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Rated: GC · Book · Opinion · #1591550
One writer's journey
#897114 added November 13, 2016 at 7:06am
Restrictions: None
My Why
So with a calmer mindset and constant reading and reflecting, I thought it might be a good idea to tell you all why. This is what I saw, believed in, and why I voted for Hillary. I do, do my homework, and while I know she's not perfect, I admire her strengths and her tireless fight for minorities, children, and women.

Prompt: Another Rant. Sort of.

What Inspired Me:
~In the spring of 1974, Hillary became a member of the presidential impeachment inquiry staff, advising the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives during the Watergate Scandal. ~~and this is after she campaigned for Nixon. Yes, she was once a young Republican and switched party lines after being inspired by MLK.

~1976 She worked on Jimmy Carter's bid for President.

~As first lady of the state for a dozen years she chaired the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee, co-founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, and served on the boards of the Arkansas Children's Hospital, Arkansas Legal Services and the Children's Defense Fund.

~Going way back to 1993 she's been working on Heathcare reform. Other countries has a successful National Healthcare and I still cannot understand why Americans are fighting over this basic human right. We are the best and one of the most influential countries in the world, yet this is still a daily battle.

~First female chair of the Legal Services Corporation

~First female partner at Rose Law Firm.

~Former civil litigation attorney.

~Created Arkansas's Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth

~Led a task force that reformed Arkansas's education system

~Instrumental in passage of the State Children's Health Insurance Program

~Promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses

~Successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the National Institutes of Health

~Worked to investigate reports of an illness that affected veterans of the Gulf War (Gulf War Syndrome)

There are lists all over the internet, but these are just some of the reasons she got my vote. I believe as women we have a different perspective than our male counterparts. This woman always did her research on any matter that she took upon herself to improve.

The very first time I heard Trump say "Make America Great Again", he lost my vote. Why? Because I firmly believe America has ALWAYS been great. Sure we've struggled, had our ups and downs and some brutal failures along the way. What Country hasn't? It's called Growing. Period!

I think that if Hillary had really stuck with Michele Obama's moto of "When they go low, We go high," that that would have set her apart from all of the nasty rhetoric that came out of the Trump campaign. No it wasn't her best move to call Trump supporters a basked of deplorables, but with the way I've seen some of his supporters acting out in victory is disgusting. No, we cannot lump everyone into that category, nor should we. Trump continually dug his own grave with every derogatory remark that came out of his mouth or on twitter.

She needed to go high. She needed to stick with her message of hows and whys. If you think she didn't have a wake up call with all of the Bernie supporters, I'd say you're wrong. I think it really shook her, and from that moment she saw more of what we as Americans were looking for in a leader. I only wish she was able to not get swamped in the mire of nasty slings.

I will support her in any future endeavor she decides to embark upon. She is a champion of women and minorities, and I only pray that Trump doesn't go after them. My heart breaks for my mother. We have spoken often over the years of seeing a woman President. Now I wait as my immigrant husband, and soon to immigrate daughter-in-law prepares to see how they will be affected by all of this. My children were born here. We all have dual citizenship. I'm looking for a light in the midst of darkness that I feel pressing in around us as the country takes a deep breath and begins to regroup.

As long as there is love and empathy in our lives, we have hope. It's when we've lost sight of this basic principle that things turn chaotic.

I wish I'd been more vocal during this campaign and told people of about the things I saw, that effected me, but I ran from the hatred instead.

Love and light to all of you as we move forward.

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