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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #2072393
The catch-all for items related to and/or inspired by the music that shaped me.
#874417 added February 20, 2016 at 2:29pm
Restrictions: None
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This week's theme: Soundtracks

No slight intended to the Soundtrackers for sharing their thoughts this month or to lizco252, who has again done a masterful job of assembling us all for one of the coolest WDC activities...and I'm not knockin' all the fun we've had so far, but I'm feelin' that kinda way again.

It doesn't hurt to stand out.
This has less to do with my dislike of pizza crusts,
and everything to do with not following rules.

I admittedly don't watch a lot of television. I got one for Christmas, but it's hard pulling in local channels without a crazy expensive antenna, and I don't have cable or anything like that. I'll probably spring for Netflix at some point down the road, but their original shows often don't interest me. That leaves me with Hulu, a couple shows Comedy Central offers, and hacked versions of ESPN, NFL Network, and some hockey games. I don't really need a whole lot more, to be honest. The important thing would be having access to local NBC/ABC/CBS/FOX if I wanted up-to-date-ish news and weather, but I can get most of that off the internet anyway (and I've started following local meteorologists on Facebook so I get the Cortland and Buffalo weather forecasts less confused now *Laugh*). So all that being taken into consideration, I don't know a whole lot about TV shows outside of a few that I've really picked up on because full seasons have been available on DVD from the area library. And I would hate getting sucked into a show I couldn't just binge-watch my whole way through at a pace that works for me...like, when FOX was running Wayward Pines  Open in new Window. last year. I couldn't watch it live because I didn't pay for FOX's premium online service; Hulu ran new episodes a day or two after their original air date, and even if I'd had a TV to watch them on, there's no guarantee I would've remembered to tune in anyway (or would've been able to stay awake through an entire episode, because I only watch TV at night and half the time I'd fall asleep toward the end and have to rewatch it the next day *Rolleyes*). This is why I do things on my terms. I can't be trusted to follow along with programming guides and all this other happy hoo-ha horseshit. And why should I have to pay for something if I wanna watch it over on the computer when it's broadcast for free over the air? In theory if I'm paying already for an internet provider, why should the network essentially double-bill me just to watch a semi-crappy half-hour or hour-long show? That ain't right, yo...but that's a whole 'nother argument for another day I suppose.

What I do know outside of what I just told you I already know is that if this were an actual show on real television that was available for free on all platforms, I would watch the hell outta it. Especially if I were about eight or nine years old and I was living in the time it seems to be set in (Early 70's? Mid-decade?). And then I woulda bitched and whined for every associated action figure and playset that would've been mass-marketed, because you know this show woulda been huge. Fake cocaine was totally a 70's toy accompaniment, right? I barely had any action figures from the early 80's when I would've been of a suitable age for owning them in a playful manner, and the few I did have probably weren't the ones with all the cool add-on stuffs (but I did have a Six Million Dollar Man doll with the bionic eye  Open in new Window.).

And I don't really care for cop shows or drama, but I guess I could get into the action scenes and the aggression and the fights with the perps resisting arrests. And the outfits, and the cheese factor. I'd be all about it. If this show was real and had like a ten-season run, I'd buy 'em all...and then probably watch them all marathon-esquelike over the course of a few weeks' nights. And I'd feel like I was eight years old again every time the show's theme song and opening sequence came on. Even as an old guy who can barely walk anymore, I still wanna go out and fight crime when I hear it. Then I remember that most of the time crime-fighting requires wearing pants (or tights, but I don't have superhero aspirations), and I'm not fond of that.

"But make no mistakes and switch up the channel...
I'm Buddy Rich  Open in new Window. when I fly off the handle."
Lyrics.  Open in new Window.

Ya gotta admit, it's pretty exciting. I wanna crash cars and tackle people through piles of garbage bags when it comes on. I would totally lift weights with this playin' (if I still lifted when this was MTV's second-most popular  Open in new Window. video in 1994  Open in new Window.. The blood-curdling scream halfway through makes me wanna clear my throat with a garden hose on full blast shooting gallons of Chloraseptic Spray (the red one, not the gross-ass nasty green one) all down into my lungs.

Sadly, it wasn't meant to be. And it never will be, at least not as it was originally intended. I'll have to settle for tracking down a copy of this comic book  Open in new Window. instead. RIP, MCA.

Bonus fake TV show interview footage!

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