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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/889234-Day-4---Europe-Virtual-Trip--Never-Never-Land
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#889234 added August 4, 2016 at 3:29pm
Restrictions: None
Day 4 - Europe Virtual Trip & Never Never Land
30 Day Blogging Challenge

30-Day Blogging Challenge August 2016.

Aug 4th --- Barcelona, Spain
I was up and excited this morning. I know I said I am not much of a morning person, but anything like new adventures will get me up... and that coffee is to die for.... I need another cup, or three - though I worried about the three hour train ride.... I was glad there were toilets on that train. We got on the train at 7:00am. I was still full from the continental breakfast - it hit the spot. I live for pastries! And Churros are my favourite! I lost count of how many I ate! They are soooo great with coffee.

Our hotel is Ohhhh Myyyyy Goooodnessss! Lyn's a Witchy Woman you have outdone yourself! (I swear I stared at that video almost drooling) I am tempted not to leave the hotel - the swimming, the feast of bounty - oh my, but I knew if it is as lovely here as the sights of Barcelona from the balcony.... I couldn't wait to start the tour!


This city is gorgeous! There is a theme here - one of waves - from the beach to the cobblestones in La Ramblas. The architecture even hold the curve sublime. I fear I won't be able to see everything. I thought Madrid was lovely, but this city is amazing!
The City Sightseeing hop-on hop-off tour is the best! I am hoping we are here two days! I may have to get a second camera memory card.
Here's my map:

Thought this was interesting as well, things not to do:

The Gothic Quarter drew me....
It is the centre of the old city of Barcelona. It stretches from La Rambla to Via Laietana, and from the Mediterranean seafront to Ronda de Sant Pere. It is a part of Ciutat Vella district.
Three of the best coffee shops are in this area.... so it had to be a good place to start. Just to grab a coffee and wander the cobbled streets - traffic here was minimal and the people were very helpful whenever I got a little lost.

A little browsing at Rambla:

The architecture is amazing... love the curves.
The Casa Batllo on La Mansana de la Discordia. Designed by Antoni Gaudi.

Guell Park was another area I wanted to spend time in. The sights we exquisite - watching the people, and the architecture. It is another area of Gaudi's Masterpieces - Guell Park. I made sure to take my sketchbook.

My day pass got a workout. I enjoyed riding the bus, resting my feet between stops. I was able to see the highlights of the city without having to go to everything - there are 44 stops at leisure to explore... though I was tempted to go to more things. I needed to pace myself.

Read more about City Sightseeing Barcelona Hop-On Hop-Off Tour - Barcelona | Viator at: https://www.viator.com/tours/Barcelona/City-Sightseeing-Barcelona-Hop-On-Hop-Off...

I opted not to go to the Picasso Museum, but I was eager to listen to what other's had to say.

I was able to get back in time to take a long shower and get ready for our dinner at 7pm. We got to experience an exhilarating, 2-hour flamenco performance at Barcelonaโ€™s legendary Tablao Cordobes. After feasting on paella and sipping sangria, we took our seats as an expectant hush descended over the audience. Lights dimmed as the performers glided onto the stage. The rhythms were intense, as were the passionate expressions on the faces of the dancers as the show unraveled before our eyes. It was quite and experience.


Lyn signed us all up for classes, so we all dress for a night of fun. I am not able to hold my face in the pouty torment of the dancers as I am prone to giggling and laughing at my futile attempts as I bang my feet to the rhythm and let my hands and arms fly around me. I am glad I was able to find a lovely dress for the night - a flowing red gown with thin straps. Mine covers my back so that I am not as flashy as the flamenco dancers, but the flow of the dress lets me flit around like I know what I am doing....

One thing I decided would be good to do for this trip... send myself a postcard from each place. That way when I get home I have a mittful of cards with stamps and postmarks from my European trip.

Border for my personal use.

Love Louder - Amplifying My Life

I have decided as part of my blog to comment on each of Preston Smiles's ways to Love Louder. He has written an intriguing little book or 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life. The full title is Love Louder: 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life.

Day 29 โ€“ Never Never Land: Get Off Fantasy Island
"Most of us hold ourselves to unattainable 'Fantasy' standards that we can never live up to."

This could be anything from spending hours at the gym, always wanting to have the right answer or not making a mistake, following some religious doctrine.... regardless of what the high standard is, it is perfection and that can never be attained... we are setting ourselves up for failure and a "life of disappointment".

"Loving louder is about taking a look at those 'fantasy' standards we've been holding ourselves to and creating new, healthier ones that match our soul signature." Preston says we are all works in progress and loving louder is "about being authentically YOU." Trying to fix yourself based on a fantasy standard society has set leaves many people feeling that they never measure up.... well, that is bunk. There is "nothing to fix. You are perfect, whole, and complete, but you're not finished." We have work to do.... but that work is not because we are lacking; it is because we are simply bettering ourselves.

Keeping that in mind we realize - We are enough. We are not broken and do not require fixing. We are simply a work in progress.

Preston says to "give yourself a break and release yourself from the shackles of comparison and fantasy standards." You can't fail - if you are living, you are winning. You need to 'honor the gift that you are by recasting or letting go of the standards that have been holding you hostage."

Make a list of fantasy standards you hold yourself to.
Perfect body? Immaculate house? What are you holding yourself to that is holding your happiness hostage?

I don't like making mistakes... and I find I don't try new things if I think I am going to fail.... so I stay stuck.
My ex-husband wanted an immaculate house. He would claim that I should be embarrassed to have others see our place looking like a 'pig sty'. It bothered me... I am creatively messy, but I was also living in a renovation nightmare. His expectations were excessive.... I came to realize I will never be the neat freak he wants or expects me to be.... so I have moved on.
I am also body conscious, but not as others.... I do like my body... I just don't like it when others make judgements about my varicose veins or my bumblebee butt.

© Copyright 2016 ๐Ÿ’™ Carly - aka Joan Watson (UN: carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
๐Ÿ’™ Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/889234-Day-4---Europe-Virtual-Trip--Never-Never-Land