I'm a little bleary-eyed this morning, as I stayed up until gone 3a.m. watching the amazing Quill Awards. I've never been a part of anything like this before, so I had no idea how much a part of it I would feel. I had six nominations, but settled down to watch with zero expectations. I mean, come on. I've only been here a year. There are so many outstanding writers on this site, I was under no delusions that I was good enough to win anything. Anyway, the honour of being nominated really was fantastic. I was nominated. Me! I loved being able to really put faces (and voices) to some of the people I've met here. Cinn , you are every bit as much of a riot as I thought you would be. You have such an infectious laugh. Sally , you look exactly how I imagined you would look. It's rare that happens, but you really do. But, I come to the most exciting part. I won an Honourable Mention for my poem 'Royal Wootton Basset'. I was stoked (which is a huge understatement) when I received this. I couldn't believe it. Then, I won Best Drama/Emotional for my Poetry Folder. This brought a tear to my eye. My poems are emotional, and they do hold a lot of drama. Most of them are incredibly personal, written from horrible past experience. So, for them to be acknowledged in this way is kind of like I am being acknowledged. I can't describe the feeling. Humbling. Mind-blowing. Awesome! Some of my talented friends won awards, also. I have to say, Whata SpoonStealer , I'm so proud of you! You totally deserve your win; your poem is beautiful. I think I might have told you this last night, but I woke David when I squealed at your win! I also have to mention sybarrios and Sally , both of whom had an incredible night. Alexi , you also had a good night. I'm so happy for you; it was your time One more important win: "The Newbies Academy Group" won Best group! Awesome! I would like to think I've played a (tiny) part in this. A lot of the success, though, is down to sybarrios and 🐕GeminiGem🎁 . You guys rock! I'm not sure when the Quills Buzz will wear off. It hasn't yet. You guys have made me so happy. I'm sure I'm not as deserving as some people. But these awards mean the world to me. Choco |