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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/865209-Anger-Happiness-Worrying--Setting-Goals
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#865209 added November 5, 2015 at 9:20am
Restrictions: None
Anger, Happiness, Worrying & Setting Goals
Today's blogs....

Welcome To My Reality - November Prompts

7. How do you handle anger?

I am not good with strong emotions... I tend to downplay them and repress them. Anger leads to conflict and I tend to repress this emotion the most... yes, I know that is not good and I know that those emotions come out in other ways - generally directed at inanimate objects or yelling at other drivers on the road for there stupidity. Conflict scares me. My husband can not handle me venting so I try never to do that around him - also unhealthy. What I know intellectually and what I know emotionally are not in sync. It is one of my many flaws.

I am better in work situations. More professionally assertive. I am also okay when I am communicating to family - those that are blood related... there is something about unconditional love that lets me speak my peace and move beyond the situation. I just have major issues when the conflict is with a partner... I grew up seeing an argument as `the end' so I have that fear hurdle to pass over before I can say anything at all.

Also, in my family if someone is upset they are allowed to have their say without the other person getting all bent out of shape... my husband does not function that way. So if I ever bark about something and he barks back, I shut down immediately.

Going for long walks and writing about my concerns and issues help me find a place to unload the emotion and deal with it in a more productive way... then I can approach things more calmly.

As a child, my mother did regular blowups. I found them scary and would retreat to the safety of my room with the cat. She has learned not to do that anymore, but as a child they were not fun... especially when dishes flew - once.

9. Write about what makes you the happiest.

I like communing with nature. Walking trails on a sunny day is blissful. Seeing God in all things around me... it is more real than being in church where dogma and ritual are more the focus. Being in nature brings out the spiritual connected aspects of my relationship with God.

Writing and drawing also link in to blissful states. Finding flow in a creative pursuit is a high above no other.

Spending time with people who love and accept me for who I am. With things being tense around here, it is nice to know there are still people that think the world of me.

14. How much time do you spend worrying? Do you tend to worry about the same things all the time?

Sometimes I think worry is my middle name. I know it is a useless emotion... analogous to a rocking chair - always moving but not getting anywhere. The energy devoted to worry strain the system and wipe me out. I try to combat it with long walks, writing about my concerns or doing something that will help to 'fix' the issue. By breaking a big job into component steps, I can work through a situation... chipping away at the huge, paralyzing concern. This is a conscious decision and many times I fail at doing that.... particularly when the fear is too overwhelming but writing about it helps me find a way into the maze of possibilities and a way to break the band of worry that jars and jostles me at ever turn.

15. When was the last time you set goals for yourself? Were you successful? Why or why not?

I try set goals every week.... Writing.com has a great forum for just that purpose - "Weekly Goals... but I have been lax of late.

I try to focus on goals in several areas of my life - Writing, Reading, Working and Exercise. I have monthly reading goals - also part of a forum here on Writing.com -"CLOSED!The Monthly Reading Challenge.

I am doing several things this fall for writing - the biggest right now is NaNoWriMo - 50,000 words of a novel done by November 30 - I am already over 14,000 words and it that was within the first 4 days.

I am also doing the Poetic Exploration workshop, but sadly, I am way behind in my poems and am feeling a bit overwhelmed about this term... I may pull out and try again next session, but we will see.

I am doing weekly entries into contests and reviewing my challengers in "I Write in August-September-October. Unfortuneately I missed last week with my major writing for Nano.

I also blog for Welcome To My Reality - a minimum of 20 prompts a month for a blogging badge. I did 21 last month and so far I have posted 6 this month but these ones will bring my total up to 10 - half way there and only November 5, that's good.

For work I have to update my Apply to Education information and keep ready for daily supply. I am thinking I may have to add look for other part time work to the mix because the supply work has been slow so far this year. I do hope it picks up soon.

I have also taken a few workshops to keep my skills current.

And I have done all my video training that we are required to do each fall - there are seven of then - each taking at least 30 minutes to complete.
Exercise.... well, I try to walk 10,000 steps every day. I do better when the weather is nice and pleasant. This week has been really good - 20 degrees Celsius in November is amazing!

I also try to do a few yoga sessions each week but I have been lax in that as well.

These are areas I feel I have the most control over... but I should add my relationships to the mix as I sometimes forget to me overly social at times.

© Copyright 2015 💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson (UN: carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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