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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/891996-Memories-of-9--11
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#891996 added September 11, 2016 at 3:02pm
Restrictions: None
Memories of 9 / 11
30 Day Blogging Challenge

The Sunday News!
This week in the UK, police we called on approximately 50 students because they were wearing improper uniforms. Should students be required to wear uniforms in schools, for any reason? And should these uniforms require very specific standards, or should families be allowed a little leeway regarding lesser items like accessories, jewelry, and shoes? Have you ever had to wear a uniform to class? How would you feel if you had to purchase an expensive set of clothing for your child to wear, only to be told it wasn't enough, or that he or she was wearing something improperly?

I read this, with thoughts of 9/11 in my mind and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close playing on the TV beside me. This prompt just seems so trivial today....

Even Facebook reposted my link to my blog on this day in September 2014 - I reread it and added a comment:

It is also important that EVIL has no face, creed, culture or ethnicity. Evil is just that... a force.... like the dark side. Light must prevail and to do that - ALL of humanity must come together in LOVE. LOVE = LIGHT, DARK = EVIL. Let the world be filled with this loving light as we remember 9/11 and all the inhuman evil acts the world experiences.

This was the original post:
2 Years Ago - See Your Memories

Carolyn Lukas
September 11, 2014 ยท
I just want to post something from my blog at writing.com Sorry it may be a wee bit long...
What were you doing and where were you on 9-11 when the twin towers were attacked?

Working in a special education class. The Day was just getting started. We heard the news and could not believe it... it sounded so surreal. Before too long televisions were set up around the school so people could catch the news and discuss the events that played out. The older students wanted understanding, the younger students wanted comfort that everything would be all right. The world felt a shift that day... a shift that we are not so far from the onslaught of terror... it breeds in pockets closer to home than we want to realize and we need to be vigilant.

We also need to care for each other and reach out to God for guidance and love. Trust in that higher power to heal, when the world is destroyed by evil forces beyond our comprehension. We will never understand the complexities of our world, but God is there to hold us up.

The pain and cruelty of such a horrific event is hard to understand, to make sense of.... there is something bigger going on here. But as we watched in horror, we pulled together and prayed. We, all as one, called out to God and in all of it found a peace... for those not directly affected, we moved to be God's hand, feet and hearts to help and provide for those greatly affected. We came together and that is a powerful sense... a sense far greater than the brutalness of the evil that plagued us. Love stepped in while hate was called out. More love than hate.... and that is how we survive. To live in a place of hate rips us apart and leaves us dying in the streets. To live in love we reach out and save each other, heal each other, come together and let peace rise.

There is nothing worse to our enemies that coming together in strength when they were hoping to crush us. Stepping into LOVE saved us... even though many had to suffer to bring us to that place. We were feeling too safe and secure in our little pockets of life... 9/11 shook us up and brought us back to what is important.

As for the prompt.... I think that is just crazy - conformity to extremes of any kind is excessive. Learning and life should not be so controlled.

"Faith, Hope and Life is all we need and it cannot be taken from us." - Glennon Doyle Melton (Love Warrior - Oprah's Book Club Choice and her interviwee on Super Soul Sunday - Sunday September 11, 2016)

What you wear is not so very important in the grand scheme of things... sure, don't be vulgar or obscene, but let your clothes reflect who you are... in an authentic way. Live your life authentically and be the Light in the world.
Light = Love.

Life has a way of bringing what you need for the day.... a good movie (Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close), memories (of a past shared in a blog) and a reminder that you can be evicted from your life (Glennon Doyle Melton) but you can never lose your faith, hope and life.

And as tribute to those lost.... but not forgotten by someone who loves them and those touched by the senseless of it all.....

full link:

Be good to each other.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/891996-Memories-of-9--11