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#885748 added June 27, 2016 at 3:30am
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WDC Features for NaNoWriMo Participants
Writing.Com provides some features to support members of the site who participate in the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) event.

What is NaNoWriMo?
National Novel Writing Month is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to novel writing. Participants begin writing November 1. The goal is to write a 175-page (50,000-word) novel by midnight, November 30. To read more, visit the official NaNoWriMo site:

The WDC NanoLounge
The "The WDC NanoLounge [13+] forum is the site lounge for Writing.Com members taking on the NaNoWriMo challenge. From Nano-Newbies to Nano-Oldies, introduce yourself, exchange ideas, ask questions, cheer each other on, etc.

The NaNoCounter
The site provides each member with a counter to keep track of their word count as they progress toward their goal. This is a convenience and a motivational tool; it has no official NanoWriMo standing. Verification of your word count is to be done according to the directions on the official NaNoWriMo site. Note that different word counters can give slightly different results, so it is recommended to go a little over to make sure of having enough words in the actual evaluation.

To activate your NaNoCounter, click the following URL:

Once activated, your NaNoCounter appears below your personal links in the left navigation column.

You can edit the NaNoCounter to add a link to the item where you are storing your NaNo novel if you wish.
*Bullet* A Word Count tool is available in the Item Tool menu for Static items and the Entry Tool menu for individual Book entries.
*Bullet* If the novel is something you intend to someday publish, it probably shouldn't be set to the default access option, Make PUBLIC; allow EVERYONE!.
*Bullet* If your item is accessible to others, note that setting the Review/Rating preference of the item (located in the Advanced section of the edit page) to Email Comments will prevent premature reviews and ratings on your work while it is still in progress.

To log your current word count, edit the NaNoCounter to change your grand total and click the Update button. The NaNoCounter does not add the new word count to the existing word count; you will need to do your own math.

The NaNoCounter also contains links to the NaNoLounge and the NaNoList.

To remove the counter from your left hand column, set the word count to -1. The NaNoCounter will not appear in subsequent page loads.

The WDC NaNoList
A little friendly competition can be motivational in working toward a large goal. When your NaNoCounter is active, you will appear on the WDC NaNoList of Members Participating in NaNoWriMo.

To find yourself on the list, use the browser find function with your handle. Your list information includes a link to your NaNo item, if set, your current word count, the number of words yet to go, and the percentage of the 50,000-word goal completed.

When you update your NanoCounter to your current total word count, your count stats will automatically be updated on the WDC NanoList. Current site-wide stats are given at the bottom of the list.

Shortly before 1 November, the site resets all the NaNoCounters to 1. Once NaNoWriMo begins and participants begin updating their word counts, the list is organized by word count with the highest word count at the top.

Member-Run NaNo Groups and Activities
Members on the site can organize supporting events to help each other achieve their NaNoWriMo goals. These member-run events may change from year to year.

Some member-run activities are geared to preparing for NaNoWriMo or preparing to write a novel in general. Such activities might involve outlining, character building, world building, developing daily writing habits, or writing side-story and back-story narratives. Activities of this sort can occur at any time during the year and might not be promoted as NaNo related.

To promote member-run Nano groups and member-run NaNo activities which are on Writing.Com, members can post in the "The WDC NanoLounge forum in addition to the regular item promotion options listed in "Gaining Exposure For Your Items. Such groups and on-site activities typically qualify to be promoted on "Activities @ Writing.Com unless the primary activity involves a judged competition for writing posted on Writing.Com, where the work is entered into the contest by the author. Those may be promoted instead on "Writing Contests @ Writing.Com. Note that an item may be posted on one plug page or the other, but not both.

Members have the option of using Merit Badges as prizes in their activities. The General section of the Merit Badge Shop, which is open to the entire community, includes two NaNo-themed options: Nano Participant and Nano Winner. Members may also commission custom Group or Community Merit Badges.

Members can also make more casual use of other site features to facilitate their writing. For example, using Scroll to coordinate timed sprint sessions with others, brainstorming some possibilities in a chat room, posting questions in the Newsfeeds, or sending member-created, NaNo-themed C-notes as encouragement.

Members who wish to focus exclusively on NaNoWriMo can set their Reviews tab availability to OFF by clicking the gear icon at the top right of the tab to open the Manage area, selecting the Do not accept review requests option in the Minimum Gift Points accepted for Review Requests menu, and scrolling to the bottom of the Manage are to click the Submit Review Info button. After NaNoWriMo, revisit the Reviews tab to turn your availability back ON by selecting a GP amount in the same menu.1

Recommended Reading

1  Written by northernwrites and The ScaryMaster

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