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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/866837-This-ones-about-the-two-dads
Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #2002599
My fourth blog. Amazing yet disconcerting. Don't worry; this'll go away in a year or so.
#866837 added November 22, 2015 at 10:25pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about the two dads.
The Original Logo.

*Cross2* "Last week a church in Buffalo, NY unintentionally put a pro-homosexuality message on its outdoor sign  . The sign read 'Jesus had 2 dads, and he turned out just fine'. The sign was the church pastor's idea, which he came up with after Googling 'funny church signs'...and he claims his intention was to promote a message about fathers and stepdads, and not a pro-homosexuality message. While the Catholic Church looks down mightily on gay marriage, it has also had policies against divorce and remarriage of heterosexuals. What's the bigger sin: two people of the same sex loving each other and committing to a life together, or two people of the opposite sex breaking their vows in the eyes of the church?"

Hey folks. Not gonna lie...I've got almost a food coma thing going on, thanks to the second of three Thanksgiving meals in the course of a week. I'm not crazy about writing on a full stomach, let alone one that's been overserved the way I can cram turkey and stuffing down my gullet. Plus, it's a Sunday, and it always seems like WDC is closed on Sundays...except for the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS, which operates like a more reliable postal service (no wind, rain, snow, or lack of internet can shut me down). And then there's my whole dislike of writing for the prompts I come up with, which I've discussed before at length.

Let's not even get into how I'm pretty much ignoring football today   because I'd rather write a blog entry with three of my least favorite reasons for writing one in full effect.

But I couldn't ignore this prompt, because there's this evil stir the pot   nonsense lurking in me lately it seems. And the story comes from my hometown (although I pulled the original link from George Takei's Facebook page  ). And the whole of it is friggin' awesome.

Now, it's my opinion that damn near everything can be made more tolerable with humor, and the world is better off when people or institutions can poke fun at themselves. Couple that with my distrust of Catholicism (and religion in general), and all of this makes me proud to call myself a Buffalonian.

Everyone's got an opinion, a reason, an excuse...everyone gets butthurt over petty bullshit, and takes things too seriously, and acts like they're right all the time. It's beyond aggravating. Doesn't matter what you say or how you say it anymore; someone's gonna get pissed off anyway, no matter what set you're claimin'. May as well just have a good time and let the deities sort it all out later; trust me...you're much happier when you can tune out as much unnecessary drama as you can. And I'm drifting way too far away from my own prompt *Facepalm*.

I don't care who you pray to, or what book tells you how to "live right", or who you're getting on your knees for *Smirk*. When "My Application To Become The Next Pope gets vetted and eventually accepted, I may as well edit down the holy books as well (ya know, like I plan on some day simplifying the 30DBC judging process *Headbang*) so we can stop arguing over gray areas and little things and whatever, and focus on more important facets of everyday life. Like compassion, and acceptance, and love. I don't care if your religion was founded on principles that included the killing of people who believed in things you didn't (and most religions were), or if you think everyone else is the bad guy now, or whatever your damage inside is. People who love each other are more important than people who don't love one another. There. I said it. Print it up on a t-shirt and rock that over your Sunday best. Hashtag it like #alllivesmatterexcepthaters.

The idea that divorce/remarriage is equal to adultery in the eyes of The Lord is plain ol' dumb, I know. It makes no sense. But it wrecks more families than Adam and Steve gettin' down like Adam and Eve. Two dudes, or two chicks, wanna get married? Wanna provide some unwanted babies a loving home? Sure as fuck beats being shuffled off between two houses and separate families on holidays. So yes, much like many other outdated Catholic ideas, divorce is worse than gay marriage...even if all I'm basically doing here is ranking one #1 and the other #2 and that's it. Love outweighs hate. Personally, if two people can't get along, let 'em go their separate ways, no harm done. Let 'em into heaven or whatever it's called as long as they're still good people deep down. But don't tell me they're better than same-sex couples.

And I know...all y'all who don't agree will have your reasons, and will love the idea of educating me on the finer principles of your beliefs, and how much of an abomination every living sin you don't happen to like is. Save it. Telling me how to feel won't make you a better Christian. Playing God's messenger to me won't expedite your path past St. Peter, especially if you're a c-word about it (and I don't like calling people cunts, but that's what you are if that's how you think religion works). And manipulating a religion's values to win arguments and look like a person you're not (which is usually something along the lines of possessing intelligence) is probably the biggest sin of them all...I'm not versed up on my churched-out lingo, but isn't there a sin word for that? Like, an important one? One that should be up there with killing and pedophilia and gankin' someone's french fries when they're not lookin'? Quick...if there isn't, someone slip in a request for one the next time the collection plate comes around. And then like this blog entry 56,000 times, and Jesus will grant you three wishes and heal all the sick kids and buy your crossing guard a new car. Why does organized religion reek of the man-made failure it often comes across as?

Again, falling off point here. Just leave this pastor and his sign alone (even though he already changed it to sorta slight Walmart *ThumbsUpL*). Everyone wants to puff their nuts out over the asterisk-gasp-asterisk possible homosexuality of it all, when my man said it had more to do with JC having a dad and a stepdad than a dad and a lover-dad. And y'all know men of the cloth don't lie. Most of the time *Wink*. Let it go. Bigger problems, both in religions and all over the world, than some church's sign. Everyone loves to exercise their right to be pissed off, yet no one seems to think twice about anything else but how pissed off they are. And people wonder why I hate people and find them a bad time to try and get along with in a reasonable manner.

I appreciate this view on religion.
Still my most meaningful feeling regarding religion.

And since it seems like everyone else has forgotten about this except me, there was a television show in the late eighties that foretold the whole two dads   thing, but from a slightly different angle (although if I'm not mistaken, they went more for the infidelity aspect in those wild and crazy progressive times, because a woman sleeping around back then and not knowing who the father of her child was could be way more legit than two dudes huggin'/touchin'/squeezin'...each other   *Facepalm*).

Blog divider.

I had this discussion once with Charlie ~ , and I stand by it...Alice In Chains' last studio album with Layne Staley (the self-titled one with the dog on the cover) is still their best album in my opinion. Not Dirt, not Facelift...and their EP's (Sap and Jar Of Flies) are great, but they're not full bodies of work (and I really haven't cared much for what they've done since his passing). Great lyrics, the music's not overproduced hypewagon shit built more for being part of a movement than actually being a movement, and a deranged, high as fuck Layne > an angry Layne. Plus, I enjoy songs that tackle hypocrisy in religion.

"How proud are you being able
to gather faith from fable?"

For the blog.

*CountryUS* Had an abnormal amount of time to kill this afternoon waiting for the local Salvation Army to open up for the turkey dinner, so I thought I'd check in on Donald Trump's latest attempts at destroying the human race making America great again. Yup, he's still racist...and now he's lying about it too  . America...we're gonna have a really bad time if this guy gets elected, and he might if we're this far along into the game and people are still taking him seriously. And I don't mean "economy's in the shitter, no one's finding a job, boo-hoo everyone hates everything" bad time. I'm talkin' World War 2017-2021 bad time. Yet I'm the bad guy whose tweet randomly disappears when I say he's full of shit *Confused*. Guarantee ya if I ever wanted to clear out my Facebook friends list by at least 25%, I'll quote the stats from the made-up news source in the Gawker column I just linked about crime stats that Your Highhairness busted out as gospel. I know that this guy is just as hellbent on stopping himself as he is on getting into the White House, which is the only reason I can think of as to why no one else has bothered to truly call him out yet on anything he's said. Give 'em enough rope though, like the ol' saying goes, and you'll just have to give 'em more and more before they hang themselves because they're so rich they can build bigger, dumber walls to stand on.

*Film* So I guess next month some "Star Wars" movie thing or somethin' comes out? And I hear it's a big deal. I don't watch a shit-ton of movies, but I saw a trailer for it   today, and it looks hella amazing. I may have to find a way to see it...and I hope it's not one of those things where the trailer shows you the only good parts of the movie. If it doesn't look this badass all the way though I'mma be disappointed.

*Mugb* Ok, I don't go on Tumblr very often. I'll admit, I still sorta don't get it. But there's always funny shit on there that winds up being collected on other websites, which means I occasionally spend a lot of time clicking around and back and forth when I should just cut out the middleman and find all the cool shit on my own. I am my own laziness' biggest enemy. Anyway, there's this Buzzfeed list of amazing Tumblr posts  , and yes, at least three-quarters of them are things I've probably done or wondered before. Definitely #'s 1, 2, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 25, and the cop in #27. Plus, I love the sound of the laminated paper in #21. If cellphone speakers weren't so shitty, I'd love to make that my text message alert (although it'll never be as awesome as the "Ninja" sound from the Blackberry I had like five years ago).

*Rainbowl**Rainbowr* And finally, speaking of religicallion fanaticalisms (don't front on my made-up wordness, especially if you need to look up at the sky to see if it's raining *Smirk*), ummmm...everyone's three favorite words: Westboro Baptist Church  . Entertain yourself with some fun facts about them. I was so moved by #1 that I actually posted it on Facebook today, and I had no idea they spoofed a Michael Jackson charity song (and called it, of all things, "God Hates The World"). I think if Trump does get elected as the next US president, his cabinet's gotta be WBC. It'd only serve to be his most logical decision, even though the point of politics typically defies logic.

Alright, well, that wasn't so bad...I set myself a goal when I came home and finally started this entry to be done by Sunday Night Football, and I've cut it close so that's good enough for a win in my book. Now to figure out a prompt for Monday's 30DBC and pretend like I wasn't even here, so I can eventually sleep off all the pounds of food I've been ingesting like a starving refugee nope, too soon man who will never see turkey again (because I'll pray it's just that easy *Smirk*). Peace, this god of mine relaxes, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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