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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/906717-Non-Declaration-13--Whats-Being-Omitted
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#906717 added April 14, 2017 at 5:29pm
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Non Declaration 13: What's Being Omitted.
Non Declaration 13: Just because an Alien Race operates a technology does not necessarily mean they can explain it in detail or make it it from scratch.

In reading Krasten's book, Secret Journey to Planet Serpo, part 2 Project Crystal Knight, the following events are related.

1. 308, Team pilot (2,) died in route of a pulmonary embolism. (Page 127)

2. The Ebans experimented with 308's body and developed it into a cloned being. (149)

3. Upon seeing 308's clone, 899 became extremely angry and cursed the Ebans. (150)

4. Team members were taken to a building used to create cloned beings. In tubs they saw creatures they described as "hideous.' When questioned about these "creatures" their guide said they wrere "animals, brought alive from other planets... Their Doctor guide made a specific distinction between "Animals" and "Intelligent Beings. He went on to explain that the Intelligent Beings were dead upon arrival.(154)

5. The team commander asked if 308's body was being used to create a "Being." He was answered in the affirmative and showed the group the "Being." It was explained that the Being was in the process of being "Lived." The Commander, 700 and 754 were "Shocked!" The lived version of 308 had human blood and cells, and looked like a large Eban, with hands and legs similar to humans. The Commander was amazed at the speed with which the process had occurred. (page 157)

I've provided the above references to make the point I've called Declaration 13.

The point is this. The body we inhabit is a relic from our distant past. The DNA replicates itself every generation and a new life form emerges. We operate this relic for what is called a "life span," die and return to the elements from whence we came. However, before we die and decompose, a new life form replaces the earlier version before it reaches the end of its service life.

Why am I boring you with the obvious? The reason is that we operate this artifact without really understanding how it was created and the mechanisms by which it works. All we really know is that it for a brief period, it functions. It would appear that the Ebans are not a whole lot more advanced in this understanding than we are.

What they "Life" is not much more than what Mary Shelly wrote about in her Book, Frankenstine. There would appear to be huge problems in mixing bio-components of different races in the cosmos. Just as there are in organ transplants among humans given the variations in blood type and rejection mechanisms. What is significant to note is that the importance to humans in this exchange is the transfer of physical or hardware technologies, the Ebans, conversely, are interested in a transfer of bio-technology presumably necessary to reverse the effects of "Deevolution" or some other form of degenerative disease.

As advanced as they are they do not appear to have succeeded in solving their dilemma. This raises an interesting question.

Do they really understand any more about the physical technologies they are promising than they do about the bio-technological techniques they are trying to develop?

"Of Course they do," one might counter, "they come from a solar system many light years away." Consider this... Reference is made to "A Great War." Many Ebans died. The Eban home world was destroyed. They warn us that several other Alien races in the galaxy are hostile and to be avoided." (Page 182)

My impression is that Serpo was not the home planet they claimed, but more of an outpost. It could have been a colony when the home planet was destroyed. Imagine the consequences of having the evolutionary home planet destroyed. To our thinking the loss of the Library at Alexandria was a serious planetary setback. This pales in comparison to losing an evolutionary home planet that was home to their genesis and teeming with a broad range of indigenous organisms.

If life continued on the colonies was this a substitute? I think not... the loss would involve more than a cultural or biological heritage... it would reverberated to the core of an intelligent species. What if much of the corporate memory of the Ebans was lost. Sure they would have space craft capable of interstellar travel but would they still have the deep and pervasive understanding of how to create and explain the technologies they still managed to copy and operate?

For example suppose we found an armored personnel carrier in a cave on Mars.... That after some experimention we learned how to drive it around the surface. Does that mean we could assemble the necessary elemental resources and actually build one? In a sense this is the challenge that Mankind faed in trying to understand how the saucers operated. In order to make one we had to understand not just what bolted to where but to understand the underlying physics of how the components worked in relationship with each other. Our backward engineering had to take us back to the source code, before we could work the principles forward. The Ebans in their biology have made amazing strides, but seem to have gotten no closer than some intermediate point in discovering the nuts and bolts of how the biology of life actually works. Simply stated their efforts at cloning fall far shot of the alien gods who planted the Garden of Eden. .

In the school that the cosmonauts set up on Serpo it was found that things could be explained to the Ebns about our science but it did not appear they had the same grasp of some of the basic fundamentals that we do. This is what I'm referring to in Declaration 13.

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