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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/879116-Voyage-of-the-Magical-Ship-catch-up-for-day-5
Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
#879116 added April 11, 2016 at 2:01pm
Restrictions: None
Voyage of the Magical Ship catch up for day 5
Monday, April 11, 2016
On board the Magical Ship, with only lights and internet access, a group of passengers has gathered around
(534) at the piano.
Snow plays 'chop sticks' slow and softly while you write and sing some pretty words in a collective sing along, while waiting for the ship to regain power.
Any other entertaining offering would be welcomed.

If you'd rather get some rest in your room, while being stranded on board, blog about what it is about home that you would miss the most.

(144) is still missing, but we may hear from her online. Help me out folks. Write a happy ending to the Magical Ship 5 Day Mini Challenge that makes sense. Can you get the ship back to operational, and get everybody accounted for and home safely?

*Cat2* Manx Cat from Japan *Thought2*

This will have a happy ending . I got a phone call from relatives in New York early Friday. But, not to early. My daughter was admitted to the hospital for tests Thursday in the middle of the night. It was done in a hurry as an emergency. So, they waited until mid-morning Friday to contact me when they found out she was not in any real danger. I pulled on my wet suit and swam toward shore. A Silver speed boat picked me up half way to the hospital and sped me on my way. A nice man but I wouldn’t want to live with him. Oh yeah! I am living with him. *Rolling*

Once at the hospital, (I was interested in all the renovations to the building because the last time I was there it looked old and decrepit now it is shiny new and modern.)(about 1993) The doctor had decided that the emergency was non life threatening so they released her on Saturday afternoon. I went home and she went back to New York.

But, the weekend still held one more surprise. While I was away on Friday someone put a new cat in my barn. At first I was going to leave it in the barn but it is obviously used to ritzier surroundings so today we brought it into the house. I am calling it Jing. I will have to find out where it came from, and whether it has shots, and whether it needs to find its way to a previous home or not. Stray cats are not unusual here but this one wants to be cared for. It is eating like it has been starving although it is not really skinny. It has a shiny clean coat. But, when I am in the barn it wants to be handled. Usually stray animals run fast the other way if you catch them around the farm. When I was not in the barn it kept hiding in a very small cave like hole around the water spigot so I tried putting it in a carrier and sure enough it jumped in, stopped yowling, and cosied right up in the bedding. Very unusual for a stray who is used to hunting and sleeping in the wild so I’m saying not a stray! It’s a dump!

People Have been telling me to stop rehomeing creatures since I turned 60. I guess they are afraid I will croak and someone else will have to care for the animals. Most of my creatures have been here and are in their own elderly age. But, jing will just have to put up with all of us oldies. I’m betting the cat is not more that 6 months to a year old.

I really missed the party. I would like to hear Neva play chop sticks, I like singing parties plus we probably could stir up some exceptional food in the kitchen of the magical ship. I feel like I should be able to whip up a poem in Neva’s honor or some special words to a new song but it just is not happening today.

Recipe: wilt spinach in olive oil, add diced tomato, chopped black olives and a feta cheese stir until it is hot. Spread over brown rice. (cooked of course) It’s very good. You can decide how much rice you want to eat and the amounts of the other ingredients to your own special taste.

I’m looking for the Monday news. Surely the Magical Ship is up and running by now. Has anyone found ElaineElaine? Try throwing the switch in the magical fuse box. Oh yes. It’s raining all the snow off here today. If I was still on the Magical Ship over the weekend I would have missed the one foot of snow we received believe me I would not have missed that at all.*Bigsmile*

Some of this is nonfiction other parts are fiction you can decide which it is at your leisure. It took me two days to catch up on what I missed Friday when I went for the long swim. I bet it "The Magical Ship" wasn't broken. I was playing "Yanni" and it fell asleep. Loud riotous Parrot squawking will wake it up fast. *Cool*

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