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Rated: GC · Book · Opinion · #1591550
One writer's journey
#894538 added October 15, 2016 at 7:13am
Restrictions: None
Being Nice
Another round of "JAFBG"  Open in new Window. by Elisa, Stik of Clubs Author Icon
Prompt: What is the dumbest rule you've ever had to follow?

So R is Muslim, practices Islam. But that religion has split itself into two different not sure what they call it but there is Sunni and Shia or Shiite. I'm not going to get into which one he is, but I am going to talk about the insanity I see in the people he has to put up with, meaning the people I get trapped interacting with.

You should see their faces when they find out he's opposite of them. Oh the fucking horror of it! It's like somehow he's got the plague. Oh they are so nice to his face, but you can see the simmering hatred lurking with their little jibes. I cannot tell you how many times I've opened my mouth to lash back out over the years and he's stopped me just to keep the peace.

So the dumb rule of course is to play nice. Say what? Why do I have to be all nice when they have no issues opening their mouths and showcasing what assholes they truly are? No, I don't wanna be the bigger the person. No, I don't give two shits how they feel about me. After all, I am...dare I say it? *Shock* American! *Shock* Hello, fuck heads. You are living in MY country. OMG HE married an American woman! And when they find out I was raised Catholic, why that's just another slap in the face. Truth be told, I kinda get off knowing how much that annoys the shit out of them. *Laugh* How many times must I tell people I'm unique? So I usually sit there, listening to their constant bullshit until I get bored and start playing Candy Crush on my phone. Which just makes the drive home a constant rant because I have loads to say about stupid people.

I cannot relate to most of these women. They live to show off. There's one in particular that wastes all her money on flashy clothes, purses, shoes, etc. And it's not like she bought it cause she likes it. Nope. She buys them to show the rest of us that she can. When she shows up and we're all sitting around, she twirls that handbag around until we all ooh and ahhh over her latest $2000 purse. Bitch please! Give me that 2k and I'll show you what it's like to do some real shopping. I'm a Guess purse whore. I admit it. But fuck if I'm gonna pay full price for that, and even if I did, it's nothing compared to the money she spends on a purse. Burberry and Louis Vuitton. *Facepalm* What pisses her off is I never comment. I never say it's nice or beautiful. And she loves to tell me how lucky I am that I don't care about those things. Bitch please, it ain't luck. It's called having a brain. I suggest you take your money and try to buy yourself one cause the day Allah was giving them out, you must've been in another place and time. Literally!

Most of them have cleaning ladies. Fuck's sake I had hand surgery and couldn't use it for months and I didn't have that luxury. So they hire a cleaning woman, and then proceed to bitch about what a shitty job she does and how they go around cleaning after her. *Rolleyes* Are you fucking kidding me? So you really are that dumb eh? Cause I'd be damned if I'd spend $150 for someone to come in and clean my house and then turn around and clean after them. What is the fucking point? Please someone tell me cause me and my brain cannot comprehend this kind of logic.

Now I admit my marriage is far from perfect, and there are gaps that will probably never close because of our culture clash, but some of the things these people tell me is downright shocking. It's like a game how they manipulate their spouses and then turn around and brag about it. Case in point. The one woman who complains constantly about things that need to be done at their house. They need new ceramic tile in their living room. And she will complain and argue with her husband for as long as it takes until the day he suggests that they have it redone. And then what does she do? She pats him on the back for such a great idea all the while laughing about how she got her way. She constantly shops online and hides the credit card bills. Okay, I admit I've done this, but it's My credit card. I don't do that shit with Rs. And then when he asks her about things she's bought, she LIES. Right to his face! Oh don't you remember, WE bought THIS last year! Yeah right. And I'm Miss America 2016!

Man I could just write forever about these people and shit I see when I'm with them. But thankfully, we have been banned from the group. I really should thank them for being such back stabbing fuckers that pissed R off, cause he's finally getting things done around my house. And I must say I'm liking my house tons now! So much pretty now! All the clutter and crap is being tossed out every week! And I don't have to listen to constant babble about which store is having a sale, and how much money I spent, and how my kid needs a $200 pair shoes and they're only 6! I do wonder how long this rift will really last though. It's that time of year when we used to go to Mexico. And I'm 1000% sure if they go without us, their trip will suck ass because R and I were the ones that made those trips fun. Wait and see. They will go, and realize what they are missing and come running to suck up. I could be wrong, but I just have this vibe going off telling me it will happen. Not to mention who's gonna fix all their electronics when it breaks. Can't call R over now can ya?

Being nice is overrated. Being nice to people who clearly don't deserve, well I'd say I deserve a fucking medal for that!

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