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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#865197 added November 5, 2015 at 7:52am
Restrictions: None
Advise To My 15 Year Old Self & A Day In A November Life
Welcome To My Reality - November Prompts.

10. If you could go back and give advice to your fifteen year old self what would it be?

I would say 'Get a part time job' and continue to have a steady income from that age on. I am not saying work your butt off but I find the busier you are the more productive your time because you must prioritize and manage your time more effectively.
A steady work history also shows employers a good work ethic. If there are large gaps they wonder what you were up to and how you filled that time.

I am thinking a work history that involves some kind of day camp work and volunteer work with children would help you get into Teacher's College earlier - that would get your 'career' started sooner.

I would also say, Write Freely and don't be afraid to share it. Work on getting things published. Enter contests fearlessly. Find friends in the writing community to get support in this area.

I would also say don't settle for just any guy. Learn to communicate what you want and need and have the strength to walk away if you don't get it. Learn to deal with conflict in love relationships. Hiding from your fears only paralyzes you it does not help you grow as a person.

It is also okay to stay single.

Stay in touch and close to your family and develop your relationship with God.

16. Describe what a day in the life of you is like.

These days Nanowrimo is in full swing. It is the first week and I am writing hot. I am already over 14,000 words and it is only November 4! My busiest day was Monday. I supply taught in a special education class with five students who have ASD - Autism Spectrum disorder. There are three Educational Assistants in this class as well so we are almost one on one. The day was glorious so we took the students out for a walk around the neighbourhood. It was not very far when I went from having one student's hand to two student's hands when another student decided to strip.... so two EAs held his hands so he could not do that again. Off we went... no worries. We got back and had circle time with lots of songs and stories. It was really a great day. I really like this class and this school. It is my third day in the last two weeks.

After work I worked in a little writing before heading off to a three hour IT workshop at the ETFO office. I learned how to hook up my laptop to the classroom projector and how to use the data projector. All the wierdly wild connections. Then we learned about Google apps for the boards use... that was really interesting,,, but I was fading.

By the time I got home I was too tired to do much else... I think I wrote a bit more but I was off to bed way earlier than usual at 10 o'clock.
Being a supply teacher, I rarely know when I will be working or not. I try to keep my options open so I can stay flexible and go at a momentโ€™s notice.... but I also have lists of things to do if the day turns into being mine. Errands, cleaning and writing generally fill those days.

Like most Novembers, my husband has already picked this month to argue so that is also on my plate... he's knocking my creative buzz.

We will see what the rest of the week holds... but I already know I have a Write In at the Starbucks in Cambridge for four hours tomorrow night and the Overnighter starts at 9 pm on Friday night... I will go until midnight or maybe one am, but most people will stay until 9 am. I am hoping to get to 20,000 by Sunday night.

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