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Does any government have a right to say what you can or cannot do with your body? freedom - definition of freedom in English | Oxford Dictionaries https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/freedom 1The power or right to act, speak or think as one wants: ... 1.1 Absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government: ... 1.2 The power of self-determination attributed to the will; the quality of being independent of fate or necessity. There were other definitions to look at besides the one I Linked. The definition you choose to use will help you make the point in which you believe. None of us want to think we are not free to choose lifestyles, where we live, who we speak to, what we say, where we work, and a host of other ideals. The truth may be a bit more strained. For instance. Speaking of religious beliefs, are we free to strap on a bomb vest walk into a hotel lobby and set it off because we don't like the statue in front of the building. Should the government have the freedom to arrest us if we try to commit a crime against the public? Freedom vs. crime is the other side of an argument about how you want to use your body. How about Christmas? One year I had a neighbor who tried to engage me in an argument about Christmas. He was outraged about buying gifts, giving gifts, trees, music, etc. A simple answer would be, don't celebrate the holiday if you don't believe in the holiday, we have choices we can make. So far, the government in the USA wants to restrict the possession of certain types of guns. This is a freedom much discussed in all elections. Criminals use guns to commit crimes. Hunters use guns to kill game. The rest of us polish our guns and hope we never have to use them for any reason. One of the interesting things I like to discover when I delve into the governments of other countries is their laws, rules and regulations for the public. I read recently that freedom to choose is one of the benefits that came with the spread of Christianity. I watched a movie called "Nerve" this weekend. It was an interesting movie about technology, youth and the power to influence. Influence within freedom is the power to sway the minds of humankind. There were some interesting ideas about how police react to some types of crime. See what thought did for me. It's *snow* ing. |