Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/894387-AN-INTERVIEW-WITH-HILLARY-CLINTON
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #2090066
Who wants to be President?
#894387 added October 14, 2016 at 7:12pm
Restrictions: None
"Thank you for inviting me to your Moon base: Hillary Base One.
Many viewers believe you will be the next Anti-Christ, but the Bible
describes Satan's child as a man. Would you care to comment?"
Muzzy sips some tea.

"Ha! Your funny.
Muzzy we live in a global community and we cannot isolate
ourselves from the free trade between the nations of the world.
This lunar base is an example what came about through
a mutual consortium with China and Russia and the Annunaki or E.T. UFO aliens.
We are tapping the lunar vulcan thermal energy to create a domed
city on the Moon."
Hillary sips some tea and eats a chocolate grasshopper.
She offers Muzzy a grasshopper.
He declines.

"Well, I guess you've found an alternative to fossil fuels.
Why, keep chemical 16 Uup a secret?
Surely, this chemical would free us from fossil fuels completely?"
Muzzy munches on some saltines crackers with cheese wiz.

"Obviously, a total shutdown of coal production and oil would collapse
our economy... Do you like snakes?"
Hillary extends her left hand and a reptilian Annunaki steps out of the shadows.
"This is Kuru. She was born in Kenya and immigrated to the United States in 93.
Of course she disguised herself as a Fox News contributor ...."

Muzzy turns his head sideways and squints, "Megan Kelly?"

"Ha! Very gooood!" Hilary claps her hands once.
"Some monkey brains?" She offers a bowl of monkey brains to Muzzy.
Muzzy shakes his head: no.

"Do you advocate the use of harvested organs from aborted fetus for
medical experimentation and sale on the international market?"
Muzzy takes an aspirin with his bottled water.
"It is rumored that adrenaline glands are being harvested from
partial birth abortion for life extension experimentation."
He looks over at other shadowy figures hidden behind the lights.

"It is just a rumor .. but, human life has value to me.
And I am an organ donor. If a cure for parkinson could be found
from stem cells research on aborted fetus, why should we oppose it?"
Hillary slowly petted her long haired white cat.
It's green eyes widened as it purred.

"So, you advocate the marketing of aborted fetus?"
Muzzy slapped a fly on his leg.

"Yes. Why waist good science?" Hilary gave a Cheshire cat smile.

Reflections~ If evolution is correct, then we are continuing to mutate.

Jesus asked his Apostles to eat his body and drink his blood.

70x70 this world will pass away, but Jesus will always be inside you?


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/894387-AN-INTERVIEW-WITH-HILLARY-CLINTON