Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/869961-Chapter-15---Miracles
Rated: 13+ · Book · Sci-fi · #1949389
Love to publish someday. Scifi, aliens, fighting arena, edit and rewrite in progress.
#869961 added March 3, 2016 at 10:58am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 15 - Miracles
“This is nice.” said Master Gen, climbing into a large, golden, armored mechanical-suit.
“You have five minutes to familiarize the systems.” said Sot.
“Do me a favor, Loof.  Have them strip anything that isn't a weapon.  I don't want the weight slowing me down.”
“I'd have to do the same for the others to make it a fair fight.” said Loof, tearing off pants and climbing on-board the metal behemoth.  “You won't be gaining much speed.  There's nothing here to strip.”
“Strip it like you stole it, Loof.” said Gen, pulling double straps around his waist and strapping on another helmet.
“Thought controls, just like the ones before.” said Loof.  “I don't know how you expect to win this time.  They don't want you to win.  All bets will be against you, I'm pretty sure.”
“I always have a plan.” said Gen.

He closed the chest dome, fired up the engines and bounced the golden machine a few feet into the air.  Loof jumped, landed on all fours and began to dance, shaking his rear in front of the golden reflection of Gen sitting in the cockpit.

“Strip the machines for weight.  All of them.” said Loof as he stood upright, becoming Sot.  Using a magnetic ring, Sot pulled the miniature cane into a hand.  He slowly reached down to pick up pants and threw them across a shoulder.  “I'll have the mechanics start right away.”

A group of small, silver droids maneuvered into the room.  A long row of golden, armored suits came into view, a maintenance bot heading for each of them.  Cockpits opened and machines sat on their rears, as did Master Gen and his monstrosity.  He followed when Loof exited and was immediately confronted by a massive, security droid, completely blocked his exit.

“Note to the Pravan Empire.” said Gen.  “Always bet on me.”

A holographic screen grew between Gen and the security guard.  A gray alien appeared, one with rear-facing legs and a bulging belly.  Its head, long and cylindrical, no clothing, only markings around its neck in a blueish tint upon a dark-gray body.  No mouth seemed present, but the remnants of lips remained.

'Why do this?' thought the alien.
“Because, I'm tired.” said Gen.
'Have you no shame?'
“No.  I have none left.”
'You have nothing.  You will die.'
“That's my choice.  I die whenever I choose.  My one rule.”

The alien nodded and faded from view.  Gen watched former champions begin to enter the room, one by one.  The mentor he'd hit with a helmet passed and slapped a heavy arm against Gen's shoulder, laughing in a deep, amusing drawl.

“Hey, big guy.  We meet again.” said Gen.
“We meet in battle.  I kill you.  Cheater.” mumbled the alien.

Gen bowed and turned toward another.  One alien bore eight appendages, functioning equally well when it held and ripped apart a doll bearing Gen's likeness in one gesture, each arm grabbing and pulling the doll to shreds.

“I see you're a fan.  Nice to meet you.”
“Scrubanya fu, tuk.”

Alien Masters climbed aboard their perspective machines.  Some of the mechanical weaponry morphed into different, solid colors, all except Gen's.  His remained golden and shiny.  Sot stood next to the machine.

“Goodbye, Loof.” said Gen, though Loof was still Sot and grunted, writhing the silver cane between long, bony fingers.
“He is temporarily restrained.  I will tell him you said something or other.” said Sot.  “He looked up to you.  I regret having never felt the same.  Good riddance to the scourge of this Arena.”

Sot shook the horizontal cane in Gen's direction, turned and left.  Yellow lights lit up the corridor, blazing a path against a distant opening.  All ten armored suits hovered and started their descent into the awaiting pit of darkness, the long night under the dome.  Gen wondered about Auria.

'What's that above you?' thought 238.
'There's a lot of lights.  I'm camouflaging.' thought Auria.
'I suspect it's Master Gen.' thought 238.  'But, so soon?'
'Did someone here hate him?'
'Everyone hated him.  He was very cocky.'
'You said 'was', as if he's already dead.'
'He cannot win this battle, so he is... will be dead.'
'Have you little faith?'
'Faith is only a word.'
'Yet, when you have no faith, you can't expect miracles.'
'Miracles, yes.  You are a miracle, Master Auria.  I see... I should have faith.'

Auria watched many, colored lights move across the sky, but also kept a keen eye below from her hilltop villa of spears and rocks.

'I'm no miracle.  A miracle is surviving against all odds.'
'You're the most miraculous woman I've ever met, Master Auria.'
'I'm the only woman you've ever met.'

Inside the Arena, ten mechanical beasts staged at intervals around perimeter walls.  Gen used thought controls, then spoke.

"Anyone out there, this is Master Gen.  Remember, I am the golden one.  I have a message for those of you in this fight.  Your Mother's are so fat..."

The Arena lights flashed green, followed by a haze of dawn's, first glimpse of sunlight, a flash of hope coming from the far, eastern edge.  Anti-matter engines roared, as did plasma bolts and missiles spawning from every corner of the Arena, all converging on Gen's golden beast.

'Remember.' came a voice from the unknown.
© Copyright 2016 RodneyGray (UN: rodneygray at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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