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The Saga of Prosperous Snow Continues
#897414 added November 14, 2016 at 10:40am
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Motivation Monday: Motivated to Respond to Prompts
Monday, November 14, 2016

 Gertrude Plans Thanksgiving Dinner  (18+)
Talking her way out of hosting Thanksgiving dinner
#2102523 by Prosperous Snow celebrating

The Motivation Monday prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Prince Charles (the oldest child of England's Queen Elizabeth II), born on this day in 1948, once said "I learned the way a monkey learns...by watching its parents." What is something you've learned from either of your parents, using only the power of observation?

What I learned watching my parents and grandparents

Monkey see, monkey do,
Doesn't always apply to me or you,
My mother taught me many things,
But I still can't make onion rings.

I learned how to stuff a turkey, by watching my Mother. I learned how to roll a cigarette by watching Grandpa Frank; I'm sure that he didn't realize what a quick study I was when he rolled his smokes at the kitchen table while sipping a cup of strong black coffee. I learned how wash dishes by watching Mom and Grandma Mary. My memory of my Father is sometimes a bit sketchy. There are things that I remember watching him do, like drinking coffee while he read the Sunday Comics or eating pancakes. I like to place my eggs on top of my hotcakes which I suspect I learned from Daddy. I learned to make coffee by watching Mom and Grandpa brew pots of coffee. I learned to drink it by watching Grandpa, Mom, and Daddy drink their coffee. I learned to drink hot tea by watching Grandma drink her hot tea.

The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise prompt for DAY 980
What fears have actually come true in your life or, if you’d rather, a friend or a family member’s life?

Nothing to Fear

None of my fears have ever come true which is probably a good thing. If any of them had come true, I'd be a basket case afraid to get into the basket. I've worried about a lot of things in my 69 or 70 years on this planet and, Thank God, none of those fears have materialized. Everything that did happen was so far off the wall that I didn't consider worrying about it. If I had thought that those things could happen I might have worried about them and then the wouldn't have happened. I remember discussing this subject with a friend a few years before she died. She confirmed what my experience has shown, what you worry doesn't happen and what does happen you wouldn't have considered worrying about.

The "Blogging Circle of Friends for DAY 1460
Use the following words to create a story or poem. Words: dance, castle, onion, grinder, screamer, glamor, cougar, reckless, zebra

Onion and Reckless

Once upon a time in a kingdom far away there lived a zebra who was called Reckless. This particular zebra lived in a wildlife preserve that surround a castle. In this same preserve live a beautiful cougar by the name of Onion. Now no one in the castle or the surrounding area (not even Onion's best friend Reckless) knew how how the cougar go her name because they thought she should be called Glamor. One day the pair were walking toward the front gate of the castles when Onion ask to Reckless "Can you teach me to dance?"

Reckless got a deep and thoughtful look on his face and replied "The only dances I know how to do are The Grinder and The Screamer."

"Are they easy to learn?"

"Well, Onion," he said as the stopped in front of the castle's closed gate. "The Screamer is probably the easiest of the two. It can be preformed by either one or two individuals."

"What do I do?"

"Flop onto the ground while you scream 'My leg! My leg!"

The pair flopped onto ground and screamed at the same time "My Leg! My Leg!"

Out of the empty moat, which surrounded the castle, jumped two huge lions. They attacked the supposedly wounded animals. When the cougar saw what was happening she jumped up and ran back down the road. The zebra managed to get up and kick one of the lions in the side while the other chased Onion. The moral of this story is "Never teach a cougar called Onion to dance."

© Copyright 2016 Prosperous Snow celebrating (UN: nfdarbe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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