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#901866 added January 10, 2017 at 11:15pm
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Excuses for sin
"Excuses for sin

You know, I just love to hear Satan howl when God steps on a nerve! Over the past three days or so I have been fielding all sorts of very derogatory remarks for stating that I was against the play Corpus Christi and against any possibility of it being made into a movie. I'm against it because it portrays Jesus Christ as a homosexual. What a fire storm that started! Why you'd have thought I threatened to steal the launch codes for the world's nuclear arsenal and use it to start a nuclear war!

People I don't care what anybody's opinion is. I don't even care what my own opinion is on religious issues! The only opinion that matters to me where religious issues are concerned is God's opinion. There are a lot of things the word of God says that I don't necessarily like. However God says it and that settles it for me. If somebody has an issue with that they can take it with Him personally. I guarantee you they'll have their chance! If they don't get it before they die, which is a distinct possibility because He is coming soon, then they'll have it after they walk the veil of death because then comes the Judgment! So don't ostracize and persecute me for speaking out in His behalf. I'm merely the messenger.

It really irritates me that so many people speak up against what they see as gay bashing, which it wasn't, but not a single person says a word about the religious persecution of so many Christians throughout the world. Instead they jump at the chance to call me everything from homophobic to a Nazi. Some have repeatedly said that "Just because your book says it's a sin doesn't make it a sin. It's a choice."

All I can say is that for their sake i hope they're right and I am wrong because the same passage of scripture in my "book" says that those who are guilty of condoning it are sinners as well! If I'm wrong I'm merely going to die. If they're wrong, they're facing eternal damnation. So for their sake, I hope they're right and I'm wrong. I know they aren't but I hope they are.

The biggest thing I've had thrown at me is that my beliefs are merely something that was passed down to me and I blindly followed. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Yes I have read my "book" cover to cover nearly 30 times in my lifetime in various versions but I have also spent numerous hours researching the scientific facts that support it. For example, I questioned how it would be possible for a woman to be transformed into a "pillar of salt" as occurred in the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. I wasn't willing to accept that. My research disclosed that the same Hebrew term the King James Version translated "salt" was more accurately translate "ash" by nearly every other version. Many people who were facing the flash of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings were instantly vaporized to ash while others standing right beside them but facing away were spared. Sounds to me like Sodom and Gomorrah could have been struck with something that had the impact and the flash of an atomic bomb.

I researched the star that the magi followed to find the baby Jesus. I asked an astronomer friend of mine if such an occurrence were possible because it seemed far-fetched. He did some research and told me that the same scientific calculations used to predict the orbit of comets not only proved that such an astronomical event was possible, but that one did happen in 4 BC, which on our calendar would coincide precisely with the birth of Christ.

There are many other things I have researched such as the scientific data supporting the creation account, the scientific data debunking carbon dating, data from archaeology, and more. Believe me folks I wanted to find something, anything to disprove what I too felt was a myth. Everywhere I turned I found more evidence to support the belief. Therefore I am a Christian and I don't apologize for that. If somebody wants to call me a Nazi for loving the homosexual but hating homosexuality then let them. God created sex for one purpose: reproduction. It is absolutely impossible for two women to interact in such a way as to reproduce just as it is impossible for two men to do so. God said "have many children so that your descendants will live all over the Earth and bring it under their control," Genesis 1: 28.

He has never rescinded that command. Any action that runs contrary to it is, in His eyes an abomination as is any rebellion. That may not be politically correct but God doesn't adhere to politics! He doesn't have to. That's why we call him "God".

I have had it repeatedly thrown up to me that homosexuals were born that way. Again I say that this belief is pure dung. God is not going to create anything that runs contrary to His word. He will create people he knows will ultimately rebel but he never creates anything contrary to Himself. However, even if it were true, we don't have to respond to every impulse in our body. I was born an alcoholic as was every member of my household. Those of us who acted on that were guilty of drunkenness, which the Bible also calls sin. The members of my family who never indulged were never drunks. So being "born" a certain way, or feeling like one is, still will not be an excuse for doing anything that God says not to do. Period.

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