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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/892313-interesting-Information-I-Have--To-Make-A-Difference
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#892313 added September 15, 2016 at 8:42pm
Restrictions: None
interesting Information I Have & To Make A Difference
30 Day Blogging Challenge

The Wildcard Round! Today's winner, selected by Virtual Dice at some point this weekend from all eligible entries, will receive the Variety Merit Badge.
List three random bits of useless knowledge, and tell us a little about each one...maybe they hold some specific significance to you, or it's important in your line of work, or how they relate to a particular hobby you have. Be creative and have some fun with this prompt...don't be afraid to show off a little!

Useless information - no information is useless. It all has a purpose... even if it is only relevant to the one who knows it. But the question is what do I deem others would think is useless to include here.

A photographic memory of my childhood home and the places and times of my history. The memories are there, at times crystal clear and poignant. Memories like these help to visualize a story - to create in my mind's eye what the time and place of my story would look and feel like. How those characters would be as if they could sit down in a cafe with me and chat. Some of my stories are written at a time when what it looked like back then is different from now - looking at a more recent google map of a certain section of Toronto that I used to know well, I find the open, empty lot is now filled with an office building. The space is filled with concrete and steel, but my mind remembers the place of old and conjures it in my story's landscape.

This photographic trick was also good when writing exams.... as I was able to flip through pages in my mind's eye and turn to the page with the answers. This aspect has dimmed considerably. I no longer have to take such exams so the skill has dampened.

Behaviour is communication. This bit of knowledge is great when working with students who have limited or no verbal communication skills. Their communication is done in body language and it outbursts that culminate from a frustration that verbal people are not getting. Being tuned in and analyzing what possibly triggered the behaviour is a challenge - a human behaviour detector. In time, and getting to know my students, I am able to see the subtle signs of their behaviour and anticipate their needs.... helping them to find ways to communicate their needs without anyone getting hurt in the process. No that is a good skill to have.

This ability to read and anticipate non verbal behaviour comes in handy when writing as well - as one can use it as fodder in stories. Showing what an emotion looks like in all its subtleties.... I think all writers have elements of this ability.

Another tid bit.... the mind is a powerful tool. We are not simple intelligent beings... we are able to use our thoughts to heal and strengthen our bodies. With the right attitude we can build ourselves up.... or tear ourselves apart - if used negatively.

A little test of this.... tie a ring on a string and let it hang from your index finger in a loop at least a few inches long. Keeping your hand still hold it up so that the ring dangles from the sting in a space in front of you. Let you mind focus and try to make the ring move - forward or back, in circles and then stop it and then reverse the circles. Can you do it? Your hand does not move - only the ring on the string does. I even feel my body pulsing with the energy. Your body is doing that.... and that little display of power is something your body can do to heal itself. I learned this years ago from a man who had been told he'd never walk again.... he was perfectly healthy and mobile. He had used his mind and ever day he visualized and healed himself from the inside out. The mind is a wonderful thing.

This does take practice and quiet concentration. Did any of you get to it to work?

Border for my personal use.

Blog City - Day 921

Prompt: Jon Benet Ramsey Murder. 9-11. What are some tragic events you think about and wish you could have done something to make a difference?

In all these tragedies one can look back and see that things could have been done differently if only we'd paid attention. There is a show coming out about American Scandals with Barbara Walters.... in an interview with a lady - maybe it was the assasin's wife - and she said he was going to do it then told her changed his mind. Wouldn't you want to let someone know these crazy thoughts are seeping out of your husband's head.

I think there were similar knowledge about 9 / 11 but it was shelved and disbelieved. It really wasn't a surprise to some people....

In anything, looking back is seeing it in 20/20. You could want to do things differently, but can you really? There are a lot of warped minds out there - could we have headed them off if someone had just noticed. Maybe stopped Columbine or any school or public shootings. Making access to firearms may be a start.

As for JonBenet... somebody needed to set the police force straight - they put out false statements - saying their was no footsteps in the snow to put pressure on the parents to confess. There was no snow to leave any footprints in!

Focusing on this stuff makes me think we live in a corruptibly, crazy world.... you could become your own ball of paranoid nuttiness if you don't step away.... and pray, have faith and live as lovingly as you can.

© Copyright 2016 💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson (UN: carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/892313-interesting-Information-I-Have--To-Make-A-Difference