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#901986 added January 12, 2017 at 10:31am
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Law Breakers
"Law Breakers

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Recently I posted a message in which I stated that in the eyes of God homosexuality was a sin. This of course started an avalanche of protests and one member even tried to have the post removed. What really fired folks up was when I stated that in the eyes of God homosexuality was akin to murder. They protested that two people in a homosexual relationship were in love and asked how love could possibly be akin to murder?

Obviously there were many misunderstandings when I posted my post. For one thing I wasn't speaking my opinion. I was speaking the opinion of the God I serve based on his word. Secondly, folks are making the mistake I often made. They were trying to humanize God. God is not human nor does he look at things the way humans do. Things we consider petty or even innocent sins to Him are sin period. He doesn't see the areas of gray we so often see. To Him it's either/or, black and white. There is no middle ground. So when I said that the sin of homosexuality is equal to the sin of murder, I wasn't speaking in human terms. I was speaking the mind of God.

All too often humans look at things and think "Oh that's not so bad."

We categorize one thing as being far worse than any other and we believe that God does so as well. This simply isn't the case. The New Testament writer James makes this very clear. "Whoever breaks one commandment is guilty of breaking them all. For the same one who said 'Do not commit adultery' also said 'Do not commit murder'. Even if you do not commit adultery you have become a lawbreaker if you commit murder. Speak and act as people who will be judged by the law that sets us free. For God will not show mercy when he judges the person who has not been merciful; but mercy triumphs over judgment," James 2: 10 - 13.

Notice here that James makes reference to the "law that sets us free". This is in contrast to the Law of Moses, which the Apostle Paul and others clearly state was given only to condemn the world. A Just and Holy God could not justify condemning anybody for anything if He did not make it abundantly clear what He considered to be sin. So He gave Moses the tablets with the ten commandments. These however were not meant to save. They merely point out what is sin and breaking any part of it is equivalent to breaking them all. They are a family and if you accept one you accept them all. If you betray one, you betray them all with no middle ground and no gray areas. You either do it or you don't. Period.

The law that saves that James speaks of is the Law given to us by Jesus Christ, who was given all authority after His crucifixion and resurrection. The law of Jesus was spoken by Him and by the Apostles after Him, who spoke as He inspired them to speak. Many of the laws of the Old Testament carried over into the New Testament or were reiterated in some way. New commandments were also given, while some things like the sacrificial system and other ceremonies were taken away. The passage I quoted in James however makes it clear, as do many other passages of scripture that God does not see one sin as any less evil than another. They are all abominations in His eyes. Man often believes that if something has the appearance of being good, or has some good qualities to it, that it is either not sin or less sinful than other more hideous things. God simply doesn't agree. If I steal a penny or a trillion dollars, in His eyes I'm a thief. If I have sex with somebody he says I shouldn't have sex with, no matter how affectionate and loving the relationship is, to Him I am a fornicator and an adulterer. There simply is no sugar-coating it, whitewashing it, or anything else. Sin is sin. The worst part is that everyone of us, Christians included, are sinners. All too often people have the misconception that Christians are to become sinless once they are saved. This is far from true. Christians don't become sinless. They simply convert from guilty to forgiven or pardoned. If I had a nickle for every sin I've committed and will commit in my Christian walk I'd be richer than Warren Buffet. His money makes Donald Trump's look like pocket change, so you can see the metaphor. I'd be extremely wealthy! Nobody is perfect. So if I call people who commit a certain sin sinners, nobody need take it personal. We're all guilty of sin and in God's eyes it's all hideous.

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