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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/902029-2016-Random-Poetic-Thoughts-Part-II
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1954602
I have posted my response to MHWA Mental Health Challenge and other items to this journal.
#902029 added January 12, 2017 at 9:55pm
Restrictions: None
2016 Random Poetic Thoughts Part II
To sleep perchance to dream
Without being woke up by a big bang.

Have a Happy
And safe Fourth of July!

I count my blessings
Numbering them one by one
One line at a time

I know I am blessed
Listing my gratitude helps
Overcome the blues

I intone a prayer of thanks
For blessings I have received
My blues disappears

Leave regrets behind
Don't look back at yesterday
Do what needs doing today.

Motivational Monday
The mood that bugs me most
The depression that sets in

Thinking in pictures
I contemplate the words that
Create a poem

I contemplate the meaning
Of Divine unity
And its relationship to
Humanity's search for truth.

I contemplate the human soul
And realize that I,
Like the rest of the human species,
Am a spiritual creature having
A material, a physical, experience.

Cleaning off the desk
I have a desire to see
My desktop again.

Say a prayer for America,
Say a prayer for the world,
Ask for peace among humanity
We are all the children of God.

Sometimes we ignore God's will,
Sometimes we responds with hate,
But we are all God's children
And God loves us inspite of our disobedience.

God's word inspires
The individual to take
Personal responsibility

Beautiful Sunday
Temperature and humidity rising
Sometimes the sun cast shadows across
Sunrise Avenue

A Good Friday Afternoon
It's a good Friday afternoon,
I finished a jackalope story,
I read and reviewed a political poem,
I wrote a story about being kidnapped by Gray Aliens.

It's a good Friday afternoon,
With temperatures rising into the triple digits
And mice scurrying across the floors
In the neighboring apartments,
I haven't see any mice yet,
But it's the temperature is sure to drive them indoors
Where it's cool.

Summer Saturday
A cup of ice to suck on
Makes the triple digit summer days
Easier to deal with.

I remember growing up in Oklahoma
Waiting for the ice cream truck to pass by
So I could purchase a strawberry or grape popsicle
To suck on while I sit under the cottonwood tree.

I remember make iced tea
And then when the glass was empty
Sucking on the iced cubes
Until Grandma ask
If I wanted another glass.

A windy morning
A little bit chilly but
Nice all the same.

Last Sunday in May
And it's a beautiful day
I'm writing the blues away

The last day of May
Seven months left in the year
Two desk drawers cleaned out

I remember May Days from my childhood
When we would dance around a Maypole,
But I don't remember anyone
Saying we were celebrating a worker's holiday.

I remember May Days from my childhood
When Grandpa would take us to The Lake
Where we would swim, fish, and water ski
While Grandma and Grandpa watched
Us from the boat or the dock.

Inhaling tranquility
Exhaling stress
Counting each breath
I doze off after three

Doctor's Office Art
Saxophone, guitar,
And piano are jamming:
The optometrist office.

Do I hear gunshots
Or just a car backfiring
No sirens echoing

Trash collection day
Garbage trucks are patrolling
My neighborhood

Happy Mothers' Day
May all your memories be
Tear producing joy

Remember Mama
Her love for scarlet roses
Chocolate candy

Remember Grandma
She enjoyed baking cookies
For her grandchildren

It's Saturday afternoon
The wind is blowing through the palm trees,
Children are playing
Either outside or inside
And I'm contemplating an
Afternoon nap.

This week I am writing spam
Bad poetry,
But not about jellied ham.

I am writing ghost hunter odes
Line thst rhyme
About haunted inns and roads.

This week I am reviewing spam
Bad poetry,
That others compose
Because their muse is on the lam.

I took a walk down memory lane today
Back to Blackwell May
Of 1955.

That was the year when a F5 tornado
Destroyed half the town,
I remember walking around
Through dabre
That just the day before
Were houses and business
That held happy people.

I no longer live in Tornado Alley,
But the memories
Still surface.

After two mugs of coffee,
A couple of three prayers,
And breakfast pastries
I'm feeling more positives.

In Las Vegas the wind is blowing
Carrying litter
Up and down the city's streets and avenues
And depositing it into drainage inlets
Blocking them and preventing rainwater
From draining into the flood control systems
Potentially causing flooded roadways.

Vampire cats and weretigers
Frighten the unwary,
While the Leprechaun's drunken cousin
Sours your fine wine.

Happy New Year
Raise your glasses of holiday cheer
As you sing Auld Lang Syne
And the Time Square ball descends
Ringing in a brand new year

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/902029-2016-Random-Poetic-Thoughts-Part-II