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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/887065-The-Technology-Circus
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#887065 added July 11, 2016 at 6:49pm
Restrictions: None
The Technology Circus
As I get older learning the technology that surrounds us an unending challenge. When I went back to Mid-State Technical College I took some courses on Microsoft word processors, spread sheets and data bases. I think there was also some graphics and print shop programs thrown in. Those programs take months to learn and have nuances that most people can't begin to imagine. These were long, involved and extremely hard classes to master.... no master is not the operative word, how about obtaining a "Glimmer" of understanding about. They were designed to get your "Nose Under the Tent," like the proverbial camel, and allow you to expand your interest if... ever you have a need to do so.

In First Person View, model airplane flying, there is plenty of technology to learn and understand. Just the radio transmitter that works the basic control surfaces is enough to set your mind spinning. Getting the cameras to work is another learning challenge. I have a Sony action camera and had to pay for instruction at Best Buy to learn what the instructions meant and get it to synch with my wifi and flash on my smartphone. The result will take your breath away. I can walk around the house with the camera and my wife can see what I'm doing on her cell phone. Mind boggling is what it is but getting this stuff to work isn't easy... especially for an old duffer.

Yesterday was the 10th of the Month and I always look forward to it. It's an opportunity to look at the check book and see if we're on budget.

This month we're OK but spent more than we usually do. We bought a 4K TV which will be delivered later in the week. It has a sound bar and my wife bought me some Bose wireless earphones. When we were watching Game of Thrones I had to keep asking her, even with my hearing aids, what they were saying. As good as the show is the actors often speak in a muted tone of voice. Anyway we spent more than a few "muted tones" justify but we're in our seventies and enjoying this deteriorating quality of life won't last forever. We'll never be rich but hopefully we won't run out of money and become "Wards of Obama."

I hate everything about Socialism. It erodes a person's dignity and leaves them with their hand out. Some of my Socialist friends envy me my retirement saying it's too generous. They claim that I'm the ultimate beneficiary of the Great Government Giveaway.

My response is that there were never any lines at the recruiter when I was on active duty. If it was such a good deal why didn't they sign up? The reasons they give me are "Bullshit" and knowing them like I do, realize it comes down to "Comfort Zone. (CZ)" When all is said and done serving in the military was outside their CZ. To get Citizens to accept the risk and thankless hours, Uncle Sam had to make the job financially worthwhile. In true political fashion, instead of making the pay decent, while serving on Active Duty, they chose to put the benefits into the retirement package. The dream of a 20 year retirement is what kept many service men and women on the job. I know it did me. Now to pay for it the government is having to run the printing presses day and night. These "Obama" dollars still spend, but at the rate government is piling up debt, how will it all end? How long can fiscally irresponsible fiduciary practices continue before the system grinds to a halt under the sheer weight of all this big time spending?

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