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Rated: GC · Book · Opinion · #1591550
One writer's journey
#902899 added January 22, 2017 at 7:52am
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The Pedestal and the Hair
First things first. I'm Baaaaaaacccccccckkkkkkkk. *Laugh*

Okay, we are still getting settled here and learning how to live with one another, so I'm not here as much as I'd like to be. Plus, I've been binge watching a series and am so close to the finale I can almost taste it. By Tuesday that should wind up and then it will be life as usual, with the exception of... I HAVE A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW! *Shock* And she helps around the house, and we are reorganizing everything, and it's WONDERFUL!!!!

Prompt: Who really needs to be knocked off their pedestal or put in their place?
"JAFBG"  Open in new Window. by Elisa, Stik of Clubs Author Icon

I've had so many wonderful things to rant about this past month and a half, but no time. There's the pity. Cause you know when I get my bitch on, it will usually be colorful and give you a good *Shock* and one good *Laugh*. At least that is my mission with every entry.

The who will be painfully obvious because between that pompous mouth, twitter, and Dear God what is that animal that doubles for hair on his head. I mean come on, Donald, we all know you paid for that thing, but since the truth is actually foreign to you [possibly because you are totally out of touch with reality] we all accept that it will never happen. Let's be honest here, honesty was never your strong suit. Why just look what all that blabbering blather got you in the first place. The White House. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around that.

I am so damn sick of hearing the phrase "Give him a chance." Why should I? What has HE done to make me want to? Oh I know this could become a long laundry list, but let's look back shall we???

Dirty Deeds [I know, I know, AC/DC is probably in your head now. I like to share my musical looping btw] *Devilish*
~Draining the Swamp ~ Now you should know that this lovely little catch phrase would come back to bite him in the ass, because let's face it, that jag off has paraded around every nasty billionaire, Republican, and retired General he could get his claws into. He's drained nothing, nor will he. And if he thinks he's going to somehow end corruption with his pick of cabinet members and transition team, then it's absolutely possible he is seriously living in an alternate reality. It is seriously disturbing to me that most of these people are either racist, have sued the government, are destroying the environment, or are just simply an outright asshole on all levels.

I have a twitter account. I thought it would take me places once my book was published. Let's just say I got bored of the whole thing in about a week. I'm 47, soon will be 48. How old is Chump again? 70?? And how does he spend his time? Oh yes, tweeting like a 5 year old having a melt down. I mean seriously, isn't he supposed to be a busy man? I don't see how since he lives for this shit. Are we really supposed to believe that this man who is a billionaire and is going to be running our country has nothing better to do than berate everyone who disagrees with him? For Fuck's sake, he still hasn't released his tax returns, and that should speak volumes.

Oh yes, this enemy of the US for decades is suddenly going to become our ally. I beg of you to watch last nights SNL opening skit with Putin. Two words....SPOT ON! You can bitch all you want about Iran, but Russia's just as bad, if not worse. How many spies have lived and worked here sending information back? Countless. It's not a damn secret here people. They have no qualms whatsoever attacking whoever, whenever. Yes, we should really buddy up to this country that has proven time and time again they cannot be trusted. *Facepalm*

~Make America Great Again~
I have so many fucking issues with this one. Yo, asshole, if you cannot see that America has ALWAYS been GREAT, than I honestly don't know what to tell ya. I mean did you not get rich off of America? If memory serves you didn't rush off to another country to make your money. Nope, you did it right here in the good old US of A, before branching out. I guess America was just a withering piece of shit you took of advantage of then.

~Law Suit~
Did you know that he's pushing to get this little dirt spot pushed aside because he's "too busy" to deal with it. I mean come on, with all that time consuming tweeting it's no fucking wonder. *Headbang*

~Ass Kissing~
Oh yes there is lots of this going on. He's making a habit out of ripping people to shreds, then using his second face to suck up to the very people he's blasted. He said so many nasty things about Obama, but that first meeting was filled with so much ass kissing and sucking up I literally had to rush off to find my puke bucket!

I could just go on and on here, but I'm not going to. It just serves to piss me off a little bit more. So Trump expects my support and and open mind. Hate to break it to you but that's a two way street. His mind his completely closed. There is no talking to him. Every time he opens his mouth I cringe because not once has he said anything positive I can get behind. He'd rather continue attacking everyone and wasting my time. The ONLY time anything positive comes out of its mouth is when he's propping himself up. "It's going to be beautiful. I have the best singers, really."

This guy could seriously use a Thesaurus. And I'll tell you why. If you take a look back the words he uses constantly are....really, very, beautiful, oh but you know he doesn't just use them once, nope, he uses them twice. Together! *Facepalm* *Headbang*

I mean, folks, it's going to be really, really beautiful. I have the best insert word here. Trust me. *Wink*

Sigh, this blog entry could really use more bitching, swearing, and color. But it's too early in the morning to start my Sunday off with more annoying things. I'll save that for my next blog. Oh, I've got a few beauties in mind. So much to bitch about, so little time.


Lost in a haze of purple she stands alone

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