Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/873628-The-Greatness-in-Us
Rated: E · Book · Entertainment · #2067964
The intervention of some creative object.
#873628 added February 13, 2016 at 10:30pm
Restrictions: None
The Greatness in Us
"Beyoncé a nutty bar!" Sam groused ..
Rich was busy getting more beer..
"She's only a singer." Muzzy sipped his Sarsaparilla ..
Rich sat back down, "They all think their entitled ..
Nobody helped me. I earned what I got."
Rich was the oldest and very set in his ways.
"Sometimes people are treated unfairly and that's
why we have a justice system to address these grievances .."
Muzzy retorted and had a lemon cupcake.

Rich smirked and leaned over at Muzzy, "That's why I carry a 38."
"Geeze, this is a football game. I've got money on the Panthers."
Sam sighed and turned the volume up.
"I want to be the father of Lady Ga Ga's children." Muzzy drooled
as Lady Ga Ga sang the national anthem..
"You'll see things differently when the race riots start up.
They had to call out the National Guard in 76 or was it 73?
Beyoncé isn't going risk one blonde hair. She's a pawn."
Rich statement was followed by a belch.

"Not the Illuminati speech again!" Sam put his hands up.
"It's real. There is an elite, who want to keep the working
class distracted by race riots and wars.. so they can get more
control over the resources , like oil and food." Rich was a serious
Muzzy sipped his Sarsaparilla, "'All perfection is centered in the heart.
Peace can only come from within.' Gandhi"
"He started a civil war!" Rich growled.
"Kick off!" Sam pointed at the telli.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/873628-The-Greatness-in-Us