It is a waste to ignore the musings of the mind. |
Is it too early to bid 2015 goodbye? This is not a goodbye, 2015, just a salute to this year's activities, reminders of our mistakes/errors/misunderstandings, and all that nastiness that we have not been able to sidestep or ignore. Really, 2015, you have been a bit cruel this year. You led us to believe our works would be published. You allowed us to believe our works are good. You gave us opportunities we either ignored or we took a chance to reach for those opportunities that were not really meant for us. However, we realized we got too confident, too mindful of our egos, too lazy to change our attitudes. Yes, 2015, it was rather a bad year. There were no opportunies that were promised us. The rejections were many and much too hurting for our pride. The chances that were offered us were much too stingy. It was never a kind year for us. There were all those hurts, pains, discontent that bothered us. Why all the anger and nastiness, 2015? Nevertheless, you have been good in some other ways. We learned a lot about ourselves. We came to admit to our inaccuracies, our mistakes, our errors, our egos. We became aware of what we really are, nothing but little people that do not deserve to challenge the big people up there in the ladder of publishing world. We are much more aware of our weaknesses, idleness, excuses that became a hindrance to our understanding what is right, what is acceptable, what is good for us. Thank you, 2015, for your presence. It has been somewhat a good, kind year for us. We shall remember the hardships because we know there are joys that come with those insensitivities, hurts. By the end of December, we shall miss you, nonetheless. We shall say goodbye for now, and bid you a salute and an adieu at the end of December, 2015!!! ALL THE BEST, AND THANKS FOR ALL THAT BEST!!! elephantsealer |