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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
#886933 added July 9, 2016 at 4:25pm
Restrictions: None
Life is a Journey Don't Get Off the Train.
Fairy playing a flute

Creation Saturday!

Have you ever had to reinvent yourself personally, professionally, or otherwise? How did you go about it?

We are the same from the womb to the final rest. Our path on the earth can have many twists and turns. It is up to us to trust the One God to make it straight when we depend on him.

Over my life time I raised sheep, dairy goats, rabbits turkeys, chickens, and gardens, to help feed my family. I raised four children. While those children were growing up, I was a PTA president,cub scout leader, attended a christian college, held a job in a factory, took an accredited course through the mail for Veterinary assistance and worked in a donut shop. I Earned money grooming dogs, and taught horse master ship lessons, attended church, taught Sunday school and learned to play the guitar. When the children grew up and went their merry ways I attended a Pennsylvania University for 5 years. I took journalism, biology, geography, writing, chemistry, algebra and other courses. I'm not reinvented. I'm filling up with knowledge.

I don't like the word reinvent when it is applied to humans. We are born with DNA that gives us nudges, as to how to react to, what is poured into us, by our senses, as we age. Communication between humans is seldom a complete explanation about how to live your life. Some, families have more knowledge to impart to their children than others. Family economic abilities work for and against children as they age.

Biology tells us that you are aging from day one to the last day. It is a straight line from birth to death. So what are you doing with it?

Psychology says every individual is shaped by their habitat. Are you happy with yours? No. Work to change it or Yes, keep it sailing steady in the right direction.

Sociology tells us people have learned there are systems, that appear in our societies shaped by the personalities, who are in control of the groups we habituate.

I found some Youtube information about Mindfulness through https://www.palousemindfulness.com. I found this course about mindfulness on one of my newsletters on WDC. One of the interesting things I've learned is, there are people, who think the practice of mindfulness can bring a major change in the way people approach the ability to think. Doctors and other science oriented people are beginning to believe mindfulness is the way to pull our nations out of degradation and set them on the path to organized growth and peace.

It is difficult to wake up, climb out of bed, and become productive day after day when there does not seem to be a reason for it. There is a reason to live every single day you can, even if you have to find the reason.

We flake, when we watch the news and think the world is falling apart. We question why these shootings are occurring? We wonder how safe life really is at any given moment? So, individually we have to move forward with concentration and proper planning. Look for ways to keep life together and enjoy the moment.

If life is lived one moment at a time. It is lived by each individual within those moments.

What are you doing to keep your moments relevant?

The Saga of Four People

Four people woke up in a boat. "Where are we asked Ruth?" While she rubbed the knot on her head.

Sam was holding his head in his hands. He shook his head, trying to shake the cobwebs out. "I don't know. The last thing I remember is leaving the dance to get some fresh air. I walked through the door and, Bam! something hit me and everything went black."

"Grab a paddle Sam! I see some land off to the right we need to get off this water way." Susan was already dipping her paddle deep in the water to turn the boat to the right.

Ruth grabbed some water up in the palm of her hand she splashed it gently onto Bret's face. Then, dipped some more and rubbed it onto his forehead. "Brett has a really large lump on the top of his head he isn't awake yet. What else can I do for him?"

What is going to happen next?

The tea for today is: Lipton's Purple Acai Blueberry.



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