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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/889894-September-Fantasy-Newsletter-2016
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #562186
Each snowflake, like each human being is unique.
#889894 added September 24, 2016 at 6:43pm
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September Fantasy Newsletter 2016
Editor's Picks

1. That One Time I Went on A Quest
2. A Vulcan Conundrum
3. Bobbit the Hobbit
4. All About Dragons
5. Where Dragons Fly
6. The Wizard on the Porch Chapter 1 Part 1

Mythological Monsters #9

Movie Monster from Myth, Legend, and Books

Have you met your favorite movie monster today?

"...Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win."
Stephen King

"We stopped checking for monsters under our beds when we realized they were inside us."
Sam Steven

Letter from the Editor

When discussing mythological monsters we often think of mythological monster from the past. However part of our modern mythology is the movies and movie monsters. Sometimes these monsters are based on myths, novels, or short stories from earlier human history and sometimes the monsters are creatures that we think humans might meet on other planets. Whatever the movie monsters are based on, it is my opinion that these monsters are still part of human mythology.

The movie monsters are projections of our fear of the unknown. They also satisfy a need to be both entertained and frightened. We can sit inside a dark theater or in the privacy of our living rooms and have the bejeebers scared out of us while being entertained at the same time.

One of the more famous movie monsters is Alien. On a scale of one to ten, one being the least scary and ten the scariest, Alien is a ten. This movie, which debuted in 1979, was one of the top one hundred highest grossing summer movies. I saw this movie when it came out and it scared me. Movie monsters usually do not frighten me very much. The Martians in War of the Worlds scared me a bit, so I would give them a five or six. Of course, I did not see the 2005 version so those Martians might be more frightening than the ones in the 1953 version.

What do the readers think of the idea that movie monsters are part of our modern mythology? Do you have a favorite movie monster that you like to watch or write about? Who is your favorite author, scriptwriter, or director of monster-horror movies? Do you have a favorite actor who stars in these type of movies? Have you written a piece of fanfiction about one of these movie monsters?

Editors' Picks

 Invalid Item 
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#2092599 by Not Available.

Excerpt: 'Congratulations, your application has been successful. Kathanhiel, hero of the Realms and slayer of the Elisaad Dragon, has chosen you as her esquire. May you serve her well.’

 A Vulcan Conundrum  (E)
Enterprise is surrounded. The universal translator is offline. What do the aliens want?
#2048730 by woody

Excerpt: *The Starship Enterprise has just entered an un-mapped region of space. Before long two alien ships engage the Enterprise; shields up, weapons powered.

 Invalid Item 
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#2092862 by Not Available.

Excerpt: “Duck!” Yelled Dago as the stones came flying over the Fence straight at Bobbit. With a large sigh, Bobbit hit the ground and crawled up to the fence to present a much smaller target to the bullies. This had all started when he had commented how hairy Bruce’s feet were come paired to his. He still didn’t know who had given him all the warnings, but someone seemed to be watching out for him.

 Invalid Item 
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#2093507 by Not Available.

Excerpt: er...Bartholomew... Sir?

... a whimsical bit of nonsense
#1858449 by Maria Mize

Excerpt: What woos the gears, grabs gentle sneers,
                   calms the crowd and cues the cone?

 Invalid Item 
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#2083096 by Not Available.

Excerpt: Please; abide ye here awhile, for I am the last of my people; alone and abandoned-- Antiquated... like this empty monastery that is my home. Let us wander down to the water and sit upon the shore. There, I will wax poetic concerning the unlikely victories of fools like me.

The Ink Maiden~ writes: I'm writing a book that has a naga as the protagonist. Nagas are my favorite mythological creature. They're human/snake hybrids who have a human top and a snake body. They're really interesting.

GaelicQueen writes: I submit my offering from the Pooka
Gifts in the time of need.  (13+)
888 words - Pooka story for Mythological Creatures #7
#2092858 by GaelicQueen

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/889894-September-Fantasy-Newsletter-2016