Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/867015-Straight-Talk-on-Sharia-Law
Rated: E · Book · Religious · #2064270
Where do non-bible folks fit in?
#867015 added November 26, 2015 at 10:52am
Restrictions: None
Straight Talk on Sharia Law
I'm not going talk stupid to you.
Don't waste your time on Play Stations@!
I really have something important to say.
Sharia Law is a rip off of the Old Testament.

Mohamed said he was the fulfillment of the
testament of Abraham, Moses and Jesus.+
So, he took their teachings and made them his own.
Get out your Bible and play along.

Ezekiel Chapter 1

"O'daughters of Babylon,
Blessed be he that shall take
and dash thy babies against the rocks."

Hosea Chapter 10:14

"The people of Sameria must bare their guilt.
Their babies will be dashed to the ground,
and their pregnant women ripped open."

Isaias Chapter 13:16

"Their infants will be dashed to pieces
before their eyes;
their houses and wives violated."

Psalms Chapter 136:9

"Blessed be he that shall take and
dash thy babies against the rocks."

Nahum Chapter 8:9

"Art thou better than the people of Alexandria?
Her young children were dashed in pieces at the
top of every street, and cast lots upon her nobles,
and all her great men were bound in chains naked
in the streets."

Amos Chapter 3

"Shall there be any evil in the city
the Lord hast not done?"

John Chapter 9:1-3

"And Jesus passing, saw a blind man,
who was blind from birth:
And his disciples asked him: Rabbi,
who hath sinned, this man, or his parents,
that he should be made blind?
Jesus answered: Neither hath this man sinned,
nor his parents; but that the works of God
should be made manifest in him."

God made that made man blind so Jesus could
restore his site... What about all the other
babies with birth defects?

The way I see it, the Bible was written by
primitive superstitious men.
A lot like the terrorist from Syria.
Do you remember how the CIA trained Al Quada
to fight Russia's occupation of Afghanistan?
The CIA did the same thing with the ISIS Rebellion
against the Syrian tyrant.
But, the CIA forgot the teachings of Sheria Law in
the Bible demands the total destruction of all infidels.

Armageddon is a CIA screw up.

Have a happy Thanks Giving..


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