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The Saga of Prosperous Snow Continues
#896448 added November 3, 2016 at 1:16pm
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Wildcard Thursday: Getting Lucky and Other Thoughts
Thursday, November 3, 2016

I got off to a good start on NaNoWriMo this year as of yesterday, I wrote a total of 4,111 words which is 8% of the goal. Today have written a little over 1,000 words so I have to complete another 900 or so words to exceed my maximum word count goal. So far, I've managed to exceed the maximum word count goal each day. I may not be in the top ten in the word count goal, but I'm doing alright. This year I'm attempting to get other things accomplished during NaNoWriMo besides write 50,000 words. Last year I focused completed on the novel writing which didn't help the word count because I kept getting stressed when I was interrupted. I found out that when I get stressed I can't think or write, which causes more stress. This year I'm attempting to cut down on the stress.

The Wildcard Round prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
What makes you feel lucky?

Getting That Luck Feeling

I've got that lucky feeling
warming up the cockles of my soul.

What makes me feel lucky? How do I get that lucky feeling? I inhale the cool air of an autumn morning and then recite a prayer revealed by Baha'u'llah. I pour myself a mug of Folgers black silk coffee and then look out the front door to see what's going on outside. This morning I smiled because the street looked cleaner then it did yesterday, which means the street cleaner did it job this morning. This is the third day of NaNoWriMo and I written over 4,000 words. I want to have at least 16,000 words written by November 7 because I suspect I won't be able to write very many words on November 8 because I plan on working all day at the general election polls.

I've got that lucky feeling
the kind that come from lilacs blooming
an a beautiful spring morning.

The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise prompt for Day 969
Curses only have power if you let them. Do you agree? Do other concepts of life have power as well?

A curse has no power against prayer. Nor does it have power again positive thoughts or beliefs. A curse is negative and has power only when it's given power by believing it has an affect upon the person who believes it has power. The interesting thing about belief or faith is that it works even when your belief is in the negative. If a person is afraid they are cursed which means they believe they are cursed and have faith that they are cursed then the curse will work. The curse works because everything bad that happens to the person will (according to the person's belief) be the results of the curse. On the other hand, if you focus on the positive through prayers, say prayers for protection, and then believe that the prayers work you have positive faith. In this case anything bad that happens will not be the results of the curse.

The "Blogging Circle of Friends prompt for DAY 1449
"Someone once told me not to bite off more than I could chew. I said, I'd rather choke on greatness than nibble on mediocrity." What are your thoughts about biting off more than you chew?

Don't bit off more then you can chew was one of my Grandfather's favorite saying. Whenever any of us started a project Grandpa would always tell us not to bit off more then we could chew. I suspect the advice fell on ears that weren't prepared to listen to his sage advice. I agree that nibbling on mediocrity isn't a good idea in most circumstances. There are times in person's life to bit off more then one can chew and there are time when a person should nibble on mediocrity. Most situations fall somewhere between the two extremes and in these case a person needs to taste a little bit of everything on their plate, chew it carefully, and the swallow.

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