish you wouldn’t call your grandpa dad. Your dad’s in Australia.”
“No, he’s not. He’s been in Wyoming for the past 12 years.”
“He didn’t look me up?” The look on her face almost made Warren sad to.
“We all make choices. And most of us take responsibility for our choices. That would be a good lesson for you to learn.”
His admonishment was lost on Kate. He watched her as she silently touched all the doo-dads on the dashboard. She found out how to turn on the radio and figure out how to switch channels. Warren could tell she was up to something by the rapid flutter in her foot and the gentle caress of the locket she wore around her neck. “I bet this is the way you behave when you are planning something. You are going to Montana because I promised dad I would get you there in time. Am I going to have to cuff you and gag you, or is this the way you will behave on the trip?”
“I love my mom and dad, Warren, just like you. I want to see dad before he goes. Just don’t be surprised if my mom doesn’t have a forgiving bone in that self-righteous, so-called-Christian body of hers. I won’t say ‘I told you so’ but I’ll sure want to when you see if for yourself. She can behave for a little while. But then she will throw me out again, just like the three times before. I promise I will behave and I won’t leave lessen she asks me to. Fair enough?”
Warren slammed the truck into park at her rental unit. He strode around the back of the truck in deep thought. By the time he yanked the passenger side door open, he had decided. The two stared at each other for a long while before Warren gave his answer. “Not fair, but it is enough. Get your things.”
[word count: 1345]

© Copyright 2015 Cheri Annemos (UN: cheri55422 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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