Entries for various Blog Challenges.I will be expressing my hopes,dreams and fantasies. |
Prompt: ElaineElaine says this is a magical voyage and we can't get hurt. Write about a place to visit we wouldn't normally go. The Caribbean! I am here on the beach with PandaPaws Licensed VetTech Apondia Noyoki and Alexi I am having a drink with those umbrellas and I love the grass huts. Looks like Gilligan's Island. Andy~hating university and Heat Fivesixermiser are surfing. I love how the ocean looks so blue and green. The sun is shining and all is well. Wait a minute! Here comes a shark! I yell out a warning and Heat Fivesixermiser pulls out a laser sword and it lights up green and he slays the shark. Yes! I am an animal lover but I have no love for a shark. Here comes the Black Pearl and it has stopped and Captain Jack gets off then ship. He offers me his hand and I take it and we go on his ship. It smells like an old ship and I meet Will Turner and here is Andre, our chimpanzee friend. I hug him and we are sailing on the ship. Here comes another ship. The Navy like the one in the pirates movie and The Black Pearl blows it up! This is fun. I try on Captain Jack's hat. He kisses my cheek. He asks me to sail away with him. I will. Captain Jack kisses me and now I am back on the beach. My lady friends ask me a question about writing. WAS CAPTAIN JACK really here? Andre is out surfing. You gotta love him. I am going back for another drink. I see purple flowers on the beach. I pick them and put two in my drink and use the rest for a corsage. I dress in a sun dress that is lavender and purple. Jimmy Buffet music is playing and I love it here. I see a blue and red lighthouse and now the sun looks red. I am going to go read and chat with the girls. I do love this cruise. ** Image ID #1805802 Unavailable ** |