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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing.Com · #388967
Daily notes and timed freewrites but mostly my blog
#884331 added June 11, 2016 at 2:26pm
Restrictions: None
My initial intent with naming the titles to my blog entries as sequential numbers was, of course, to have written the entries on consecutive days. hmm

As you see, my intent hasn't worked out as visualized. But, keeping within the pretense of being true to my initial goal, every time I write in my blog, the entry will find itself titled with the next number. Therefore, this blog entry is titled Three.

Concept of an Ordered Universe: a rambling series of thoughts for the day

In an ordered universe, the following concept would be valid: Chaos is balanced by Order and Evil is balanced by Good. But what if the reality of the Universe isn't what we would like it to be?

In a universe where all things strive for a state of balance, then if your actions are what you should be doing at a specific time, you cannot fail; unless, of course, you have to fail to maintain the balance between order and chaos. Stories are such worlds. A balanced story requires equal amounts of bad and good, sweet and sour, sad and happy, anger and peace. If the balance falls to much toward success, the story becomes boring. If the story goes too much toward defeat, well, more people love to read happy endings than to read sad ones.

Our reality is a balance of fantasy and fact. For instance, I have my perceptions of my life. Some of my perceptions are based on facts, such as, I'm typing in my blog right now. My fantasy is that I'm typing a marvelous premise that will inspire others to go forth and create their own influential wonders.

*Laugh*Hey, it could happen.*Wink*

My perception of what is a moral good, and someone else perception of what is morally good can be at odds with each other. Yet, we may both live alongside each other and never really know the depth of our differences. This is what we call politics and or religion.

Because I am a writer at heart, I think I understand the power of words in our lives. But, what if my understanding of what words can do once written or spoken means absolutely nothing in the balance of the universe. Words represent emotion, ideas, actions...Words can inspire, beat down, and sometimes kill. Of course, the words themselves don't physically do these things. Remember the saying? "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me." Of course the words won't hurt you, unless those words inspire a crowd to beat you with sticks and bury you under thrown stones. But, how many quarrels have started over a simple, yet malicious, rumor...A piece of gossip, whether true or false, can make or break a person's standing within a community. How many witches burned at the stake were really witches? How many were simply opinionated women who had made too many enemies and didn't have the power to adequately protect themselves from those whom their opinions threatened? As a matter of fact, what is witchcraft? In essence, a curse or a blessing is a spoken desire for either bad or good: Words with intent.

Politicians...listen to the words they speak, read the words they write...but don't, and I repeat, don't believe everything a politician speaks or writes. Successful politicians will say and write and endorse what others say and write so long as the concepts evoked will get them elected. Unfortunately, again, the successful politician isn't necessarily the person you want to make policy which will effect your life.

Going back to balance. I see so much misery, hatred, anger and violence in the world. I've witnessed such all my life. Is it my imagination, or is the state of the world, as represented by the state of mankind getting worse? Seems so as I grow older. When will there come about the joy, love, laughter, and compassion to balance out humanity? Of course, I speak in the event that we do indeed live in an ordered, or balanced, universe and not a universe spiraling toward entropy.

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