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Who wants to be President?
#892935 added October 15, 2016 at 3:15pm
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Freemasonry and the Illuminatti <333>
I love conspiracy theories.
Are the Sasquatch sightings real?
Maybe Sasquatch is a neanderthal?
And maybe Freemasonry is the Devil's work?
I'm not in favor of dogma.
We should question everything.

Freemasonry was originally a Jacobite political
movement, which repudiated the Pretender Papal Seed
and founded the first Lodge in London 1717,
under the patronage of the Prince of Wales.
Its goal was a faith in "The Great Architect of
the Universe" in which Jews, Christians and Muslims
could equally participate.

There are 3 degrees of Freemasonry Medieval Craft~



Journey Man.

They meet in lodges or Temples.
There are no women Freemasons.
This is a brotherhood of Stonemasons.

The Scottish Rite added 33 to the original 3 degrees;
they were introduced to England in 1772 and in America

"A man who has a higher conception of God than those
about him, and who denies that their conception is God,
is very likely to be called an atheist by men who are
really far less believers in God than he."
(Pike in Morals and Dogmas of the Scottish Rite, 643)

"Individual members may believe in many Gods.
If their conscience and judgment so dictate."
(Zabriskie in Freemasons' Chronicle, i; 243)

The Golden Temple in London and
The Grand Orient of France preach a naturalistic humanism.
The Grand Lodges of America preach Deism.
The Grand Lodges of Kentucky, Louisiana, Texas and
Georgia maintain ties with the KKK.

Pope Clement condemned Freemasonry ~

"A good Catholic recognizes the Church's divine authority
to command under penalty of sin, because he believes that she
is the divine teacher of Christ's revelations, and the divine
guardian of morals." (Encyclical Letters 1778, p89)

Enter the Dragon ~ The Illuminati <^>

Adam Weishaur founded the Illuminati in 1776.
He was a Bavarian professor of Cannon Law and Philosophy
at a Jesuit university.
He rejected the clerical dogma as superstition and non-critical

The society was dedicated to the overthrow of religion and
the Pope of Rome.
From this rebellion came Black Magicians, such as
Aleisteir Crowley and Al Ron Hubbard, who were friends
of the Brotherhood of the Golden Temple...+

Aleisteir Crowley rejected Al Ron Hubbard's Scientology
as "New Age Fantasy".
He believed in Demons and black magic sorcery.
He died penniless, Al Ron Hubbard founded a billion dollar
Church of Scientology.
I am not a fan of Scientology dogma or sorcery.

Of course Rock Music embraced Crowley;
Sargent Pepper's Band album has a photo of Crowley
with the Beatles.
I like the Beatles.
I don't like demons.

Have I enlightened you?


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